Topic Review
JASS and JASS2 (sometimes said to stand for Just Another Scripting Syntax) is a scripting language provided with an event-driven API created by Blizzard Entertainment. It is used extensively by their games Warcraft III (JASS2) and StarCraft (JASS) for scripting events in the game world. Map creators can use it in the Warcraft III World Editor and the Starcraft Editor to create scripts for triggers and AI (artificial intelligence) in custom maps and campaigns. Blizzard Entertainment has replaced JASS with Galaxy in Starcraft II.
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  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Bayesian Analysis in Social Sciences
Given the reproducibility crisis (or replication crisis), more psychologists and social-cultural scientists are getting involved with Bayesian inference. Therefore, the current article provides a brief overview of programs (or software) and steps to conduct Bayesian data analysis in social sciences. 
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  • 23 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Spacewalk is open-source systems management software for system provisioning, patching and configuration licensed under the GNU GPLv2. The project was discontinued on 31 May 2020 with 2.10 being the last official release. SUSE forked the spacewalk code base in 2018 with uyuni-project.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Evolutionary Theory of the Self
When trying to understand the self in terms of the brain, neuroscientists have found contradictory results and paradoxes. Nevertheless, Gonzalo Munevar has argued that neuroscience in an evolutionary context can give a proper explanation of the self. His Evolutionary Theory of the Self depends on, “the ability by the brain to coordinate new sensory information in light of the organism’s internal states and in the context of its personal history and genetic inheritance." His theory is an alternative conception for the explanation of the self, which takes into account the evolutionary biology of the brain. Organisms that are highly complex execute the function of telling self from other with the brain and the immune system. To fulfill the function of recognizing self from other, the brain uses past experiences and genetic inheritance (e.g. survival, reproduction). The self is defined by these functions that distinguish an organisms from other organisms, which allow them to act as one whole entity in social and physical environments. Simply put, the theory revolves around the idea that the brain constitutes the self, which represents itself in a variety of internal states. The brain/self evolves for action to be able to interact with social and physical environments. It is suggested that the brain performs a complex list of tasks to complete these interactions to distinguish self from other. This defines the brain to be characteristically distributive to complete complex tasks, and thus suggests that the self is also distributive. Therefore, the Evolutionary Theory of the Self detours from the traditional conceptions that include the self being a centralized, unitary mechanism that is both conscious (sense of self) and compiled of a collection of episodic memories. Alternatively, it suggests that the conception of self is mostly unconscious, and the brain evolves from past experiences and genetic inheritance to create the evolutionary self. In Munevar’s study, “fMRI Study of Self vs. Others’ Attributions of Traits Consistent with Evolutionary Understanding of the Self,” he aimed to demonstrate the experimental feasibility of this conception of the self as a distributive system, and discovered results complimenting the Evolutionary Theory of the Self while resolving the contradictions and paradoxes of traditional conceptions of self.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
List of Statistical Packages
Statistical software are specialized computer programs for analysis in statistics and econometrics.
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  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Proprietary Device Driver
A proprietary device driver is a closed-source device driver published only in binary code. In the context of free and open-source software, a closed-source device driver is referred to as a blob or binary blob. The term usually refers to a closed-source kernel module loaded into the kernel of an open-source operating system, and is sometimes also applied to code running outside the kernel, such as system firmware images, microcode updates, or userland programs. The term blob was first used in database management systems to describe a collection of binary data stored as a single entity. When computer hardware vendors provide complete technical documentation for their products, operating system developers are able to write hardware device drivers to be included in the operating system kernels. However, some vendors, such as Nvidia, do not provide complete documentation for some of their products and instead provide binary-only drivers. This practice is most common for accelerated graphics drivers, wireless networking devices, and hardware RAID controllers. Most notably, binary blobs are very uncommon for non-wireless network interface controllers, which can almost always be configured via standard utilities (like ifconfig) out of the box; Theo de Raadt of OpenBSD attributes this to the work done by a single FreeBSD developer.
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  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Extreme values statistic
One of the pillars of experimental sciences is sampling. Based on analysis conducted on samples the estimations for the populations are made. The distributions are split in two main groups: continuous and discrete and the present study applies for the continuous ones. One of the challenges of the sampling is the accuracy of it, or, in other words how representative is the sample for the population from which was drawn. Another challenge, connected with this one, is the presence of the outliers - observations wrongly collected, not actually belonging to the population subjected to study. The present study proposes a statistic (and a test) intended to be used for any continuous distribution to detect the outliers, by constructing the confidence interval for the extreme value in the sample, at certain (preselected) risk of being in error, and depending on the sample size. The proposed statistic is operational for known distributions (having known their probability density function) and is dependent too on the statistical parameters of the population.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Deep Learning and Lung Disease
The recent developments of deep learning support the identification and classification of lung diseases in medical images.
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  • 26 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Statistical Methods for Food Composition Database Analysis
A food composition database (FCDB) or nutrient database is a compilation of the chemical composition of food and beverage items, obtained from chemical analyses, estimations from published literature, or unpublished laboratory reports. A summary of the statistical methods that have been directly applied to food composition databases and datasets is described here.
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  • 08 Jun 2022
Topic Review
RPM Package Manager (RPM) (originally Red Hat Package Manager; now a recursive acronym) is a package management system. The name RPM refers to the following: the .rpm file format, files in the .rpm file format, software packaged in such files, and the package manager program itself. RPM was intended primarily for Linux distributions; the file format is the baseline package format of the Linux Standard Base. Even though it was created for use in Red Hat Linux, RPM is now used in many Linux distributions. It has also been ported to some other operating systems, such as Novell NetWare (as of version 6.5 SP3), IBM's AIX (as of version 4), CentOS, Fedora (operating system) created jointly between Red Hat and the Fedora community, and Oracle Linux. All versions or variants of the these Linux operating systems use the RPM Package Manager. An RPM package can contain an arbitrary set of files. The larger part of RPM files encountered are “binary RPMs” (or BRPMs) containing the compiled version of some software. There are also “source RPMs” (or SRPMs) files containing the source code used to produce a package. These have an appropriate tag in the file header that distinguishes them from normal (B)RPMs, causing them to be extracted to /usr/src on installation. SRPMs customarily carry the file extension “.src.rpm” (.spm on file systems limited to 3 extension characters, e.g. old DOS FAT).
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  • 28 Nov 2022
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