Topic Review
Younger Dryas
The Younger Dryas (around 12,900 to 11,700 years BP) was a return to glacial conditions after the Late Glacial Interstadial, which temporarily reversed the gradual climatic warming after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) started receding around 20,000 BP. It is named after an indicator genus, the alpine-tundra wildflower Dryas octopetala, as its leaves are occasionally abundant in late glacial, often minerogenic-rich sediments, such as the lake sediments of Scandinavia. Physical evidence of a sharp decline in temperature over most of the Northern Hemisphere has been discovered by geological research. This temperature change occurred at the end of what the earth sciences refer to as the Pleistocene epoch and immediately before the current, warmer Holocene epoch. In archaeology, this time frame coincides with the final stages of the Upper Paleolithic in many areas. The Younger Dryas was the most recent and longest of several interruptions to the gradual warming of the Earth's climate since the severe LGM, about 27,000 to 24,000 years BP. The change was relatively sudden, taking place in decades, and it resulted in a decline of temperatures in Greenland by 4 to 10°C (7.2 to 18°F) and advances of glaciers and drier conditions, over much of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. It is thought to have been caused by a decline in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, which transports warm water from the Equator towards the North Pole, in turn thought to have been caused by an influx of fresh, cold water from North America to the Atlantic. The Younger Dryas was a period of climatic change, but the effects were complex and variable. In the Southern Hemisphere and some areas of the Northern Hemisphere, such as southeastern North America, a slight warming occurred.
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  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Relationships of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development Goals
Environmental issues have increased, whereas the Earth’s natural resources have deteriorated. These problems have forced people and companies to engage in environmental economics to achieve sustainability. However, several barriers have been identified in the implementation of environmental economics. It is proven that environmental economics has many benefits in preventing environmental problems and achieving sustainability. This economic concept also correlates with the majority of the goals of sustainable development programs, assisting many countries in achieving these objectives. There are four strategies identified that are the most utilized: The inclusion of natural capital in the System of National Accounts (SEEA), green consumerism, fiscal policy, and de-growth economic model. The SEEA is correlated with sustainable development goals (SDGs) 1 (No Poverty), 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 14 (Life below Water), and 15 (Life on Land). Green consumerism aligns with SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and 13 (Climate Action). Fiscal policy is correlated with the SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 13 (Climate Change), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 14 (Life below Water), and 15 (Life on Land). Lastly, the de-growth economic model aligns with SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and 13 (Climate Action).
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  • 04 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Internet of Things Architectures and Applications
The Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the worldwide network of people, smart devices, intelligent things, data, and information as an emergent technology. IoT development is still in its early stages, and numerous interrelated challenges must be addressed. IoT is the unifying idea of embedding everything. The Internet of Things offers a huge opportunity to improve the world’s accessibility, integrity, availability, scalability, confidentiality, and interoperability. However, securing the Internet of Things is a difficult issue. The IoT aims to connect almost everything within the framework of a common infrastructure. This helps in controlling devices and, will allow device status to be updated everywhere and at any time. To develop technology via IoT, several critical scientific studies and inquiries have been carried out. However, many obstacles and problems remain to be tackled in order to reach IoT’s maximum potential. 
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  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Moringa as Natural Feed Supplement
Application of natural herbs with a view to enhancing production performance and health status has created an important demand in poultry production. With the increasing concerns on this issue, greater attention paid to alternatives to antibiotics for organic meat and egg production has led to a great demand. This study was conducted with view to assessing the possible role of M. oleifera as a natural feed supplement in poultry ration. Various scientific findings and published research articles were considered concerning issues including the study background, objectives, major findings, and conclusions of the review. M oleifera is known as a miracle tree because of its wealthy resource of various nutrients with high biological values. M. oleifera has been used as a growth promoter, immune enhancer, antioxidant, and has a hypo-cholesterol e ect on chickens. It has both nutritional and therapeutic values. However, there is still much confusion in past published articles involving the major roles of M. oleifera in production performance and health status of chickens. Taking this into account, the present study highlights an outline of the experimental uses of M. oleifera on growth performance, egg production performance, egg quality, and health status in broilers and laying hens justified with the past findings to the present. The knowledge gaps from the past studies are considered, and the feasibility of M. oleifera in poultry ration is suggested. The findings have motivated further study on M. oleifera to find out the most active ingredients and their optimal doses in both broiler and laying hen rations. Finally, the present study highlights that supplementation of M. oleifera may play a role in the immunity, sound health, and production performance in poultry.
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  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Food Wastes as Packaging Materials
Packaging materials have to allow controlled respiration, maintain polymer structure against mechanical damage, prevent microbiological and chemical spoilage of food, and act as a selective gas and water vapor barrier. The most widely used materials in the food packaging industry are glass, plastics, metals, and paper. As mechanical properties of materials are important for food protection, mostly flexible and rigid synthetic packaging materials are preferred.
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  • 19 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality worldwide. Most patients are diagnosed with advanced disease, limiting their options for treatment. While current treatments are adequate for lower staged disease, available systemic treatments are limited, with marginal benefit at best. The below section reviews the incidence, prevalence, healthcare associated cost, and etiologies of HCC. In addition, an overview of the classification, treatment algorithm, and treatment modalities are provided.
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  • 07 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Digital twins in pharmaceutical manufacturing
The development and application of emerging technologies of Industry 4.0 enable the realization of digital twins (DT), which facilitates the transformation of the manufacturing sector to a more agile and intelligent one. DTs are virtual constructs of physical systems that mirror the behavior and dynamics of such physical systems. A fully developed DT consists of physical components, virtual components, and information communications between the two. Integrated DTs are being applied in various processes and product industries. Although the pharmaceutical industry has evolved recently to adopt Quality-by-Design (QbD) initiatives and is undergoing a paradigm shift of digitalization to embrace Industry 4.0, there has not been a full DT application in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Therefore, there is a critical need to examine the progress of the pharmaceutical industry towards implementing DT solutions. The aim of this entry is to give an overview of the current status of DT development and its application in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing. State-of-the-art Process Analytical Technology (PAT) developments, process modeling approaches, and data integration studies are reviewed. Challenges and opportunities for future research in this field are also discussed.
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  • 09 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a crystalline, weakly basic, colorless organic substance and is one of the most potent marine toxins known. Although TTX was first isolated from pufferfish, it has been found in numerous other marine organisms and a few terrestrial species. 
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  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Salvia divinorum
Salvia divinorum Epling and Játiva is a psychoactive Mexican mint used for centuries by Mazatec Indian shamans or curanderos of north-eastern Oaxaca, Mexico, for divinatory and religious purposes and physical healing.
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  • 18 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Plasma Treatment for Seed Germination and Plant Growth
Low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma has been used in various fields such as plasma medicine, agriculture, food safety and storage, and food manufacturing. In the field of plasma agriculture, plasma treatment improves seed germination, plant growth, and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, allows pesticide removal, and enhances biomass and yield.
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  • 27 May 2022
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