Topic Review
Forest Machine Hybridization
Global climate change is currently taking place, and the change is associated with strong weather fluctuations, which result in calamities, whether of biotic or abiotic origin. During these calamities, there is a glut of wood in the market, and thus its price falls. The falling price requires a reduction in the costs associated with its harvesting. Deployment of hybrid machines can present a solution for this issue and hybrid machines have lower fuel consumption, which contributes to the total costs by up to 82% . The solution correlates with the global trend of reducing emission limits for working machines. The Stage V emission standard is currently valid in the EU.Hybrid drives of forest machines (harvester, forwarder, and skidder) are based on solutions that come from the automotive industry. From the sector of machine hybridization, Sellgren mentioned so-called “engine downsizing”, when engine sizes are scaled down and emissions are thus reduced. The most common hybrid drive design currently utilizes electricity with an aim to solve the issue of a lack of the required power of a smaller engine, for example in harvesters. Such hybridization is referred to in the literature as the electro-hybrid drive.
  • 732
  • 01 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Forest Rescue Point System
Forest work is dangerous. In particular, manual or motor manual work still exists in large parts of both the professional sector and in the management of small private forests. For example, Germany has a large number of forest owners, estimated at approx. 2,000,000. Accidents that happen in the forest often involve severe injuries. In 2020, 4834 (2019: 5257) accidents during forestry work were reported in Germany. 1533 (2019: 1680) people were so seriously injured that they were unable to work for more than three days. 26 (2019: 36) people lost their lives while working in the forest. The system of fixed rescue points has been established in some areas of Germany for a long time. For example, a system of fixed rescue meeting points was established in the Bavarian state forest as early as the 1990s. In addition to establishing a clear meeting point for the rescue service, providing the fastest route to a landline telephone also played a major role at that time. With the current predominant use of smartphones, the role of the rescue meeting points has changed.
  • 970
  • 23 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Formic Acid as Liquid Carrier for H2 Storage
The development of low-carbon technologies that will facilitate the efficient use of hydrogen (H2) as an energy carrier is a critical requirement of contemporary society. To this end, it is anticipated that the cost of H2 production will become a key factor in tandem with production efficiency, process safety, and transport. Much effort has been made to create and develop new, reversible, and sustainable H2 storage systems. Among current techniques, formic acid (FA) has been identified as an efficient energy carrier for H2 storage. Numerous homogeneous catalysts based on transition metals with high activity and selectivity have been reported for selective FA dehydrogenation. 
  • 600
  • 20 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Using Noble-Metal Nanoheterogeneous Catalysts
Several obstacles remain in the way of widespread hydrogen use, most of which are related to transport and storage. Dilute formic acid (FA) is recognized asa a safe fuel for low-temperature fuel cells. FA is examined as a potential hydrogen storage molecule that can be dehydrogenated to yield highly pure hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with very little carbon monoxide (CO) gas produced via nanoheterogeneous catalysts.
  • 956
  • 16 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Formic Acid for Hydrogen Production
Formic acid is a liquid organic hydrogen carrier giving hydrogen on demand using catalysts. Metal complexes are known to be used as efficient catalysts for the hydrogen production from formic acid decomposition. Their performance could be better than those of supported catalysts with metal nanoparticles. However, difficulties to separate metal complexes from the reaction mixture limit their industrial applications. This problem can be resolved by supporting metal complexes on the surface of different supports, which may additionally provide some surface sites for the formic acid activation.
  • 1.3K
  • 30 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Forming the Microchannel Geometry
Various fields within biomedical engineering have been afforded rapid scientific advancement through the incorporation of microfluidics. Microfluidics is the study of fluid flow in geometries with one of the channel dimensions being of the micrometer scale. These geometries are built up into circuits known as microfluidic chips.
  • 408
  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Formwork System Selection in Building Construction Projects
The formwork system (FWS) gives the geometry and strength required by the reinforced concrete (RC) structure to attain the desired form and structural design properties of the cured concrete.
  • 952
  • 05 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Forth Bridge Approach Railways
The Forth Bridge approach railways were railway lines constructed in the period 1887 to 1890 to form new main lines on the opening of the Forth Railway Bridge. The Forth Bridge opened in 1890 at the Queensferry crossing, and only local branch lines approached the location. The North British Railway built new main lines and upgraded some existing lines. The increase in passenger traffic resulted in serious congestion at Edinburgh Waverley, which was extended and modernised in the years following 1890.
  • 449
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Forward and Reverse Combustion
In situ combustion or fire flooding is a promising enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique designed to produce heavy oils and bitumen. This method involves the in-place heating and combustion of hydrocarbons, resulting in reduced viscosity and increased mobility for improved flow toward the production wellbore. Despite its potential, widespread commercial implementation of in situ combustion has been hindered due to technical and economic challenges like inadequate project design and improper reservoir selection.
  • 508
  • 15 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Forward Head Posture and Biofeedback
Forward Head Posture (FHP) is when the head leans forward due to factors such as heavy backpacks or poor computer ergonomics. FHP can lead to neck strain and discomfort as well as potential long-term issues such as arthritis. Treatment options include specialized exercises, orthopedic devices, manual therapy, physical exercises, and visual feedback techniques, along with guidance from specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation. In this study, a visual feedback-based approach was used to address FHP in female students. 
  • 312
  • 29 Jan 2024
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