Topic Review
Meditation and Techno-Mindfulness
Mindful meditation has discernible effects on enhancing the mind’s focus, proving to “impact various components of attention, although the precise effects may depend on the meditation style practiced and the level of experience of the practitioner”. This success has precipitated the swift adoption of mindfulness as a therapeutic instrument. During its process of medicalization, which has turned meditation into a clinical product suitable for the therapeutic forms of Western biomedicine, mindfulness is also undergoing a further transformation, one that progressively integrates it into the techno-medical and digitalizing aspect of modern therapies. 
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  • 09 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Involvement of SUV4-20H2 in Cancer
Histone lysine methyltransferase SUV4-20H2, a member of the suppressor of variegation 4–20 homolog (SUV4-20) family, has a critical impact on the regulation of chromatin structure and gene expression. This methyltransferase establishes the trimethylation of histone H4 lysine 20 (H4K20me3), a repressive histone mark that affects several cellular processes. Deregulated SUV4-20H2 activity has been associated with altered chromatin dynamics, leading to the misregulation of key genes involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis and DNA repair. Emerging research evidence indicates that SUV4-20H2 acts as a potential epigenetic modifier, contributing to the development and progression of several malignancies, including breast, colon and lung cancer, as well as renal, hepatocellular and pancreatic cancer.
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
The Structures of Anti-Inflammatory SMs from NPs
Natural products (NPs) have played a vital role in human survival for millennia, particularly for their medicinal properties. Inflammation, derived from the Latin word “inflammation”, is a biological response activated by disruptions to tissue structures from various stimuli, which is commonly indicated as acute or chronic, depending on the response nature and resolution ability. SMs sourced from NPs offer the potential bioactive drug lead compounds.
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Applications of Blockchain-Based Federated Learning
Federated learning (FL) and blockchains exhibit significant commonality, complementarity, and alignment in various aspects, such as application domains, architectural features, and privacy protection mechanisms. Blockchain-based federated learning (BFL) has gained the capability and prospects for applications in highly privacy-sensitive industries. 
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Supercritical CO2 Power Technology
In the late 1960s, a handful of inspired researchers predicted the great potential of supercritical CO2 (“sCO2”) cycles for the production of electricity and highlighted the prospects for dramatic reductions in component sizes and efficiency increases. Since then, considerable development programs have been deployed around the world to “tame” this new technology. 
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Lane Changing Maneuvers for Vehicle Driving Safety
The increasing number of vehicles has caused traffic conditions to become increasingly complicated in terms of safety. Emerging autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the potential to significantly reduce crashes. The advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) has received widespread attention. Lane keeping and lane changing are two basic driving maneuvers on highways. It is very important for ADAS technology to identify them effectively. The lane changing maneuver recognition has been used to study traffic safety for many years.
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Mitochondria in the Central Nervous System Disorder
Mitochondria, the energy suppliers of the cells, play a central role in a variety of cellular processes essential for survival or leading to cell death. Consequently, mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in numerous general and central nervous system (CNS) disorders. The clinical manifestations of mitochondrial dysfunction include metabolic disorders, dysfunction of the immune system, tumorigenesis, and neuronal and behavioral abnormalities.
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Transfer Learning Strategies
Discriminatively trained models perform well if labeled data are available in abundance, but they do not perform adequately for tasks with scarce datasets as this limits their learning abilities. To address this issue, Large language models (LLMs) were first pretrained on large unlabeled datasets using the self-supervised approach, where the learning was then transferred discriminatively on specific tasks. As a result, transfer learning helps to leverage the capabilities of pretrained models and is advantageous, especially in data-scare settings. For example, generative pretrained transformer (GPT) used the generative language model objective for pretraining, followed by discriminative finetuning. Compared to pretraining, the transfer learning process is inexpensive and converges faster than training the model from scratch. Additionally, pretraining uses an unlabeled dataset and follows a self-supervised approach, whereas transfer learning follows a supervised technique using a labeled dataset particular to the downstream task. The pretraining dataset comes from a generic domain, whereas, during transfer learning, data come from specific distributions (supervised datasets specific to the desired task).
  • 227
  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Thymus Surgery in Myasthenia Gravis
The thymus is a lymphoid organ involved in the differentiation of T cells, and has a central role in the physiopathogenesis of Myasthenia Gravis (MG). This connection is proved by a series of changes in the level of neuromuscular junctions, which leads to a decrease in the amplitude of the action potential in the post-synaptic membrane. Because of this, the presence of anti-cholinergic receptor antibodies (AChR), characteristic of MG, is found, which causes the progressive regression of the effect of acetylcholine at the level of neuromuscular junctions, with the appearance of muscle weakness. The thymectomy is a surgical variant of drug therapy administered to patients with MG. In the case of patients with nonthymomatous MG, thymectomy has become a therapeutic standard, despite the fact that there is no solid scientific evidence to explain its positive effect. Videothoracoscopic surgery or robotic surgery led to a decrease in the length of hospital stay for these patients.
  • 225
  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Banded Palm Civet
The Banded Palm Civet (Hemigalus derbyanus) is a small carnivorous mammal native to Southeast Asia, known for its distinctive banded fur pattern. Belonging to the family Viverridae, this elusive nocturnal species is primarily arboreal, inhabiting tropical forests and plantations throughout its range. Despite its small size, the Banded Palm Civet plays an important ecological role as a predator of insects, small vertebrates, and fruits, contributing to ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity in its habitat.
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  • 08 Mar 2024
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