Topic Review
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Dentistry
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been found to be beneficial tools for clinical practice and for enhancing the learning experiences of students during their pre-clinical education and training sessions. Clinicians can use VR technology to show their patients the expected outcomes before the undergo dental procedures. Additionally, AR and VR can be implemented to overcome dental phobia, which is commonly experienced by pediatric patients. Future studies should focus on forming technological standards with high-quality data and developing scientifically-proven AR/VR gadgets for dental practice. 
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  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Capital Structure
Capital structure is a firm’s mix of debt and equity financing. It is one of the most controversial areas of finance. Many of the results obtained in capital structure theory over the last 50-60 years have been very influential and led their authors to great international recognition. Among the researchers who contributed significantly to capital structure theory, note Nobel Prize Award winners Franco Modigliani, Merton Miller, Joseph Stiglitz, and most recently Jean Tirole. More research and more results are expected in this area in near future.
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  • 09 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an important oilseed crop with well-developed value chains. It is Ethiopia’s most valuable export commodity after coffee (Coffea arabica L.), contributing to socioeconomic development. The productivity of the crop is low and stagnant in Ethiopia and other major sesame growing regions in sub-Saharan Africa (<0.6 t/ha) due to a multitude of production constraints. The low yield of sesame is attributable to a lack of high-yielding and well-adapted varieties, susceptibility to capsule shattering, the prevalence of biotic and abiotic stresses, and a lack of modern production technologies such as optimal agronomic managing practices, row planters, harvesters, and storage facilities.
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  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Synthesis of Carbon Dots
There are many studies on the different synthesis methods of carbon dots. Each process aims to improve the synthesis strategy and optimize the reaction conditions so that the carbon dots are not only more cost-effective and eco-friendly, but also provide more excellent performance.
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  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Hesperidin and SARS-CoV-2
Among the flavonoids, hesperidin has recently attracted the attention of researchers, because it binds to the key proteins of the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Several computational methods, independently applied by different researchers, showed that hesperidin has a low binding energy, both with the coronavirus “spike” protein, and with the main protease that transforms the early proteins of the virus into the complex responsible for viral replication. The binding energy of hesperidin to these important components is lower than that of lopinavir, ritonavir, and indinavir, suggesting that it could perform an effective antiviral action. Furthermore, both hesperidin and ascorbic acid counteract the cell damaging effects of the oxygen free radicals triggered by virus infection and inflammation.
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  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Trends of Motor Characteristics
It is important to comprehensively evaluate which type of motor is most suitable when designing mechanical systems. This paper presents the results of a survey of the performance of electric and hydraulic servo motors which are commonly used in many mechanical systems and aims to provide quantitative data that can be used as a reference for selecting appropriate motors. We collected data on the characteristics of electric and hydraulic motors and compared and evaluated the characteristics of these servo motors using indexes such as torque, rotating speed, output power, power density, and power rate.
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  • 20 Jan 2022
Topic Review
State of Nature
The state of nature, in moral and political philosophy, religion, social contract theories and international law, is the hypothetical life of people before societies came into existence. Philosophers of the state of nature theory deduce that there must have been a time before organized societies existed, and this presumption thus raises questions such as: "What was life like before civil society?"; "How did government first emerge from such a starting position?," and; "What are the hypothetical reasons for entering a state of society by establishing a nation-state?". In some versions of social contract theory, there are no rights in the state of nature, only freedoms, and it is the contract that creates rights and obligations. In other versions the opposite occurs: the contract imposes restrictions upon individuals that curtail their natural rights. Societies existing before or without a political state are currently studied in such fields as paleolithic history, and the anthropological subfields of archaeology, cultural anthropology, social anthropology, and ethnology, which investigate the social and power-related structures of indigenous and uncontacted peoples living in tribal communities.
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  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Opportunity Assessment: Considerations for Entrepreneurs
Defining entrepreneurship can be problematic and maybe sometimes misleading. For example, the assertion that entrepreneurship is concerned with the discovery and exploitation of profitable opportunities does not appear to take account of the notion of risk, which because of uncertainty is always inherent in new market decisions. This is borne out by reality, where evidence indicates that a large percentage of start-ups (often thought to be between 50% and 70%) fail within the first 5 years. This fact, coupled with research suggesting that idea generation, by itself, is not an issue, implies that the key challenge lies in the effective evaluation of those ideas. This means that entrepreneurs must be honest with themselves and objectively assess whether they have identified a viable business opportunity, as distinct from a good idea with limited or no commercial prospects. This is particularly important for technology entrepreneurs as the lead time to market is often long and the risk of failure is high. Central therefore to the resulting opportunity confidence leading to adoption or rejection of an idea is an iterative process of evaluation, which in the first instance is critical in nascent entrepreneurial processes. Three key constructs—opportunity costs, market assessment and financial analysis—are of singular importance in the evaluation process and are discussed in more detail below. 
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  • 07 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Cancer
The emergence of immunotherapy has been an astounding breakthrough in cancer treatments. In particular, immune checkpoint inhibitors, targeting PD-1 and CTLA-4, have shown remarkable therapeutic outcomes. However, response rates from immunotherapy have been reported to be varied, with some having pronounced success and others with minimal to no clinical benefit. An important aspect associated with this discrepancy in patient response is the immune-suppressive effects elicited by the tumour microenvironment (TME). Immune suppression plays a pivotal role in regulating cancer progression, metastasis, and reducing immunotherapy success. Most notably, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC), a heterogeneous population of immature myeloid cells, have potent mechanisms to inhibit T-cell and NK-cell activity to promote tumour growth, development of the pre-metastatic niche, and contribute to resistance to immunotherapy. Accumulating research indicates that MDSC can be a therapeutic target to alleviate their pro-tumourigenic functions and immunosuppressive activities to bolster the efficacy of checkpoint inhibitors.
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  • 25 May 2021
Topic Review
Sublevel Caving Production Scheduling
Production scheduling determines the most beneficial mining sequence over the life of mine. Developing a schedule that meets all mining aspects can substantially reduce mining costs and increase profitability. Among all underground mining methods, the sublevel caving (SLC) method is a common method with moderate development requirements, high production rate, and high degree of mechanization and flexibility. None of the manual planning methods and heuristic algorithms used in commercial software will lead to a truly optimal schedule. In sublevel caving, mathematical programming models, particularly mixed-integer programming, have been applied to provide an operationally feasible multi-time period's schedule. However, confined blasting conditions, chaotic material flow, and frequent mixing of ore and waste while loading broken ore at the drawpoint make sublevel caving method unique to produce a holistic plan.
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  • 27 Aug 2021
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