Topic Review
Liquid Biopsy and Oral Cancer Management
Mouth cancer often results in poor outcomes and requires the use of state-of-the-art medical approaches to make its detection easy, individualized, and early. Liquid biopsy is a new and important medical approach to disease detection. This approach has been successfully used for mouth cancer detection and monitoring of treatment progress in many countries. Liquid biopsy is an attractive option for mouth cancer detection because it does not involve any invasive procedure and can be used on easily accessible body fluids, such as saliva and blood. 
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  • 11 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Lasers in Orthodontics
The orthodontics field is constantly looking for innovations to improve mechanical efficiency of tooth movement and patient's quality of life during treatment. New scientific reports on phototherapy and how it can optimize different stages of corrective treatment (before, during and after treatment) are discussed. Recurrent conditions that can be treated with lasers include removal of carious tissue, dentine hypersensitivity, and temporomandibular disorders. There is evidence that laser treatment optimize recovery, enabling the individual to start orthodontic treatment sooner. Along orthodontic interventions, photobiomodulation therapy is indicated for post-activation analgesia, repairing traumatic ulcers, and accelerating tooth movement. In addition, antimicrobial photodynamic therapy is also suitable for effective decontamination of oral infections such as herpes lesions and peri-implantitis. Finally, high-intensity lasers are a powerful ally in removing brackets and restoring the red aesthetics. The use of light sources in orthodontic routines has many advantages, including simplicity of technique, ease of handling of the appliance, minimal invasiveness, and patient comfort during the procedure. It is crucial that professionals develop a critical view of technological advances to provide safe, evidence-based treatments. Laser treatment improves the patient's experience during orthodontic treatment and minimizes side effects of clinical procedures.
  • 331
  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Laser-Assisted Non-Surgical Treatments of Periodontitis
This entry explores the innovative use of lasers in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis, shedding light on the advantages, effectiveness, and limitations of this approach. There has been a massive eruption of innovations and technologies to assist in the treatment of periodontal diseases over the past 30 years. The use of lasers has opened new horizons and possibilities that can enhance periodontal treatments. However, their use is not always based on validated concepts and evidence-based protocols. Hence, this entry aims to describe, summarize, and assess the available evidence on the current laser-assisted protocols in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis. Four distinct laser-assisted approaches are addressed: (1) the use of lasers for the removal of subgingival calculus, (2) the use of lasers in photodynamic therapy/photoactivated disinfection, (3) the use of lasers in photobiomodulation therapy, and (4) the use of high-power lasers. Based on the available studies and on the current guidelines and recommendations, the use of lasers exhibits several advantages, such as the increased disinfection of periodontal pockets and the junctional epithelium and connective tissue, the removal of calculus and biofilm, and the bactericidal effect on periodontal pathogens. Moreover, photobiomodulation therapy seems to play a positive role in the management of the inflammatory process of periodontitis. Although promising, the use of lasers in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis needs to be further investigated.
  • 485
  • 11 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Intraoral Sialadenoma Papilliferum
Sialadenoma papilliferum (SP) is a rare benign epithelial tumour of salivary gland origin, its diagnosis being potentially challenging. It was first described by Abrams and Finck in 1969 as an analog of the cutaneous syringocystadenoma papilliferum.
  • 409
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Innovation in Biomechanical Orthognathic Surgery
Craniofacial surgery is proposed and performed for a variety of reasons, ranging from congenital or acquired malformations to emotional disorders and parafunctions of the masticatory, respiratory, auditory, and visual systems. Surgery of the mandible and its orthostatic repositioning is the most common of these corrections of craniofacial anomalies. Throughout the history of these procedures, various techniques have been proposed and perfected, but always with a high rate of minor and major complications. The recurrence rate of mandibular malposition is high, as is the temporary loss of facial sensitivity and motor skills. These outcomes are often related to the choice of surgical technique rather than the skill of the surgeon, which is considered to be one of the most important factors in the final outcome. Surgical techniques involving direct manipulation of the vascular-nervous bundles, such as bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, clearly present the possibility of major or minor complications.
  • 292
  • 20 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Infraocclusion in the Primary and Permanent Dentition
The gradual movement of a tooth away from the occlusal plane is called infraocclusion or reinclusion. Reincluded teeth are most often deciduous molars, and permanent teeth are less frequently affected. Depending on the level of the infraocclusion, the severity of the disorder is classified as mild, moderate, or severe. The etiology of the phenomenon is not fully known. Tooth submerging can lead to serious complications, such as abnormal position of adjacent teeth, displacement of the bud of the permanent successor, shortening of the dental arch, or developmental disturbances of alveolar process. 
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  • 12 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Inflammatory Response of Dentine–Pulp Complex
Soft-tissue structures are in close interaction with mineralized bone, but also dentine, cementum and enamel of our teeth. These are exposed to intense mechanical and chemical stress as well as to dense microbiologic colonization. Teeth are susceptible to damage, most commonly to caries, where microorganisms from the oral cavity degrade the mineralized tissues of enamel and dentine and invade the soft connective tissue at the core, the dental pulp. However, the pulp is well-equipped to sense and fend off bacteria and their products and mounts various and intricate defense mechanisms. The front rank is formed by a layer of odontoblasts, which line the pulp chamber towards the dentine. These highly specialized cells not only form mineralized tissue but exert important functions as barrier cells. They recognize pathogens early in the process, secrete antibacterial compounds and neutralize bacterial toxins, initiate the immune response and alert other key players of the host defense. As bacteria get closer to the pulp, additional cell types of the pulp, including fibroblasts, stem and immune cells, but also vascular and neuronal networks, contribute with a variety of distinct defense mechanisms, and inflammatory response mechanisms are critical for tissue homeostasis. Still, without therapeutic intervention, a deep carious lesion may lead to tissue necrosis, which allows bacteria to populate the root canal system and invade the periradicular bone via the apical foramen at the root tip. The periodontal tissues and alveolar bone react to the insult with an inflammatory response, most commonly by the formation of an apical granuloma. Healing can occur after pathogen removal, which is achieved by disinfection and obturation of the pulp space by root canal treatment. 
  • 1.1K
  • 26 May 2021
Topic Review
Indications and Contraindications of Buccal Fat Pad Usage
The buccal fat pad, also called the Bichat’s fat pad (BFP), is an encapsulated fat mass located in the cheek. This type of specialized fat mass can be used both as a pedicular or free graft in various surgeries and approaches. Due to its easy access from the oral cavity approach, it is commonly used for oroantral and palatal fistula closure. The BFP is used for multiple purposes in reconstructive and oncology surgery and also has its use in esthetic and facial contouring procedures. The amount, volume, and shape of the BFP are mostly associated with the scope of their usage. 
  • 313
  • 10 Aug 2023
Topic Review
In Vivo Ectopic/Semiorthotopic Models for Dental Pulp Regeneration
Efforts to heal damaged pulp tissue through tissue engineering have produced positive results in pilot trials. However, the differentiation between real regeneration and mere repair is not possible through clinical measures. Therefore, preclinical study models are still of great importance, both to gain insights into treatment outcomes on tissue and cell levels and to develop further concepts for dental pulp regeneration.
  • 415
  • 06 Dec 2022
Topic Review
In Vivo Bone Tissue Engineering Advances
Bone tissue engineering (BTE) has emerged as a novel approach to guided bone tissue regeneration. BTE focuses on in vitro manipulations with seed cells, growth factors and bioactive scaffolds using bioreactors. The successful clinical translation of BTE requires overcoming a number of significant challenges.
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  • 24 Aug 2022
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