Topic Review
Impact of Micro- and Nanoplastics on Aquatic Organisms
Anthropogenic activities on the aquatic ecosystem have direct and indirect effects that negatively affect biodiversity both in freshwater and sea. Among the main threats to aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity is climate change. Climate change can impact marine and freshwater ecosystems in several ways: ocean warming; sea level rise; the loss of sea ice; a decrease in pH due to increased ocean surface acidity; an increased risk of diseases in marine biota; the loss of habitats such as Coral Reef; pollution; nutrient enrichment; hydrological modifications; the spread of invasive species; and increasing levels of UV light. The production of plastic and its release into the environment is contributing to the loss of biodiversity and is becoming a serious threat to animal redox homeostasis and, subsequently, for human health.
  • 297
  • 09 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Climate-Alliance Germany
Climate-Alliance Germany (German: Klima-Allianz Deutschland) is a network of more than 120 civil society organizations, including environment groups, development groups, churches, organisations from the fields of youth, education, culture and health, as well as trade unions, and consumer associations. Founded in 2007, the aim of the Alliance is to provide a common front to apply pressure to German decision-makers to adopt climate protection measures. Prominent members include WWF, BUND (or Friends of the Earth Germany), and the trade union ver.di. A key issue for the Alliance is the prevention of new coal-fired power plants (the Anti-Coal Campaign). The Alliance wants the German government to phase-out coal (Kohleausstieg) and promote renewable energy.
  • 296
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
4D-Based Environmental Impact Analysis of Road Project Variants
Road construction work has a multitude of impacts on its host environment, and the effect of these impacts varies according to the areas it crosses. Taking these impacts into account from the earliest stages of project planning is the ideal approach pursued by planners to ensure that their plans not only take these impacts into account but also mitigate their effects as much as possible. Drawing up a project schedule that considers the impact of the work requires an in-depth understanding of its scale, spatial extent, and timing. 
  • 296
  • 06 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Greenhouse Gases in Wastewater Collection Systems
Wastewater collection systems (WCSs) not only play an indispensable role in urban life but also significantly contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Based on extensive literature research, this study summarizes current research on the production mechanisms, influencing factors, control techniques, and quantitative estimates of GHGs emitted from WCSs and presents initial estimates of total GHG emissions from WCSs in China. A variety of factors affect GHG production, but standard methods are still lacking to quantify GHG emissions from WCSs. China’s WCSs emit approximately 3.86–15.35 Mt of CO2eq annually (equivalent to 5.1–20.2% of the GHG emissions from wastewater treatment). Thus, GHG emissions from WCSs are significant and deserve attention. Control of GHGs in WCSs can be achieved through the application of chemical agents, while the construction of a green stormwater infrastructure can further facilitate GHG reductions. This research provides valuable insights for policymakers to consider in future policy planning related to GHG reduction and the improved operation of WCSs. Future research should focus on quantifying the impacts of various factors and accumulating field data on GHGs in various regions to facilitate the development of standardized calculation methods.
  • 295
  • 11 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Seagrass Bed Pollution
Due to climate change and human activities, seagrass is in crisis as the coverage of seagrass declines at an accelerated rate globally. The eutrophication in coastal waters and discharge of pollutants such as sulfide, heavy metals, organic matter and microplastics caused by human activities are important reasons for seagrass loss. In addition, environmental stressors lead to reduced immunity and decreased resistance of seagrass to various pathogens, leading to seagrass wasting diseases. 
  • 295
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Synthesis TiO2/ZnO Nanoparticles Based on Plant Extracts
Possible eco-friendly synthesis of TiO2, ZnO, as well as a few special nanomaterials, using different plant extracts instead of harmful organic solutions. The main role of the biomolecules in the synthesis of different NPs is the reduction of metal salts, as well as capping and stabilizing them. Hence, the plant-mediated nanomaterials have a variety of different shapes and sizes comparing to the general, chemical-based synthesis processes. Furthermore, these bio-compounds not only reduce the metal salts, but also functionalize the surface of the newly synthesized NPs, which includes synergistic effects for various applications. Furthermore, the pure plant extracts can also act as catalysts. Even though, that these phytochemicals are mainly used as reduction agents, they can also possess photoactivity and can be used as photocatalysts. 
  • 295
  • 13 May 2024
Topic Review
Mercury Contamination Distribution in the Amazon Region
Mercury contamination in the Amazon arising from both natural sources and intensive mining activities in the region is a significant public health concern. This metal is used to separate Au from sediments. 
  • 294
  • 15 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Analytical Methods for Dithiocarbamate Detection
Dithiocarbamates (DTCs) are a group of chemicals used primarily as fungicides, although they are exploited for various other applications. DTCs represent one of the oldest classes of broad-spectrum fungicides employed worldwide to control fungal diseases on many crops. Due to their ease of synthesis, low production costs (cheap and readily available starting materials) and a fungicidal activity with a multi-site mode of action, they are still among modern agriculture’s most extensively used pesticides. Although the environmental degradation in air, water, and soil is relatively rapid due to photolysis and/or hydrolysis, they are among the most frequently detected pesticides in the European Union (EU), also with a high frequency of maximum residue level (MRL) exceedances.
  • 293
  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Contaminant Removal in Different Constructed Wetland Types
Constructed wetlands (CWs) are artificially engineered treatment systems that utilize natural cycles or processes involving soils, wetland vegetation, and plant and soil-associated microbial assemblages to remediate contaminated water and improve its quality. CW treatment systems are typically categorized as free-water surface(FWSCWs), surface-flow constructed wetlands (SFCWs), subsurface-flow constructed wetlands (SSFCWs), and hybrid constructed wetlands (HCWs). Depending on the flow direction, Subsurface-flow CWs (SSFCWs) can be further classified into horizontal subsurface-flow (HSSF) and vertical subsurface-flow (VSSF) systems.
  • 293
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Sampling and Analysis of Airborne Pesticides
The escalating utilization of pesticides has led to pronounced environmental contamination, posing a significant threat to agroecosystems. The extensive and persistent global application of these chemicals has been linked to a spectrum of acute and chronic human health concerns.
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  • 24 Nov 2023
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