Topic Review
Sulfur-Based Hydrogen Production Thermochemical Cycles
Thermochemical processes based on sulfur compounds are among the most developed systems to produce hydrogen through water splitting. Due to their operating conditions, sulfur cycles are suited to be coupled with either nuclear or solar plants for renewable hydrogen production. A description of the most promising sulfur cycles, namely the Hybrid Sulfur, the Sulfur Iodine, the Sulfur Bromine and the Sulfur Ammonia processes, is given, including the work being performed for each cycle and discussing their maturity and performance for nuclear and solar applications. 
  • 1.7K
  • 09 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Renewable Carbon
Renewable carbon is one of the most important materials which have been used in a wide range of applications, such as chemical catalysis, medicinal purification, environmental cleaning and metal extraction. Meanwhile, with the development of technology, the use field of renewable carbon keeps expanding to new areas, such as electrode and super-capacitors for energetic cell, as well as many other innovative industries. Similar to carbon nanotube (CNT) or graphene, it has variable characteristics of surface groups, along with high interface reactivity. These surface groups provide abundant reaction sites for chemical modification via electrostatic/van der Waals force, chemical bonding or noncovalent π-π interactions, thus imparting carbon particles with excellent natural affinity toward a large number of substrates. Moreover, the highly developed porous structure renders renewable carbon with a large range of surface area (500-3000 m2/g). It consists of thin graphite layers with exceptional mechanical strength, which highlights its great potential to be used as reinforcement agent in advanced packaging composites.
  • 902
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
SBA-15 synthesis variables
SBA-15 synthetized at different values of time and temperature of the hydrothermal treatment were mixture with tobacco in order to determine the capacity of reduction of toxic and carcirogenic compounds on tobacco smoke. The effect of temperature is not significative but time presents a remarked effect. And a parameter not frequently studied, the aparent density, has been shown the most relevant relation with the results on smoking experimentos. Finally, the effect of reduce the supernatant liquor also has been studied and the results have shown that the material properties remain practically unchanged.
  • 861
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Flexible Fluxgate Sensor
Fluxgate sensors are magnetic flux density measurement instruments. They are high-accuracy direction sensitive magnetometers that include the Earth’s magnetic field in their measuring range. For this reason, they are commonly used for magnetic compass applications. Among others, many current measurement devices are based on fluxgate sensors, since they can measure DC magnetic fields as well as low-frequency AC magnetic fields.
  • 870
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Optimal Interpolation for infrared satellite data
Thermal infrared remote sensing measurements are blinded to surface emissions under cloudiness because infrared sensors cannot penetrate thick cloud layers. Therefore, surface and atmospheric parameters can be retrieved only in clear sky conditions giving origin to spatial fields flagged with missing pieces of information. Motivated by this we present a methodology to retrieve missing values of some interesting geophysical variables retrieved from spatially scattered infrared satellite observations in order to yield level 3 (L3), regularly gridded, data. The technique is based on a 2-Dimensional (2D) Optimal Interpolation (OI) scheme. The goodness of the approach has been tested on 15-min temporal resolution Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) emissivity and surface temperature (ST) products over South Italy (land and sea), on Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) atmospheric ammonia (NH3) concentration over North Italy and carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and NH3 concentrations over China. Sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals have been compared with gridded data from MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) observations. For gases concentration, we have considered data from 3 different emission inventories, that is, Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research v3.4.2 (EDGARv3.4.2), the Regional Emission inventory in ASiav3.1 (REASv3.1) and MarcoPolov0.1, plus an independent study.
  • 794
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Tool Wear Suppression Methods of Diamond-cutting Ferrous Metals
This entry introduces some common tool wear suppression methods of diamond-cutting ferrous metals.
  • 1.4K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Intelligent Packaging for Perishable Products
The preservation of perishable products to maintain their quality is of paramount importance for food safety and security, and is attracting more attention with the increasing concerns on food quality, healthcare and life. Advances in technology and materialsin recent years have led to the development and implementation of intelligent packaging for perishable products that can monitor or evencontrol their quality in supply chain. In this paper, the techniques used in intelligent packaging (i.e., indicators, sensors, and identification technology) and the major printing methods for fabricating electronics (i.e., inkjet printing, screen printing, and gravure printing) are reviewed with a focus on the packagingof perishable products. Althoughthehigh manufacturing costs pose a big challenge for their commercialization and large-scale deployment, it is expected that the technological progressesin printing electronicswill significantly reduce the manufacturing cost of intelligent packaging to a threshold of acceptance by markets and the broad applications of intelligent packaging can facilitate the traction and monitoring of perishable products for better control of the product quality and improved management of supply chain.
  • 2.2K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Double-sided lapping
Double-sided lapping is an ultra-precision manufacturing process used for fabricating wafers, thin substrates, metal slice parts, etc. to achieve high surface integrity, flatness and parallelism. It can be divided into double-sided lapping with loose abrasives and fixed abrasives.
  • 3.6K
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
A Product/Service System
Product/service system (PSS) is widely considered as a promising design object with the potential to enhance environmental sustainability of industrial solutions. The state of the art of PSS design research includes several prescriptive PSS design support tools, methods and procedures. This body of literature has been extensively reviewed in the past. However, there is a lack of consolidation of the available prescriptive knowledge in a condensed and practically useful format that can be used by practitioners to guide their conceptual PSS design activities and by researchers to build their work on. Thus, to address this gap in our knowledge, we use an intra-disciplinary literature analysis and meta-synthesis approach to consolidate the extant prescriptive PSS design knowledge in the form of a schema for conceptual PSS design.
  • 1.3K
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
COTS-Based Architectural Framework
This research tackles issues such as the reliability and efficiency of real-time control systems based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. A strong emphasis is placed on finding novel efficient solutions based on standardized and commercially available off-the-shelf hardware/software components. In this direction, this research applies credible and feasible methodologies (e.g., model-based design, component-based design, formal verification, real-time scheduling, prototyping, and validation) in an innovative enhanced way. As an important outcome, a versatile integrative design approach and architectural framework (VIDAF) is proposed, which supports the development and implementation of reliable real-time control systems and applications using commercial off-the-shelf components. The feasibility and applicability of the proposed system’s architecture are evaluated and validated through a system application in embedded real-time control in manufacturing. The research outcomes are expected to have a positive impact on emerging areas such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
  • 3.7K
  • 28 Oct 2020
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