Topic Review
Critical Nodes in Temporal Networks
Many real-world systems can be expressed in temporal networks with nodes playing different roles in structure and function, and edges representing the relationships between nodes. Identifying critical nodes can help us control the spread of public opinions or epidemics, predict leading figures in academia, conduct advertisements for various commodities and so on. 
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  • 03 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Time Optimization of Drones Using an Augmented Path
With the pandemic gripping the entire humanity and with uncertainty hovering like a black cloud over all our future sustainability and growth, it became almost apparent that though the development and advancement are at their peak, we are still not ready for the worst. New and better solutions need to be applied so that we will be capable of fighting these conditions. One such prospect is delivery, where everything has to be changed, and each parcel, which was passed people to people, department to department, has to be made contactless throughout with as little error as possible. Thus, the prospect of drone delivery and its importance came around with optimization of the existing system for making it useful in the prospects of delivery of important items like medicines, vaccines, etc. These modular AI-guided drones are faster, efficient, less expensive, and less power-consuming than the actual delivery. 
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  • 10 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Heurist is an online database designed for digital research objects including bibliographic records, web bookmarks, historical events, document annotations, images, contemporary stories and other data which is rich in text and classification data, and often heterogeneous. Heurist was originally designed by Ian Johnson (from 2005) and developed by the (now disbanded) Arts eResearch unit (AeR) at the University of Sydney. It continues to be developed within the Faculty of Arts. It was released as Open Source software in May 2013 (version 3.1.0), originally on Google Code, later moved to GitHub, and a free web service for low-demand academic databases is available at - other free services are listed in the project web site ( Heurist was developed to overcome two problems identified as common to researchers in the Humanities (and others): It aims to tackle the first issue by providing a web service supporting the on-demand creation and configuration of new databases through a web interface. It aims to tackle the second issue by allowing the storage and interlinking of a wide variety of research data, notes, annotations and digital attachments in a single shared database, while providing individual ‘views’ on this data and workgroup-owned and private areas for research in progress.
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  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Computing
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a discipline that solves and analyzes fluid dynamics problems through computer and numerical simulation methods. In the process of CFD numerical simulations, the complexity of the problem is gradually increasing, the accuracy of the numerical simulation is becoming more and more demanding, and the network size is continuously expanding. Load-balancing algorithms for CFD parallel computing are being gradually and extensively researched in the world.
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  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Encyclopedia of Chicago
The Encyclopedia of Chicago is an historical reference work covering Chicago and the entire Chicago metropolitan area published by the University of Chicago Press. Released in October 2004, the work is the result of a ten-year collaboration between the Newberry Library and the Chicago Historical Society. It exists in both a hardcover print edition and an online format, known as the Electronic Encyclopedia of Chicago. The print edition is 1117 pages and includes 1400 entries, 2000 biographical sketches, 250 significant business enterprise descriptions, and hundreds of maps. Initially, the internet edition included 1766 entries, 1000 more images and sources. The concept was fueled by other regional encyclopedias that had met with commercial success in 1980s and 1990s. Eventually, the vision to create the book found initial financing from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The book was well received and became a bestseller during the 2004 Christmas season following its October 2004 release. The following May the Electronic Encyclopedia of Chicago was released. Northwestern University joined the Newberry Library/Chicago Historical Society collaboration to publish the internet edition. The internet edition was the second of its kind for a U.S. city.
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  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Encryption and Compression Schemes Based on JPEG
Due to the excellent compression performance of JPEG, many schemes based on JPEG have been developed for the encryption and compression of digital images. According to the positioning of the encryption within the compression process, they can be classified into three categories: encryption before compression, joint compression and encryption, and compression before encryption. Encryption before compression means that the image is encrypted before JPEG compression. Typical methods include permutation encryption and some chaos-based encryption schemes that directly operate on the original image
  • 377
  • 15 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Wildlife Detection with Drones
With the impacts of global climate change and habitat loss, wild animals are facing unprecedented threats to their survival. For instance, rising temperatures, increased extreme weather events, and rising sea levels all pose threats to the survival of wildlife. The global urbanization and agricultural expansion have led to large-scale habitat destruction and loss. This has deprived many wild animals of places to live and breed. Moreover, the decline of biodiversity has also exacerbated human concerns about environmental sustainability. As a result, the issue of wildlife conservation has received extensive international attention. In this context, governments and international organizations have taken various initiatives in an attempt to curb the decline of wildlife populations and to improve the efficiency of conservation through the use of scientific and technological means. Drones are widely used for wildlife monitoring. Deep learning algorithms are key to the success of monitoring wildlife with drones, although they face the problem of detecting small targets.
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Vulgar Word Extraction in Chittagonian Dialect of Bangla
The proliferation of the internet, especially on social media platforms, has amplified the prevalence of cyberbullying and harassment. Addressing this issue involves harnessing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques for the automatic detection of harmful content. However, these methods encounter challenges when applied to low-resource languages like the Chittagonian dialect of Bangla. This entry compares two approaches for identifying offensive language containing vulgar remarks in Chittagonian. The first relies on basic keyword matching, while the second employs machine learning and deep learning techniques. The keyword- matching approach involves scanning the text for vulgar words using a predefined lexicon. Despite its simplicity, this method establishes a strong foundation for more sophisticated ML and deep learning approaches. An issue with this approach is the need for constant updates to the lexicon.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Spatiality Sensitive Learning for Cancer Metastasis Detection
Metastasis detection in lymph nodes via microscopic examination of histopathological images is one of the most crucial diagnostic procedures for breast cancer staging. The manual analysis is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming because of complexities and diversities of histopathology images. Deep learning has been utilized in automatic cancer metastasis detection in recent years. Due to the huge size of whole-slide images, most existing approaches split each image into smaller patches and simply treat these patches independently, which ignores the spatial correlations among them.
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  • 08 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Underwater Sensor Networks
The issue of limited energy resources is crucial for underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) because these networks operate in remote and harsh environments where access to power sources is limited. Overcoming the energy constraints is necessary to ensure the long-term functionality and sustainability of UWSN, enabling continuous data collection and communication for various applications such as environmental monitoring and surveillance.
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  • 21 Aug 2023
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