Topic Review
Ailanthus altissima as a Source of Natural Pesticides
The extensive use of pesticides may negatively affect human health. Additionally, it is one of the main reasons for the decline of pollinators and is thus a hazard for most crops and biodiversity as a whole. Good candidates for the replacement of pesticides with ones less toxic to humans and pollinators are natural products (bioactive compounds extracted from plants), even though it should be kept in mind that some of them can be toxic too. Ailanthus altissima (Mill.), swingle, known also as tree of heaven, (Simaroubaceae) is one of the most aggressive alien invasive plants. It demonstrates a high tolerance to various habitat conditions and a potent propagation ability. This plant has a prominent ability to suppress the seed development of local vegetation.
  • 970
  • 06 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Bagarius bagarius (Hamilton, 1822)
B. bagarius (Hamilton, 1822) is a fish species that has huge potential as food and game fish in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, but is encountering the threat of extinction in Bangladesh and throughout the world, which can be inferred from its alarming conservation status in Bangladesh as well as throughout the world. It is known as “Baghair” or “Bagh mach” in Bangladesh. In Bangla, the term “Bagh” refers to a tiger. 
  • 1.3K
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Guzmania monostachia in Florida Rests with Humans
Land use changes by humans have eliminated more than half of the wetlands in Florida over the last 200 years, and additional losses are anticipated as a consequence of climate change and ongoing development activities that will accommodate a rapidly growing human population. Both spell danger for the biodiversity and ecosystem services in Florida, and data are needed to inform conservation priorities and actions concerning threatened or endangered wetland species.
  • 297
  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Pseudoplatystoma Catfishes in the Neotropics
Species of the genus Pseudoplatystoma, the long-whiskered catfishes, are important in commercial and recreational fisheries in South America, and some species have become key to regional aquaculture. Some species of the genus are under pressure due to overfishing and the negative impacts of dams. 
  • 550
  • 14 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Agriculture and Pollinator Biodiversity
Pollinator biodiversity is greatly affected by industrialized agriculture practices. Agroecological alternatives for food production must be implemented. 
  • 1.2K
  • 22 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Agroecology-The Case of Cereals
Transformative agroecology has been recognized as a stepping stone to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), due to its great potential to build climate change-resilient farming systems while enhancing ecosystem services and reducing biodiversity loss. Understanding the agroecological elements that underlie the sustainability of an agroecosystem is an urgent matter, serving as the foundation for designing a truly transformative agroecosystem. 
  • 1.4K
  • 12 May 2021
Topic Review
Alien Insect Species for Food and Feed
While the use of alien insect species for food and feed can help to alleviate protein shortage and provide for a more sustainable feed production, their invasive potential should be considered.
  • 1.3K
  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
All-Russian Collection of Plant Cell Cultures
The collections of plant cell cultures maintained in vitro are valuable sources of strains with unique ecological and biotechnological traits. Such collections play a vital role in bioresource conservation, science, and industry development. Here is an overview of All-Russian Collection of Plant Cell Cultures at the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPPRAS). The total collection holdings comprise about 120 cell cultures of medicinal and model plant species. Several plant cell culture strains have been adapted for cultivation in bioreactors from laboratory (5–20-L) to pilot (75-L) to semi-industrial (630-L) scale for the production of biomass with high nutritive or pharmacological value. Some of the strains with proven biological activities are currently used to produce cosmetics and food supplements. Here is also provided a brief information on the current collection composition and major activities, their use in research, biotechnology, and commercial application. The most interesting studies performed with collection strains were highlighted.
  • 392
  • 04 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Alternative System for Secondary Metabolite Production
Medicinal plants are rich sources of bioactive compounds widely used as medicaments, food additives, perfumes, and agrochemicals. These secondary compounds are produced under stress conditions to carry out physiological tasks in plants. Secondary metabolites have a complex chemical structure with pharmacological properties. The widespread use of these metabolites in a lot of industrial sectors has raised the need to increase the production of secondary metabolites. Biotechnological methods of cell culture allow the conservation of plants, as well as the improvement of metabolite biosynthesis and the possibility to modify the synthesis pathways.
  • 605
  • 11 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Antimicrobial Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants
Mediterranean wild edible plants (MWEPs) and their antimicrobial properties have been known from ancient times, and nowadays, a growing number of people have rediscovered them as natural remedies for common infections. One of the problems concerning their use is the heterogeneity of the protocols used to extract and analyze the properties of their active principles; such heterogeneity still marks the overall set of scientific studies on MWEPs, not to mention the enormous heterogeneity that characterizes the properties of plants at the outset. We reviewed the current literature on medicinal value of Mediterranean native edible plants trying to emphasize both the weaknesses and the opportunities of these plants. The majority of the reviewed MWEPs can inhibit both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, and fungi.
  • 625
  • 24 Nov 2021
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