Topic Review Peer Reviewed
The Role of GNSS-RTN in Transportation Applications
The Global Navigation Satellite System—Real-Time Network (GNSS-RTN) is a satellite-based positioning system using a network of ground receivers (also called continuously operating reference stations (CORSs)) and a central processing center that provides highly accurate location services to the users in real-time over a broader geographic region. Such systems can provide geospatial location data with centimeter-level accuracy anywhere within the network. Geospatial location services are not only used in measuring ground distances and mapping topography; they have also become vital in many other fields such as aerospace, aviation, natural disaster management, and agriculture, to name but a few. The innovative and multi-disciplinary applications of geospatial data drive technological advancement towards precise and accurate location services available in real-time. Although GNSS-RTN technology is currently utilized in a few industries such as precision farming, construction industry, and land surveying, the implications of precise real-time location services would be far-reaching and more critical to many advanced transportation applications. The GNSS-RTN technology is promising in meeting the needs of automation in most advanced transportation applications. This article presents an overview of the GNSS-RTN technology, its current applications in transportation-related fields, and a perspective on the future use of this technology in advanced transportation applications. 
  • 1.2K
  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
The Charging Behaviour of Private Electric Vehicles
Electric mobility is one of the ways of containing greenhouse gas and local pollutants emissions in urban areas. Nevertheless, the massive introduction of battery-powered electric vehicles (EVs) is introducing some concerns related to their energy demand. Modelling vehicle usage and charging behavior is essential for charge demand forecasting and energy consumption estimation. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how the charging decisions of EV owners are influenced by different factors, ranging from the charging infrastructure characteristics to the users’ profiles.
  • 178
  • 08 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Sustainable urban mobility is a term that refers to the use of means of transport that do not affect the environment and an approach to the planning of the development of urban areas with sustainability goals in mind. When creating sustainable urban mobility plans, planners must also have the number of inhabitants in urban areas in mind as well as the need to ensure a satisfactory transportation service for residents located in urban areas. In order to respond to the ever-increasing need to develop sustainable modes of transport, the importance of electric, autonomous, and electric autonomous vehicles is increasingly emphasized. In addition, as trends of growth and development in electric autonomous vehicle technology are increasing, one of the questions that has appeared is whether autonomous electric vehicles represent one of the mechanisms that will be used to increase the sustainability of urban mobility. 
  • 1.7K
  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Supply Chain and Digital Twins
The supply chains shaping their distribution networks become more diverse as companies respond to global markets’ stringent criteria. This is also counterproductive to the visibility of the supply chain within the company and can adversely affect the organization’s core business. 
  • 578
  • 21 May 2021
Topic Review
Static Configuration in Urban Rail Transit
With the rapid development of urban rail transit, the traditional urban rail wireless network based on fixed infrastructure is not in a position to meet the increasingly complex communication demand. At the same time, Ad Hoc network, as a special wireless mobile network, is developing rapidly. Applying this self-organized networking architecture to the urban rail vehicle–ground communication network can overcome the problems existing in the traditional urban rail communication system. The routing protocols that can achieve low delay and highly reliable data transmission are important in the urban rail transit scenario.
  • 267
  • 07 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Splitter-Island on Pedestrian Safety at Roundabout
Traffic accident statistics have traditionally been used to assess traffic safety. This method has severe limitations when used to investigate the impact of a particular feature of traffic facilities on safety at a microscopic level. Most previous research on surrogate safety measures (SSMs) had, on the other hand, focused on studying the safety of traffic operation conditions.
  • 368
  • 18 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Spatial-Temporal Flows-Adaptive Street Layout Control Using Reinforcement Learning
This study proposes a novel optimal control method that decides the ROW of road space assigned to driveways and sidewalks in real-time. To solve this optimal control task, a reinforcement learning method is introduced that employs a microscopic traffic simulator, namely SUMO, as its environment. The model was trained for 150 episodes using a four-legged intersection and joint AVs-pedestrian travel demands of a day. Results evidenced the effectiveness of the model in both symmetric and asymmetric road settings. After being trained by 150 episodes, our proposed model significantly increased its comprehensive reward of both pedestrians and vehicular traffic efficiency and sidewalk ratio by 10.39%. Decisions on the balanced ROW are optimised as 90.16% of the edges decrease the driveways supply and raise sidewalk shares by approximately 9%. Moreover, during 18.22% of the tested time slots, a lane-width equivalent space is shifted from driveways to sidewalks, minimising the travel costs for both an AV fleet and pedestrians.
  • 503
  • 28 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Spatial Knowledge Acquisition in Large-Scale Environments
The research emphasizes the critical role of spatial cognition in understanding urban travel behaviors. It discusses how individuals' spatial experiences and cognitive maps shape their perception and interaction with their surroundings, influencing navigation, route planning, and travel decisions. The emergence of small electric vehicles (SEVs) is highlighted as a sustainable urban transport option, necessitating an understanding of spatial cognition for effective integration. Affordance and spatial learning stages are explored, elucidating how the physical environment and individual experiences contribute to spatial knowledge acquisition. The research explores the relationship between spatial experience and travel attitudes, emphasizing the influence of the cognitive built environment on travel motivations. It discusses the importance of spatial knowledge in trip planning and activity-travel patterns, especially in the context of SEVs and their constraints. Various techniques for investigating cognitive maps are reviewed, underscoring the significance of understanding spatial cognition for improving transportation modeling and enhancing urban mobility. Overall, the research provides a comprehensive overview of spatial cognition's impact on travel behaviors and its implications for urban transport planning.
  • 210
  • 21 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Smart Cities and Public Transport Vehicles
A “smart city” contains not only new tools but also vehicles or infrastructure. A new type of vehicle could use both the existing tram routes and newly constructed sections with no tracks. It is assumed that new vehicles would drive with trams on the same, shared tracks.
  • 304
  • 26 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Ship Autonomous Collision-Avoidance Strategies
Autonomous decision-making for ships to avoid collision is core to the autonomous navigation of intelligent ships. Related research has shown explosive growth. However, owing to the complex constraints of navigation environments, the Convention of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGs), and the underactuated characteristics of ships, it is extremely challenging to design a decision-making algorithm for autonomous collision avoidance (CA) that is practically useful. Based on the investigation of many studies, decision-making algorithms can be attributed to three strategies: alteration of course alone, alteration of speed alone, and alteration of both course and speed. 
  • 380
  • 19 Apr 2023
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