Topic Review
Metal Halide Perovskites for Organic Chemical Transformations
Heterogeneous photocatalysts incorporating metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have garnered significant attention due to their remarkable attributes: strong visible-light absorption, tuneable band energy levels, rapid charge transfer, and defect tolerance. Additionally, the promising optical and electronic properties of MHP nanocrystals can be harnessed for photocatalytic applications through controlled crystal structure engineering, involving composition tuning via metal ion and halide ion variations, dimensional tuning, and surface chemistry modifications. Combination of perovskites with other materials can improve the photoinduced charge separation and charge transfer, building heterostructures with different band alignments, such as type-II, Z-scheme, and Schottky heterojunctions, which can fine-tune redox potentials of the perovskite for photocatalytic organic reactions.
  • 174
  • 16 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Metal Nanoparticles in Estuarine Environments
The factors that can influence the biological responses to engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) exposure are temperature, feeding, reproductive status and salinity. These influences have only been studied to a limited extent and there is a limited comprehensive understanding of EMPs’ impact on estuary environments and their risk assessment. Salinity is the major parameter that is responsible for the stress of estuarine organisms and influences the toxicological effects of ENMs.
  • 312
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Metal Sulfide Precipitation
Metal sulfide precipitation can efficiently recover several metals and metalloids from different aqueous sources, including wastewaters and hydrometallurgical solutions. 
  • 3.0K
  • 04 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Metal(loid) Bioremediation by Microbial Polymers
Environmental pollution arising from metal(loid)s is a result of industrialization, and has led to serious health issues. Conventional methods of metal(loid) removal often result in generation of secondary waste which is toxic to the environment. Bioremediation in combination with physicochemical techniques offer an excellent and effective means of removal. The use of secondary metabolites and extracellular polymers produced by microorganisms is an effective procedure employed in metal(loid) sequestration and reduction in toxicity of contaminated environments. These biopolymers have different chemical structures and have shown varied selectivity to different metal(loid)s. 
  • 566
  • 09 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Metallic Iron for Environmental Remediation
Metallic iron (Fe0) used as a reactive material in subsurface permeable reactive barriers is comparable to iron pipes with three major differences: (i) corrosion is welcome because it is a rather useful process [7][8][9], (ii) a reactive wall is ideally permanently water saturated, and (iii) the length of used particles (< 5 cm) is tiny compared to pipes which are up to 12 m in length. On the one hand, Fe0 specimens used in water treatment comprise steel wool with thickness varying between 25 and 90 μm [10][11]. On the other hand, the length of these particles is comparable to the wall thickness of iron pipes (2–4 mm). There has been no real system analysis for remediation Fe0 materials with the aim to outline the differences making their peculiar characteristics. In addition, traceably deriving the longevity of remediation Fe0 specimens from Fe0 pipes is impossible because of the differences highlighted.
  • 670
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Meteorological Conditions on Riverbed Dust Aerosol in Taiwan
Extremely high concentrations of dust particles are occasionally generated from the riverbeds of Taiwan, affecting the visibility and traffic safety of the local and nearby areas. The condition is most severe during the winter monsoon when surface wind is strong.
  • 412
  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Coal bed methane (CBM) extraction has astounding effects on the global energy budget. Since the earliest discoveries of CBM, this natural gas form has witnessed ever-increasing demands from the core sectors of the economy. CBM is an unconventional source of energy occurring naturally within coal beds. The multiphase CBM generation during coal evolution commences with microbial diagenesis of the sedimentary organic matter during peatification, followed by early to mature thermogenic kerogen decomposition and post-coalification occurrences. Indeed, the origin of the CBM and, moreover, its economically valuable retention within coal seams is a function of various parameters. Several noticeable knowledge gaps include the controls of coal make-up and its physicochemical position on the CBM generation and genetic link through fossil molecular and stable isotopic integration with the parent coal during its evolution.
  • 411
  • 21 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Method for Management and Reducing Plastic Waste
Plastic waste generation has increased dramatically every day. Indiscriminate disposal of plastic wastes can lead to several negative impacts on the environment, such as a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. Products from the pyrolysis process encompassing of liquid, gas, and solid residues (char) can be turned into beneficial products, as the liquid product can be used as a commercial fuel and char can function as an excellent adsorbent. The char produced from plastic wastes could be modified to enhance carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption performance.
  • 695
  • 26 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Methodological Improvement in SF6 of Malaysia's National Inventory
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas is one of the high global warming potential (GWP) gases regulated under the Kyoto Protocol. In Malaysia’s Biennial Update Report 3, the Revised 1996 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines were followed to estimate the SF6 emissions in the country, including the time series from 1990 to 2016. The majority of SF6 emissions originate from the use of this gas in electrical equipment, where it is predominantly used in transmission switch gears, which have increased rapidly because of increasing electricity demand. SF6 gas plays a significant role in greenhouse gas emissions in Malaysia because this gas has a higher GWP than carbon dioxide.
  • 413
  • 14 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Methodologies for Wind Field Reconstruction in the U-SPACE
The main methodologies used to reconstruct wind fields in the U-SPACE have been analyzed. The SESAR U-SPACE program aims to develop an Unmanned Traffic Management system with a progressive introduction of procedures and services designed to support secure access to the air space for a large number of drones. Some of these techniques were originally developed for reconstruction at high altitudes, but successively adapted to treat different heights. A common approach to all techniques is to approximate the probabilistic distribution of wind speed over time with some parametric models, apply spatial interpolation to the parameters and then read the predicted value.
  • 202
  • 23 Nov 2023
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