Topic Review
AI-Based Sensor Information Fusion
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) and its subarea of deep learning have drawn the attention of many researchers. At the same time, advances in technologies enable the generation or collection of large amounts of valuable data (e.g., sensor data) from various sources in different applications, such as those for the Internet of Things (IoT), which in turn aims towards the development of smart cities. With the availability of sensor data from various sources, sensor information fusion is in demand for effective integration of big data.
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  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Lemniscatic Elliptic Function
In mathematics, a lemniscatic elliptic function is an elliptic function related to the arc length of a lemniscate of Bernoulli studied by Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di Fagnano in 1718. It has a square period lattice and is closely related to the Weierstrass elliptic function when the Weierstrass invariants satisfy g2 = 1 and g3 = 0. In the lemniscatic case, the minimal half period ω1 is real and equal to where Γ is the gamma function. The second smallest half period is pure imaginary and equal to iω1. In more algebraic terms, the period lattice is a real multiple of the Gaussian integers. The constants e1, e2, and e3 are given by The case g2 = a, g3 = 0 may be handled by a scaling transformation. However, this may involve complex numbers. If it is desired to remain within real numbers, there are two cases to consider: a > 0 and a < 0. The period parallelogram is either a square or a rhombus.
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  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Petya and NotPetya
Petya is a family of encrypting malware that was first discovered in 2016. The malware targets Microsoft Windows–based systems, infecting the master boot record to execute a payload that encrypts a hard drive's file system table and prevents Windows from booting. It subsequently demands that the user make a payment in Bitcoin in order to regain access to the system. Variants of Petya were first seen in March 2016, which propagated via infected e-mail attachments. In June 2017, a new variant of Petya was used for a global cyberattack, primarily targeting Ukraine . The new variant propagates via the EternalBlue exploit, which is generally believed to have been developed by the United States . National Security Agency (NSA), and was used earlier in the year by the WannaCry ransomware. Kaspersky Lab referred to this new version as NotPetya to distinguish it from the 2016 variants, due to these differences in operation. In addition, although it purports to be ransomware, this variant was modified so that it is unable to actually revert its own changes. The NotPetya attacks have been blamed on the Russian government, specifically the Sandworm hacking group within the GRU Russian military intelligence organization, by security researchers, Google, and several governments.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Mechanics and Mathematics in Ancient Greece
This entry presents an overview on how mechanics in Greece was linked to geometry. In ancient Greece, mechanics was about lifting heavy bodies, and mathematics almost coincided with geometry. Mathematics interconnected with mechanics at least from the 5th century BCE and became dominant in the Hellenistic period. The contributions by thinkers such as Aristotle, Euclid, and Archytas on fundamental problems such as that of the lever are sketched. This entry can be the starting point for a deeper investigation on the connections of the two disciplines through the ages until our present day.
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  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Chemical File Format
A chemical file format is a type of data file which is used specifically to depicting molecular data. One of the most widely used is the chemical table file format, which is similar to Structure Data Format (SDF) files. They are text files that represent multiple chemical structure records and associated data fields. The XYZ file format is a simple format that usually gives the number of atoms in the first line, a comment on the second, followed by a number of lines with atomic symbols (or atomic numbers) and cartesian coordinates. The Protein Data Bank Format is commonly used for proteins but is also used for other types of molecules. There are many other types which are detailed below. Various software systems are available to convert from one format to another.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Attention Mechanism for Remote Sensing
Machine learning, particularly deep learning (DL), has become a central and state-of-the-art method for several computer vision applications and remote sensing (RS) image processing. Researchers are continually trying to improve the performance of the DL methods by developing new architectural designs of the networks and/or developing new techniques, such as attention mechanisms. Since the attention mechanism has been proposed, regardless of its type, it has been increasingly used for diverse RS applications to improve the performances of the existing DL methods.
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  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Georg Cantor's First Set Theory Article
Georg Cantor published his first set theory article in 1874, and it contains the first theorems of transfinite set theory, which studies infinite sets and their properties. One of these theorems is "Cantor's revolutionary discovery" that the set of all real numbers is uncountably, rather than countably, infinite. This theorem is proved using Cantor's first uncountability proof, which differs from the more familiar proof using his diagonal argument. The title of the article, "On a Property of the Collection of All Real Algebraic Numbers" ("Ueber eine Eigenschaft des Inbegriffes aller reellen algebraischen Zahlen"), refers to its first theorem: the set of real algebraic numbers is countable. Cantor's article also contains a proof of the existence of transcendental numbers. As early as 1930, mathematicians have disagreed on whether this proof is constructive or non-constructive. Books as recent as 2014 and 2015 indicate that this disagreement has not been resolved. Since Cantor's proof either constructs transcendental numbers or does not, an analysis of his article can determine whether his proof is constructive or non-constructive. Cantor's correspondence with Richard Dedekind shows the development of his ideas and reveals that he had a choice between two proofs, one that uses the uncountability of the real numbers and one that does not. Historians of mathematics have examined Cantor's article and the circumstances in which it was written. For example, they have discovered that Cantor was advised to leave out his uncountability theorem in the article he submitted; he added it during proofreading. They have traced this and other facts about the article to the influence of Karl Weierstrass and Leopold Kronecker. Historians have also studied Dedekind's contributions to the article, including his contributions to the theorem on the countability of the real algebraic numbers. In addition, they have looked at the article's legacy, which includes the impact that the uncountability theorem and the concept of countability have had on mathematics.
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  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Industrial IoT for Mining Industry
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has the potential to improve the production and business processes by enabling the extraction of valuable information from industrial processes. The mining industry, however, is rather traditional and somewhat slow to change due to infrastructural limitations in communication, data management, storage, and exchange of information. Most research efforts so far on applying IIoT in the mining industry focus on specific concerns such as ventilation monitoring, accident analysis, fleet and personnel management, tailing dam monitoring, and pre-alarm system while an overall IIoT architecture suitable for the general conditions in the mining industry is still missing.
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  • 16 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Qt (pronounced "cute") is cross-platform software for creating graphical user interfaces as well as cross-platform applications that run on various software and hardware platforms such as Linux, Windows, macOS, Android or embedded systems with little or no change in the underlying codebase while still being a native application with native capabilities and speed. Qt is currently being developed by The Qt Company, a publicly listed company, and the Qt Project under open-source governance, involving individual developers and organizations working to advance Qt. Qt is available under both commercial licenses and open-source GPL 2.0, GPL 3.0, and LGPL 3.0 licenses.
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  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Mo Siang Online
Mo Siang Online is an MMORPG based on the warring states of ancient China . The game is mainly focused on Martial Arts and Kung Fu, allowing each character to choose 6 fighting styles. At present, Mo Siang only has five English servers and eight Chinese servers with their own language interface.The Korean game developer once released its global server and renamed this game as Titan, but this game used to be called as Dark Story in Korea with its Korean server. In Japan, Mo Siang is called Feats of Arms. After the agent in Japan is replaced, this game is renamed as Crest of Jade. The Japanese game distributor run its Beta on 19th Feb. 2009. From August 2009 on, there is another English version of Mo Siang released, the game agent PlayOMG renames this game as Azuga, Age of Chaos. On the contrary, from September 2009 on, the Japanese game agent of Mo Siang decides to close their server.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
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