Table 2. Water activity and moisture content of confectionery products, breakfast cereals, snacks, and bakery products.
With an a
w lower than 0.75, a large proportion of the products listed in
Table 2 falls into the group of low-moisture or dried foods that additionally exhibit low (e.g., cornflakes) or high (e.g., crisps) fat content. In this group, water uptake and thus loss of, e.g., crispness, which occurs, e.g., in potato chips and breakfast cereals after gaining moisture at a range of 0.35 to 0.5 a
w, is the main decay mechanism
[1][2][42][53]. Other mechanisms include loss of aroma (for example, flavoured products) or aroma uptake from the products’ surrounding due to the often porous structure of the food products. Further, structural changes such as loss of integrity due to e.g., mechanical damage (for example, breakage), softening, or caking may occur. While microbial growth is the basis for both, low and high fat types, oxidative mechanisms, which may lead to off-odours and -tastes and subsequently to quality loss in terms of overall acceptance, are often linked to the fat content and thus tend to increase with the same
[1]. Examples that can be named are nuts, chips, biscuits, and cookies. All in all, this product group can, however, be described as rather stable and therefore storage under dry and ambient conditions is recommended and possible. For example, breakfast cereals and dry pasta stay stable under temperate conditions for 6–18 months and 48 months, respectively
[45][54]. Confectionary products like pulled sugar are stable for 6–9 months under temperate conditions
(for example
, ~20 °C)
Other products, including chocolate for example, can be allocated to compact foods with high fat content, a group mainly susceptible to the uptake of unwanted flavours and some (often minor) water exchange (uptake or loss) processes
[1]. The latter can induce so-called blooming effects
[2]. Sugar bloom on the one hand is often provoked by humid storage or rapid temperature changes and leads to the loss of surface gloss. Fat bloom on the other side is also known to cause quality related issues visible as a fine whitish layer
[55]. Growth of microorganisms is, however, of minor importance in this product group. Storage under temperate or chilled conditions is therefore possible for up to 12–24 months
Microbial growth is of major concern in the group of ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook convenience food products (for example, fresh pasta). At this point, in addition to spoilage microorganisms, pathogenic microorganisms play an essential role
[38][56]. Further, water loss and structural changes can be named. Additionally, oxidation can significantly gain importance regarding shelf-life. Accordingly, chilled storage is often preferred
The area of bakery products can be divided into fresh bakery wares and ready-to-bake products. The first group (for example, bread) shows high a
w values (>0.8) and thus short shelf-life, which is heavily influenced by water exchange processes that are often interlinked with structural changes (softening of the crust and drying of the crumb). Connected to this, starch retrogradation, which is the main mechanism of staling, can be highlighted
[42]. Further, loss of moisture and hardening with a
w values below 0.5–0.7
[2][42][53] quickly result in low sensory acceptance of the products. While oxidation and rancidity play a minor role in this food category, uptake of flavours as well as microbial spoilage play a more elaborated role in this product group. The latter point is mainly driven by the often visible growth of moulds and yeasts on the food surface. Characteristic microorganisms are
Penicillium roqueforti, Hansenula anomala, Pichia anomala, Candida guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. exiguus, S. unisporus, S. bayanus, S. pastorianus. Additionally,
Clostridium and
Bacillus genera are known bacteria potentially affecting bakery wares (spore-forming), with example
Bacillus spp. causing “rope” or “ropy spoilage” (
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus subtilis,
Bacillus pumilus,
Bacillus cereus)
[44][57][58]. Oxidation and rancidity play a minor role in this product category. Accordingly, the average shelf-life of fresh bread and cake under ambient conditions is often less than one week
[59]. In some cases, chilled or frozen storage is advisable. The group of ready-to-bake rolls show very similar decay mechanisms. However, due to the higher water content, drying and spoilage is even more pronounced. In the case of frozen products, these mechanisms are delayed. A special focus has to be laid on water exchange (freezer burn) and structural damage
2.3. Product Group Specific Packaging
Responding to the above-mentioned predominant decay mechanisms of cereal and confectionary products, the following section aims at highlighting common packaging concepts and material choices.
Chocolate packaging has to provide a good barrier against aroma, gas (especially O
2 and H
2O) as well as light. This is conventionally achieved by using aluminium foil of different thickness to wrap the product. Since aluminium alone cannot be heat sealed, the per se excellent barrier of the material is, however, interrupted at, for example, overlapping areas or gaps. Hence, diffusion (mass transfer) of aroma, gas and other molecules (for example, mineral oil components) to the product cannot be excluded. Additionally, the originality of the product, an important factor of food safety, may not be ensured
[2][40]. For this and other reasons (for example, communication), many described packaging concepts (still) include an additional packaging layer, namely paper or paperboard
Today, more and more multilayer materials can be found on the market. For example, laminates of LDPE (low density polyethylene) and aluminium allow for heat sealing of the aluminium by at the same time keeping the superior barrier and dead-fold properties of aluminium. Further, multilayer materials including paper or other aluminium replacing barrier materials (for example, polyvinylidene dichloride (PVdC)) are available. Possible build-ups may include LDPE/aluminium/paper or LDPE/PVdC, respectively
[2]. Nowadays, a shift towards packaging made (solely) from (oriented) PP, which exhibits, due to a stretching process, inter alia, improved mechanical and barrier properties, is notable
[67][66]. Additionally, cold sealing, is more and more adopted, since it avoids exposing sensitive products, such as chocolate, to elevated temperatures during heat sealing. This alternative is made possible by applying cold-seal adhesives on the intended sealing areas of the packaging film and pressing of two of the sealing areas together
Individually packed chocolate products, such as chocolate coated bars or pralines, are often bought for hedonistic reasons (for example, treats, gift function) and thus the communication function (design) of these packages is frequently at the forefront
[2][29]. While the functions of containment and protection are already met, these packages often use excess packaging materials and/or layers and for example consist of a (for example, polyethylene terephthalate (PET)) tray with individual cavities, (for example, aluminium) wrapping of the individual pieces, a (for example, paperboard) box, (for example, polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP)) overwrapping and packaging aids (for example, labels, stickers). Glass or metal is also used in some cases
Many confections, such as hard candies, gums, toffees and caramels are likewise (twist) wrapped individually. This is either for technical reasons such as provision of an adequate (H
2O) barrier and thus avoidance of moisture loss or uptake, resulting in for example, drying or agglutination of the product pieces, hygienic reasons or distinction from other products. As for chocolate, tightness of the package should be in the ideal case assured
[46]. Due to their in general good barrier properties and sealability, the market dominating polyolefins (PE and PP) as well as PET
[68] are also frequently used in this product category (for example, multipacks)
[67][69]. If elevated barriers are needed, different multilayer materials are also adopted. Further, glass and metal packaging can be found on the market and traditional materials include waxed paper, waxed glassine and waterproof, plasticized cellulose fibre
[30]. Plain paper and board are, however, hardly used as a primary packaging material, since products tend to stick to the material. The packaging types in this product category are manifold and include, for example, trays, flow packs, boxes (for example cardboard and metal) and jars
Other products such as biscuits, (processed) nuts and fruits are traditionally packaged in regenerated cellulose (trade name Cellophane) fibres (RCF). Therefore, RCF is usually coated with either LDPE or PVdC copolymer and often with a layer of glassine in direct contact with the product if it contains fat. Currently, this combination of materials is replaced by PP, either as plain or pearlized OPP film, coextruded OPP (OPPcoex) film, or acrylic-coated (Ac) on both sides. Plain OPP films require a heat seal coating to improve sealability while coextruded OPP provides superior seal strength. If a high O
2 barrier is required, then acrylic-coated OPP (AcOPP) is used. One side is sometimes coated with PVdC copolymer rather than Ac. In addition, Ac and PVdC copolymer-coated OPP films provide a superior flavour and aroma barrier compared with that of uncoated OPP. Biscuits are often packed in PP and additionally a cardboard box, acting as secondary packaging
In comparison to other products, the dry and low in fat group of cereals and cereal products, (such as whole, broken, flaked or milled) grains (for example, wheat and rice) show rather low packaging demands. Mostly used are paper bags, flexible plastic bags (for example, PE
[71]), as well as cardboard boxes
[72][73]. There are also variations of these packages, for example inner flexible plastic bag and a secondary cardboard box. If paper is used and high barriers are needed, LDPE liners for example can be applied
[2], also to avoid mineral oil migration
[74]. Rigid laminates with paper content and plastic lids usually known in snack product packaging, are also available. Flours for example are commercially packaged in bags or bulk bins
[2]. In addition to that, woven PP bags are commonly used in developing countries. However, Forsido et al.
[75] discussed that the low moisture barrier led to chemical, physical, sensorial, and microbial changes of flour. Another successful approach for flour packaging that was used for decades, was bags made from cotton twill
The barrier requirements for breakfast cereals packaging are set higher than in the above-mentioned group since crispness, formation of off-flavours, loss of aroma and vitamins or breakage are more critical for consumer acceptance
[2]. Consequently, the inner packaging/primary packaging level of these products is a plastic bag, mostly HDPE (high density polyethylene), giving a sufficient water vapour barrier since moisture vapour transmission rates less than or equal to 15 g/m
2-day-atm are often required. Sealant polymers such as EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate), ionomer, mPE (metallocene polyethylene), or blends are used for low temperature seals, form-fill-seal packaging, and easy opening seals
[71]. In order to increase barrier characteristics, HDPE is also coextruded with a thin layer of EVA or PA (polyamide) and EVOH (ethylene vinyl alcohol) polymers
[71][76]. Other O
2 barrier materials for breakfast cereals are PVdC and coated polypropylene-low density polyethylene
[77]. In addition, PP-bags are common liners. The secondary packaging/outer packaging is most frequently a fibreboard box
[2][78]. Alternative packaging concepts include coated paperboard, plastic cups, as well as metal boxes and glass jars
Dried pasta is often packaged in paperboard carton, containing a plastic window. At the moment, most pasta products are packaged in plastic films, such as PE or oriented polypropylene
[2][80][81][82][83][84]. For fresh pasta/noodle products, packaging solutions might be different, as appropriate barriers (gas and/or water vapour) and/or MAP (for example CO
2 20:80% MAP for pasta) is needed
[84][85]. The selection of packaging materials for fresh pasta products can also depend on whether or not the product is pasteurized (thus, the package must be able to withstand the pasteurization conditions) and whether or not the product is to be heated in its package (the package must be able to withstand either heating in boiling water or microwave conditions) by the consumer. For products which are not pasteurized nor intended to be heated in their package, a rigid tray of PVC-LDPE sealed with PA-LDPE film is common. When microwave heating is used, the rigid tray is usually made from crystalline polyethylene terephthalate (PET-C), or polystyrene-ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer-LDPE (PS-EVOH-LDPE) laminate, and the film may be based on PVdC copolymer-coated PET, OPET-EVOH-LDPE, or PP
Packaging of fresh bakery products such as bread is a moisture balancing act. On one hand, moisture needs to be contained to prevent drying of the product and on the other hand, moisture has to be released from the product to avoid softening of the crust and microbial spoilage. Since there is a wide range of products and product characteristics, also a wide range of packaging solutions can be found. Frequently, paper-based materials, LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE bags as well as OPP, either as plain, pearlized, OPPcoex, or Ac/OPP/Ac films are used
[2][71][87][88][89][90][91]. The bags are usually closed either with a strip of adhesive tape or a (plastic) clip in order to reduce moisture loss
[88][90][92]. EVA polymers are also used for sealability and optics
[71]. Perforated LDPE bags are used (for crusty products) in order to prevent the formation of a leathery consistency of the crust due to moisture migration from the crumb
[92]. If aroma and taste barriers are needed, PA is used
[71]. Vacuum packaging including the use of respective barrier packaging materials is only used in some exceptions (for example, flat breads) in this product category due to mechanical impairment of the often soft products. MAP rich in CO
2 is whereas more frequently used (for example, sliced bread, convenience applications). For example, CO
2 60:40% MAP for bread, cakes, crumpets, crepes, fruit pies and pita bread. This is also the case for ready-to-bake products, which are intended to have a longer shelf-life
Packaging for fried snack foods such as potato or tortilla chips, which exhibit, due to their production process, low moisture and high fat contents, preliminarily aims at providing a barrier against gases (H
2O and O
2) and light to avoid loss of crispness and increased oxidation/rancidity levels of the product
[71]. Hence, these products are mainly packaged in high barrier multilayer films containing aluminium foil or metallisation (for example, PET/Alu/LDPE; PETmet/LDPE; BOPP/BOPPmet)
[3][69][93]. In addition, barrier polymers such EVOH or PVDC can be found in these materials. Further, rigid multilayer paper solutions with aluminium (for example spiral wound paper-board cans) or metal cans are also used. Since extruded and puffed snack foods exhibit lower fat levels and thus primarily rely on a package that provides a barrier against water vapour; these products are less often packaged in metallized materials. An example is OPP/LDPE/OPP
[71]. In both scenarios, and whether flexible or rigid packaging is adopted, modified atmosphere packaging is frequently used. For example, the package is usually flushed with an inert gas (N
2) before closing
[93]. Additional mechanical protection of the often fragile products and dry storage is recommended. This might lead to the use of secondary packaging, such as cardboard boxes