Topic Review
Urban Railway Network Centrality on Residential Property Values
Bangkok has experienced substantial investments in its urban railway network, resulting in a profound transformation of the city’s landscape. The network centrality analysis reveals that closeness centrality underscores the city’s prevailing monocentric structure, while the betweenness centrality measure envisions the potential emergence of urban subcenters.
  • 139
  • 24 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Tourism Demand Forecasting
Accurate forecasting of tourism demand and income holds paramount importance for both the tourism industry and the national economy. Accurate forecasts facilitate decision-making for tourism and hospitality businesses, resource management, marketing and pricing strategies, and infrastructure development, among other critical areas.
  • 167
  • 24 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Learning Analytics for Academic Advising in Higher Education
Learning analytics (LA) is a rapidly growing educational technology with the potential to enhance teaching methods and boost student learning and achievement. Despite its potential, the adoption of LA remains limited within the education ecosystem, and users who do employ LA often struggle to engage with it effectively. 
  • 138
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Conflicts between the Stakeholders of Tourist Destinations
Tourist cities, including cultural and historical heritage areas, are not devoid of threats and problems that other cities face. However, they have additional social and organizational conditions that may cause difficulties in mutual contact between stakeholders.
  • 763
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Active Learning and Formative Assessment on Pre-Service Teachers
Active learning environments mediated by technologies in which learners assume ownership of their learning and receive daily feedback are gaining in popularity. Nevertheless, variables such as pre-service teachers’ learning gains and their perception towards these educational approaches have been little studied in the field of social science teaching. Educational research should not only pay attention to the academic benefits of active methodologies, but also to the necessity of educating (future) teachers about these innovative approaches.
  • 140
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
‘Buildability’ in the Digital Age
Since the emergence of the concept of “buildability” in 1983, numerous studies have focused on improving project performance through buildability. Initially, the buildability discourse was based on narrow definitions and focused on aspects that could improve construction performance.
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  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Pollution on Urban Scale in China
Urbanization is a critical and profound transformation of land, industry, and population in modern society.  Environmental pollution significantly impacts the urbanization process.
  • 182
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Neurocognitive Profile of Creativity in Improving Academic Performance
Creativity is a cognitively complex process that generates novel and valuable ideas, solutions, and products. It is essential in numerous facets of human life, including academic performance and education. Creativity as a means of enhancing academic performance is gaining increasing attention in research and education.
  • 360
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Relationship Between Organizational Bullshitting and Employee Job Satisfaction
Bullshitting is a term that has been introduced lately in the literature to describe the practice of communicating with no grounding in truth. Research finds that employees are more likely to be dissatisfied when their organizations have no regard for the truth in making their decisions, and specifically, when their direct supervisor is bullshitting. 
  • 305
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Social–Emotional Learning
There has been a dramatic increase in the interest in social–emotional learning (SEL), manifested in both the scientific literature and shifts occurring in education systems worldwide. The CASEL model has been successfully implemented in many education systems in recent years. Nevertheless, empirical studies have examined its effectiveness only in face-to-face teaching settings. There is a need to adapt the model to online learning while taking into account the perspectives of both learners and teachers.
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  • 22 Nov 2023
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