Topic Review
3D Bioprinting Skin and Melanoma Models
Melanoma is a potentially fatal cancer with rising incidence, associated with enhanced sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation. Its incidence is highest in people of European descent and the ageing population. Although survival has improved due to advances in targeted and immunotherapies, new understanding of melanoma biology and disease progression is vital to improving clinical outcomes. Efforts to develop three-dimensional human skin equivalent models using biofabrication techniques, such as bioprinting, promise to deliver a better understanding of the complexity of melanoma and associated risk factors. These 3D skin models can be used as a platform for patient specific models and testing therapeutics.
  • 627
  • 11 Aug 2022
Topic Review
3D Bioprinting Techniques
Additive manufacturing, more often referred to as “3D printing,” is the method of fabricating three-dimensional objects by adding successive layers of materials at a regulated rate and thickness. These materials could be made of concrete, metals, ceramics, polymers, resins, biomaterials, or other substances. The dearth of variety in 3D-printable materials continues even though printing time, processing speed, and printing resolution have all increased. The compatibility and flowability of printing ink with the current printing procedures are crucial for developing fields such as the 3D printing of biomaterials, tissues, and high-viability cells.
  • 714
  • 12 Dec 2022
Topic Review
3D Bioprinting Technology
3D bioprinting, an additive manufacturing process, is a pioneering technology that prints 3D structures with biocompatible materials including living cells (i.e., bioinks).
  • 1.3K
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
3D Bone Bioprinting
Every year, approximately a couple of million bone grafts are performed worldwide to treat bone lesions, of which about 1 million only in Europe, thus bone regeneration is necessary to replace the damaged tissue, while the improvement of bone healing, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is mandatory. Bone tissue is constituted by cells with functions carefully coordinated, and a complex cross-talk between bone forming and inflammatory cells is known to guide successful regeneration, thus repairing bone is not an easy task. Autografts are still considered the gold standard for repairing bone defects, although they are not without significant drawbacks, such as donor site availability and possible morbidity. To overcome the pitfalls of grafts, researchers relied on bone tissue engineering (BTE) and 3D bioprinting techniques to produce cell-laden scaffolds, in which bone biological components are assembled to form a 3D environment. Several techniques of bone bioprinting have been developed: inkjet, extrusion and light-based 3D printers, which use different bioinks, i.e., the printing materials.
  • 1.6K
  • 13 Apr 2021
Topic Review
3D Braiding Technology
3D braiding technologies enable the production of structures with complex geometry, which are often used for lightweight solutions, for example in automotive engineering. In addition, medical technology offers wide-ranging applications for 3D braiding technology. 3D braided structures are defined as those with yarns that intersect in all three spatial directions. 3D braiding processes allow the fiber orientation to be easily influenced, thus ensuring high strength and stiffness with reduced mass.
  • 2.2K
  • 25 Aug 2021
Topic Review
3D Cell Culture
A 3D cell culture is an artificially created environment in which biological cells are permitted to grow or interact with their surroundings in all three dimensions. Unlike 2D environments (e.g. a Petri dish), a 3D cell culture allows cells in vitro to grow in all directions, similar to how they would in vivo. These three-dimensional cultures are usually grown in bioreactors, small capsules in which the cells can grow into spheroids, or 3D cell colonies. Approximately 300 spheroids are usually cultured per bioreactor.
  • 1.4K
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
3D Cell Culture in Brief
Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture represents a paradigm shift in cellular research. Unlike traditional two-dimensional (2D) cultures, it offers a more physiologically relevant environment for studying cells and tissues. In 3D culture, cells grow within complex three-dimensional structures that mimic the architecture of living organs and tissues. This approach allows researchers to explore cell behavior, disease mechanisms, and drug responses with greater accuracy. Methods like hydrogels, spheroids, and bioprinting enable the creation of 3D models that faithfully replicate in vivo conditions. These models find applications in diverse fields, including cancer research, neuroscience, infectious diseases, drug development, and tissue engineering. By improving disease modeling, drug screening, and tissue regeneration, 3D cell culture is driving advancements in biomedical research and offering new avenues for understanding and treating diseases. While challenges remain, ongoing innovations in 3D culture techniques are poised to reshape the landscape of cellular research.
  • 207
  • 11 Oct 2023
Topic Review
3D Cell Culture in Micro-Bioreactors
Bioreactors have proven useful for a vast amount of applications. Besides classical large-scale bioreactors and fermenters for prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, micro-bioreactors, as specialized bioreactor systems, have become an invaluable tool for mammalian 3D cell cultures. 
  • 927
  • 27 Jan 2021
Topic Review
3D Cell Culture Technology
Unlike the 2D cultures, which grow by attaching to the bottom as a monolayer, 3D cell culture refers to cells aggregated and expressed as a single tissue or form. Moreover, the 3D-cultured cells are attached to an artificially created ECM environment to interact with or grow with the surrounding environment. Therefore, unlike 2D cell cultures, cell growth in a 3D environment allows cells to grow in multiple directions rather than in a single direction in vitro, which is similar to in vivo conditions. Upon comparison, the 3D cell culture exhibits several advantages: (1) A similar biomimetic model, which is more physiologically relevant. (2) A 3D culture exhibits a high level of structural complexity and maintains homeostasis for longer. (3) 3D models can indicate how different types of cells interact. (4) 3D cultures can reduce the use of animal models. (5) They are a good simulator for the treatment of disease groups including cancer tumors.
  • 1.0K
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
3D Cell Cultures
The 3D cell cultures allow cells to growth and interact between them and with the extracellular matrix in three dimensions. This conforms a culture structure closer to physiological conditions than the cell monolayers (2D) traditionally employed in cell biology, and it can be achieved by using extracellular matrix hydrogels derived from decellularized tissues, bio-printed scaffolds made of different materials, or by forcing the cells to interact between each other without physical support. 3D culture models provide a powerful tool to understand cell-to-cell interactions when used in co-cultures, and to determine the involvement of extracellular vesicles as major key interactors in cellular crosstalk.
  • 758
  • 23 Feb 2021
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