Topic Review
Double-sided lapping
Double-sided lapping is an ultra-precision manufacturing process used for fabricating wafers, thin substrates, metal slice parts, etc. to achieve high surface integrity, flatness and parallelism. It can be divided into double-sided lapping with loose abrasives and fixed abrasives.
  • 3.6K
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
E-Commerce User Experience in the Last-Mile Delivery
The role of last-mile delivery implies the complexity of managing the flood of parcels in cities, along with the demands for and complexity of omnichannel retailing. The last-mile delivery process involves different stakeholders, such as consumers, logistics providers, and retailers. The last-mile delivery concept presents a chain of storage and transport process steps. Each chain starts at the depot and ends with a handover element. The process chain consists of one or multiple transport and storage process steps moving the shipments closer to the customer. Customer experience in the last-mile delivery process can be a key factor in a customer’s decision to return to the same retailer or brand. Customers are increasingly looking for reliable delivery, as well as flexibility in choosing the time and place of delivery. For this reason, retailers and logistics service providers (courier services) need to focus on providing an efficient and quality experience in the last-mile delivery process to meet customer needs and maintain competitiveness. In addition, the user experience in the product delivery process plays a key role in increasing the user satisfaction.
  • 258
  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Eco-Industrial Park
The concept of an eco-industrial park (EIP) that promotes resource sharing, reutilization of waste, and exchange of materials among industries and communities brings significant benefits in terms of environmental, social, and economic aspects.
  • 1.0K
  • 27 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Edge Computing in Manufacturing Industry
The primary goal of edge computing (EC) is to reduce the time required to transfer large amounts of data. With the ability to analyze data at the edge, it is possible to obtain immediate feedback and use it in the decision-making process. However, the implementation of EC requires investments not only in infrastructure, but also in the development of employee knowledge related to modern computing methods based on artificial intelligence. Future research in EC should particularly cover areas where actions require immediate decision making and the processing of big data, such as autonomous control of robots, vehicles, or entire factories. The second area of research should be technologies related to mobile edge computing, for example, telecommunications and all issues related to 5G technology.
  • 825
  • 11 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Efficiency-Based Global Green Manufacturing Innovation Index
Manufacturing Innovation Index (GGMII) was developed by formulating an input-oriented data envelopment analysis model. Criteria such as the value added to the gross domestic product (GDP), corresponding CO2 emissions, and unemployment rates were examined in order to represent the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of SD, respectively. Other scientific and technological dimensions were also considered. The data corresponding to all ten of the criteria were collected from World Bank Open Data. 
  • 751
  • 21 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Efficient and Effective Rankings
In the simple words of Peter Drucker, efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficient and Effective Rankings are ranking classifications for Decision-Making Units (DMUs) based on a combination of the efficiency score (obtained by parametric or non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis frontier estimations) with a multiple effectiveness measure (often obtained using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis). This study aims at providing a non-compensatory ranking classification combining Conditional Frontier Analysis with the PROMETHEE II methodology for the multidimensional efficiency and effectiveness analysis of Police. The results on Pernambuco (Brazil) Police departments offer interesting perspectives for public administrations concerning prioritizations of units based on the mitigation of resources and strategic objectives.
  • 1.0K
  • 30 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Embedded Sensors with 3D Printing Technology
Embedded sensors (ESs) are used in smart materials to enable continuous and permanent measurements of their structural integrity, while sensing technology involves developing sensors, sensory systems, or smart materials that monitor a wide range of properties of materials. Incorporating 3D-printed sensors into hosting structures has grown in popularity because of improved assembly processes, reduced system complexity, and lower fabrication costs. 3D-printed sensors can be embedded into structures and attached to surfaces through two methods: attaching to surfaces or embedding in 3D-printed sensors.
  • 775
  • 11 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Emerging Technologies
According to G. Veletsianos, from a general point of view, an emerging technology is “a new tool with promising potential”. However, an emerging technology is generally defined according to the field in which it is analyzed. B.R. Martin describes an emerging technology as a technology the use of which will benefit many sectors of the economy and/or society. Other important characteristics of emerging technology, according to D. Rotolo, D. Hicks and B. R. Martin, include radical novelty, relatively fast growth, coherence, and prominent impact. Which refers to the crucial following contexts: aspect of future time, anticipation, uncertainty and Industry 4.0. the following definition of an emerging technology has been created by the author – „Emerging technology in Industry 4.0 is a technology the development of which, from today’s point of view, is uncertain and not obvious, but through complex anticipatory research, it is possible to identify its potential radical impact in selected areas, e.g., social, technological, economic, scientific.”
  • 8.3K
  • 10 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Enhancing the Decision-Making Process through Industry 4.0 Technologies
In order to meet the increasingly complex expectations of customers, many companies must increase efficiency and agility. In this sense, Industry 4.0 technologies offer significant opportunities for improving both operational and decision-making processes. These developments make it possible to consider an increase in the level of operational systems and teams’ autonomy. However, the potential for strengthening the decision-making process by means of these new technologies remains unclear in the current literature. To fill this gap, a Delphi study using the Régnier Abacus technique was conducted with a representative panel of 24 experts. The novelty of this study was to identify and characterize the potential for enhancing the overall decision-making process with the main Industry 4.0 groups of technologies. Our results show that cloud computing appears as a backbone to enhance the entire decision-making process. However, certain technologies, such as IoT and simulation, have a strong potential for only specific steps within the decision-making process. This research also provides a first vision of the manager’s perspectives, expectations, and risks associated with implementing new modes of decision-making and cyber-autonomy supported by Industry 4.0 technologies.
  • 795
  • 20 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management in Industry 4.0
According to the International Labour Organization, occupational injury is a personal injury, disease, or death that results from an occupational accident. Occupational accidents, in turn, are unexpected occurrences, including acts of violence, arising out of or in connection with work and resulting in one or more workers incurring personal injury, disease, or death. Occupational diseases are acquired through personal exposure to environmental risks, such as physical, chemical, and biological agents in situations above the tolerance limits imposed by legislation or applicable standards. These diseases are caused or aggravated by specific activities, and are characterized when the causal link is established. between damage to the worker’s health and exposure to certain work-related risks. Occupational diseases occur after various years of exposure, and in some cases, they can arise even after the worker is no longer in contact with the causative agent.
  • 422
  • 30 Aug 2022
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