Topic Review
Historical Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends in Saudi Arabia
The growth of population, gross domestic product (GDP), and urbanization have led to an increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The leading GHG-emitting sectors are electricity generation, road transportation, cement, chemicals, refinery, iron, and steel.
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  • 12 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Tectonic Evolution of the JLJB, North China Craton
The Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt (JLJB) is the most representative Paleoproterozoic orogenic belt in the North China Craton (NCC). The sedimentation, metamorphism and magmatism of the Ji’an Group and associated granites provide significant insights into the tectonic evolution of the JLJB. The rock assemblages indicate a transformation of the tectonic environment from a passive margin to an active continental margin following the onset of plate convergence and subduction. The A2-type gneissic granite (Qianzhuogou pluton) is formed in a subsequent back-arc basin extension setting at 2.20–2.14 Ga. The Ji’an Group was finally deposited in an active continental margin during the closure of a back-arc basin at 2.14–2.0 Ga. Then, the sediments were involved in a continent–arc–continent collision between the Longgang and Nangrim blocks at ~1.95 Ga. This process was accompanied by HP granulite-facies metamorphism at ~1.90 Ga. The subsequent exhumation and regional extension resulted in decompression melting during 1.90–1.86 Ga, producing metamorphism with an isothermal decompression clockwise P–T path. The resulting metapelites are characterized by perthite + sillimanite, and mafic granulites are characterized by orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene.
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  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Genes-Encoding Transporters for Cadmium Uptake, Translocation, and Accumulation
Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that is highly toxic for plants, animals, and human beings. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in Cd accumulation in plants is beneficial for developing strategies for either the remediation of Cd-polluted soils using hyperaccumulator plants or preventing excess Cd accumulation in the edible parts of crops and vegetables. As a ubiquitous heavy metal, the transport of Cd in plant cells is suggested to be mediated by transporters for essential elements such as Ca, Zn, K, and Mn. Identification of the genes encoding Cd transporters is important for understanding the mechanisms underlying Cd uptake, translocation, and accumulation in either crop or hyperaccumulator plants.
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  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Cloud-Based Remote Sensing for Wetland Monitoring
The rapid expansion of remote sensing provides recent and developed advances in monitoring wetlands. Integrating cloud computing with these techniques has been identified as an effective tool, especially for dealing with heterogeneous datasets.
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  • 29 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Phenoxy Carboxylic Acid Herbicides Physical and Chemical Properties
Chlorophenoxy herbicides belong to the class of aryloxyalkanoic acids that are derivatives of 1–3 carbon hydroxyalkanoic acids with aromatic substituent attached to the alcoholic oxygen.
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  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Elemental Analysis
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has evolved considerably in recent years, particularly the application of portable devices for the elemental analysis of solids in the field. However, aqueous analysis using LIBS instruments, either in the laboratory or in the field, is rather rare, despite extensive research on the topic since 1984. To achieve this, researchers examined the literature published between 1984 and 2023, comparing various settings and parameters in a database. There are four different categories of LIBS instruments: laboratory-based, online, portable, and telescopic. Additionally, there are four main categories of sample preparation techniques: liquid bulk, liquid-to-solid conversion, liquid-to-aerosol conversion, and hydride generation. Various experimental setups are also in use, such as double-pulse. Moreover, different acquisition settings significantly influence the sensitivity and therefore the detection limits. Documentation of the different methods of sample preparation and experimental settings, along with their main advantages and disadvantages, can help new users make an informed choice for a particular desired application. In addition, the presentation of median detection limits per element in a periodic table of elements highlights possible research gaps and future research opportunities by showing which elements are rarely or not analysed and for which new approaches in sample preparation are required to lower the detection limits.
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  • 29 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Biomedical and Environmental Applications of Nonthermal Plasma
Atmospheric plasmas have led to the formation of nonthermal plasma (NTP). A number of novel plasma diagnostic approaches have been implemented and reported in order to better understand the physics of NTP. The use of NTP is a novel approach to producing reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Plasma technology has many applications, including electrical device microfabrication, biomedicine, dentistry, agriculture, ozone generation, chemical synthesis, surface treatment, coating, and disease therapy.
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  • 04 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Carbon Neutrality
The building sector is responsible for nearly 40% of the total global direct and indirect CO2 emissions. Urban green infrastructure, which includes features such as urban trees, vegetation, green roofs, and green facades, are examples of nature-based solutions often employed as municipal climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. This approach offers a range of cost-effective strategies for reducing municipal CO2 emissions and presents compelling public policy co-benefits such as improved urban livability and enhanced environmental conditions.
  • 324
  • 07 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Omics in the Persistent Organic Pollutants Assessment
Human beings and wild organisms are exposed daily to a broad range of environmental stressors. Among them are the persistent organic pollutants that can trigger adverse effects on these organisms due to their toxicity properties. There is evidence that metabolomics can be used to identify biomarkers of effect by altering the profiles of endogenous metabolites in biological fluids or tissues. This approach is relatively new and has been used in vitro studies mainly. 
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  • 04 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Rainwater Treatment
Rainwater harvesting is an ancient practice currently used for flood and drought risk mitigation. It is a well-known solution with different levels of advanced technology associated with it. 
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  • 28 Apr 2023
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