Topic Review
Generative Pre-Trained Transformers
Leveraging natural language processing models using a large volume of text data in the construction safety domain offers a unique opportunity to improve understanding of safety accidents and the ability to learn from them.
  • 310
  • 29 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Genetic Algorithm for the Recovery System of USVs
Compared to other vessels, the unmanned surface vehicle (USV) has the advantage of being smaller and operating more agilely, requiring only sufficient space for the relevant sensors and auxiliary navigation devices to make sure the vehicle functions properly. Moreover, the USV can be applied in extreme conditions independently, such as strong waves, tides, and radiation leaks, by means of a predefined system or remote control by professionals.
  • 260
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Genetic Wastewater-Based Epidemiology
Wastewater-based epidemiology describes the idea of early detection of a virus, e.g., SARS-CoV-2, in wastewater in order to focus on the area of virus occurrence and supplement the results obtained from clinical examination. By monitoring temporal variation in viral loads in wastewater in combination with other analysis, a virus outbreak can be detected and its spread can be suppressed early. The use of biosensors for virus detection also seems to be an interesting application. Biosensors are highly sensitive, selective, and portable and offer a way for fast analysis.
  • 514
  • 15 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Genitourinary Tissue Engineering
Tissue engineering is an emerging field of research that initially aimed to produce 3D tissues to bypass the lack of adequate tissues for the repair or replacement of deficient organs. 
  • 477
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Genome-Editing Approaches toward Post-Implanted Fetuses in Mice
At least four ways have been known for induction of genome editing in individuals: the first is to perform genome editing at zygote stage; the second is at post-implanted stages, as exemplified by the mid-gestational stages (E9 to E15), which is called “in utero genome editing”; the third is at the mid-gestational stages, as exemplified by tail vein injection of genome editing components into the pregnant females, which is called “transplacental gene delivery to acquire genome-edited fetuses (TPGD-GEF); the last is at the newborn or adult stage, as exemplified by facial or tail vein injection of genome editing components. For fetal genome manipulation, the second and the third approaches can be employed. Here, detailed explanation of TPGD-GEF, and limitations of and possibilities for in utero genome editing and TPGD-GEF will be shown.
  • 452
  • 20 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Genuine and Spoof Speech Signal Classification
Voice-controlled devices are in demand due to their hands-free controls. However, using voice-controlled devices in sensitive scenarios like smartphone applications and financial transactions requires protection against fraudulent attacks referred to as “speech spoofing”. The algorithms used in spoof attacks are practically unknown; hence, further analysis and development of spoof-detection models for improving spoof classification are required. A study of the spoofed-speech spectrum suggests that high-frequency features are able to discriminate genuine speech from spoofed speech well. Typically, linear or triangular filter banks are used to obtain high-frequency features. However, a Gaussian filter can extract more global information than a triangular filter. In addition, mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) features are preferable among other speech features because of their lower covariance.
  • 194
  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Geo-Design in Planning for Bicycling
Cities have increasingly promoted bicycling as a mode of transport as part of their strategy to develop a more sustainable transportation system. Australia is one of the countries that seeks to promote bicycling in a significant manner. There are two primary barriers faced in this effort. The first is the organizational complexity of planning and of implementing cycling-related projects, which can span across different agencies in government at various levels, from federal to local. Second is the lack of a clear framework for effectively planning a bicycling network using multiple data and tools available to these agencies within a limited budget. The use of a geo-design-based, collaborative, and data-driven framework for planning bicycling networks brings various stakeholders, such as transport planners, urban designers, and academics, into the planning practice, thus overcoming the mentioned barriers. Geo-design is an environmental design framework for complex problems involving the collaboration of different teams and stakeholders, supported by digital computing and communication technologies.
  • 457
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
GeoAI in Integrated Hydrological and Fluvial Systems Modeling
Geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) allows the harnessing of big and high-dimensional data to better understand the hydrological processes in a particular system. Specifically, GeoAI provides new data analytic tools to the entire data processing cycle, such as sensor data fusion, hydrological modeling, data assimilation, multi-objective scenario optimization, smart decision support, evaluation of climate change impact, construction of early warning systems, and geo-visualization. 
  • 1.3K
  • 22 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Geocell Configuration
Geocells, which are polymeric interconnected cells filled with soil, provide excellent support to loads through all-round confinement and a beam effect; hence, they are extensively used in various geotechnical applications such as embankments, foundations, pavements, slopes, railways, and reinforced earth (RE) walls. 
  • 566
  • 16 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Geochemical Modeling Applications
The geochemical computer model is an important innovation that exponentially evolved in the last decades, and that now plays a vital role in several areas of study, ranging from developing new models for surface complexation, reactive transport models, or the generation of thermodynamic data used to simulate or predict solubility reactions. An important application of geochemical modeling involves supporting the explanation or characterization of engineering systems related to waste management, wastewater reuse, evaluation of water quality from a landfill, metal speciation within soils in industrial areas, new technologies or process for waste treatment, and even the evaluation of the potential to use solid wastes in carbon sequestering processes.
  • 1.0K
  • 03 Aug 2021
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