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Topic Review
Black Soldier Fly
The black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens Linnaeus, is a large Stratiomyidae fly (13-20 mm in size) found worldwide, but it is believed to have originated in the Americas. It is frequently found in the tropics and temperate regions throughout the world. Although adapted primarily to these regions, it can tolerate wide extremes of temperature except when ovipositing. They are considered beneficial insects and non-pests. The adult fly does not have mouthparts, stingers, or digestive organs; thus, they do not bite or sting and do not feed during its short lifespan. They feed only as larvae and are, therefore, not associated with disease transmission. BSF larvae (BSFL) are voracious eaters of a wide range of organic wastes, decomposing and returning nutrients to the soil. Additionally, BSFL is an alternative protein source for aquaculture, pet food, livestock feed, and human nutrition.
  • 45.7K
  • 25 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Alpha (Ethology)
In studies of social animals, the highest ranking individual of a dominance hierarchy is sometimes designated as the alpha. Males, females, or both, can be alphas, depending on the species. Where one male and one female fulfill this role together, they are sometimes referred to as the alpha pair. Other animals in the same social group may exhibit deference or other species-specific subordinate behavior towards the alpha or alphas. Alpha animals usually gain preferential access to food and other desirable items or activities, though the extent of this varies widely between species. Male or female alphas may gain preferential access to sex or mates; in some species, only alphas or an alpha pair reproduce. Alphas may achieve their status by superior physical strength and aggression, or through social efforts and building alliances within the group, or more often, simply by breeding and being the parent of all in their pack. The individual with alpha status sometimes changes, often through a fight between the dominant and a subordinate animal. These fights are often to the death, depending on the animal.
  • 15.7K
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Boarhounds are hunting dogs bred for hunting wild boar. The most commonly used for this purpose are hounds, dachshunds or terriers, but pointers, spitz or retrievers can also be used. The dog should be courageous, persistent, passionate, disciplined, sharp and obedient. Hunting in this group of dogs can be carried out individually and for such breeds are used small and collective breeds as well as medium and large breeds of dogs.
  • 12.7K
  • 16 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Germplasm Conservation
Germplasm is a valuable natural resource that provides knowledge about the genetic composition of a species and is crucial for conserving plant diversity. Germplasm protection strategies not only involve rescuing plant species threatened with extinction, but also help preserve all essential plants, on which rests the survival of all organisms. The successful use of genetic resources necessitates their diligent collection, storage, analysis, documentation, and exchange. Slow growth cultures, cryopreservation, pollen and DNA banks, botanical gardens, genetic reserves, and farmers’ fields are a few germplasm conservation techniques being employed. However, the adoption of in-vitro techniques with any chance of genetic instability could lead to the destruction of the entire substance, but the improved understanding of basic regeneration biology would, in turn, undoubtedly increase the capacity to regenerate new plants, thus expanding selection possibilities. Germplasm conservation seeks to conserve endangered and vulnerable plant species worldwide for future proliferation and development; it is also the bedrock of agricultural production. 
  • 12.0K
  • 25 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Agricultural Expansion Drivers and Constraints
Agricultural expansion refers to the conversion of uncultivated land, including natural forests, woodlands, grasslands and wetlands into crop or grazing land, and may be undertaken by smallholders or largescale farmers. 
  • 11.4K
  • 30 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Importance, Properties and Benefits of Biochar
Biochar can be defined as the carbonaceous product that is obtained when biomass is subjected to heat treatment in an oxygen-limited environment (pyrolysis) and the charred product when applied to soil as an amendment. It is an important and popular carbon sequestration method to mitigate climate change.
  • 11.3K
  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Nutraceuticals are essential food constituents that provide nutritional benefits as well as medicinal effects. The benefits of these foods are due to the presence of active compounds such as carotenoids, collagen hydrolysate, and dietary fibers.
  • 9.5K
  • 18 May 2021
Topic Review
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Hyperspectral imaging is an incorporation of the modern imaging system and traditional spectroscopy technology. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) hyperspectral imaging techniques have recently emerged as a valuable tool in agricultural remote sensing, with tremendous promise for many application such as weed detection and species separation
  • 9.0K
  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Advanced Agriculture Technology
The agricultural industry is getting more data-centric and requires precise, more advanced data and technologies than before, despite being familiar with agricultural processes. The agriculture industry is being advanced in generating database by various information and advanced communication technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). 
  • 8.2K
  • 25 May 2021
Topic Review
African Sheep Breeds
The African continent is home to more than 400 million heads of sheep, the majority of which are classified as indigenous and raised primarily for subsistence. They live and thrive well in a wide range of climatic and production conditions, ranging from unfavorable to favorable environments. 
  • 8.1K
  • 17 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Adult Wistar Rats
Rats are considered adults from 2 to 5 months. During this period, they are used for experimentation in physiology and pharmacology. Adult rats, depending on their age, can be in a different physiological state, which can influence the results of experiments carried out on them. Despite this, age-related changes in adult rats have not yet been examined. Our results showed that as male and female rats progressed from 2 to 5 months of age there was a decrease in the level of motor and exploratory activities, and an increase in the level of anxiety-like behaviour. Age-related changes were dependent upon initial individual characteristics of behaviour. For example, animals that demonstrated high motor activity at 2 months become significantly less active by 5 months, and animals that showed a low level of anxiety at 2 months become more anxious by 5 months. Low-activity and high-anxiety rats did not show any significant age-related changes from 2 to 5 months of age.
  • 8.1K
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Extraction Methods for Anthocyanins
Anthocyanins are considered high added-value compounds due to their sensory qualities, colors, and nutritional properties; they are considered bioactive ingredients. They are found in high concentrations in many by-products across the food industry. At present, expensive raw materials and production technologies make the extraction of natural anthocyanins relatively expensive.
  • 8.0K
  • 18 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Coffee By-Products
The coffee plant Coffea spp. offers much more than the well-known drink made from the roasted coffee bean. During its cultivation and production, a wide variety of by-products are accrued, most of which are currently unused, thermally recycled, or used as animal feed.
  • 7.9K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Seed Morphology
Seed morphology is the scientific analysis and description of the shape of seeds.
  • 7.5K
  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Rice Bran
Rice (Oryza sativa) bran is the main commercial by-product of rice grain milling. It is a multilayer fraction composed by the most external tissues of the rice caryopsis. It is produced in large quantities worldwide and its composition is mainly related to insoluble dietary fibres, lipids and other nutrients and bioactive compounds with significant health-related properties.
  • 7.2K
  • 09 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Cereal and Confectionary Packaging
Packaging is strongly associated with food, allowing, amongst other functions, containment, protection, and transportation of contents, and thus can be seen as an integral part of food systems. Nevertheless, nowadays it is the subject of intense debates and even stricter legal requirements, mainly due to massive circularity gaps including, for example, unsatisfactory end-of-life scenarios such as limited recyclability or (marine) litter.
  • 7.0K
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Land Suitability Assessment
Land suitability assessment is a method of land evaluation, which identifies the major limiting factors for planting a particular crop. Land suitability assessment includes qualitative and quantitative evaluation. In the qualitative land suitability evaluations, information about climate, hydrology, topography, vegetation, and soil properties is considered and in quantitative assessment, the results are more detailed and yield is estimated. At present study we prepared land suitability assessment map for rain-fed wheat and barley crops based on FAO "land suitability assessment framework" using parametric method and machine learning algorithms in Kurdistan Province, located in west of Iran. This is a unique study that compared two machine learning-based and traditional-based approaches for mapping current and potential future land suitability classes. Moreover, potential yield of rain-fed wheat and barley crop were computed by FAO model.
  • 6.7K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Anthropomorphism on Dog Emotions and Behavior
Anthropomorphism is defined as the tendency to attribute human forms, behaviors, and emotions to non-human animals or objects. Anthropomorphism is particularly relevant for companion animals. Some anthropomorphic practices can be beneficial to them, whilst others can be very detrimental. Some anthropomorphic behaviors compromise the welfare and physiology of animals by interfering with thermoregulation, while others can produce dehydration due to the loss of body water, a condition that brings undesirable consequences such as high compensatory blood pressure and heat shock, even death, depending on the intensity and frequency of an animal’s exposure to these stressors.
  • 6.6K
  • 05 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Intercropping ensures multiple benefits like enhancement of yield, environmental security, production sustainability and greater ecosystem services. In intercropping, two or more crop species are grown concurrently such that they coexist for a significant part of the crop cycle and interact among themselves and with agro-ecosystems.
  • 6.5K
  • 09 Jan 2022
Topic Review
History of Zoology (Through 1859)
The history of zoology before Charles Darwin's 1859 theory of evolution traces the organized study of the animal kingdom from ancient to modern times. Although the concept of zoology as a single coherent field arose much later, systematic study of zoology is seen in the works of Aristotle and Galen in the ancient Greco-Roman world. This work was developed in the Middle Ages by Islamic medicine and scholarship, and in turn their work was extended by European scholars such as Albertus Magnus. During the European Renaissance and early modern period, zoological thought was revolutionized in Europe by a renewed interest in empiricism and the discovery of many novel organisms. Prominent in this movement were the anatomist Vesalius and the physiologist William Harvey, who used experimentation and careful observation, and naturalists such as Carl Linnaeus and Buffon who began to classify the diversity of life and the fossil record, as well as the development and behavior of organisms. Microscopy revealed the previously unknown world of microorganisms, laying the groundwork for cell theory. The growing importance of natural theology, partly a response to the rise of mechanical philosophy, encouraged the growth of natural history (although it entrenched the argument from design). Over the 18th and 19th centuries, zoology became increasingly professional scientific disciplines. Explorer-naturalists such as Alexander von Humboldt investigated the interaction between organisms and their environment, and the ways this relationship depends on geography—laying the foundations for biogeography, ecology and ethology. Naturalists began to reject essentialism and consider the importance of extinction and the mutability of species. Cell theory provided a new perspective on the fundamental basis of life. These developments, as well as the results from embryology and paleontology, were synthesized in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. In 1859, Darwin placed the theory of organic evolution on a new footing, by his discovery of a process by which organic evolution can occur, and provided observational evidence that it had done so.
  • 6.1K
  • 21 Apr 2023
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