Topic Review
Engineering Applications of Optimal Sensor Placement for SHM
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is critical to maintaining safe and reliable civil infrastructure, but the optimal design of an SHM sensing system, i.e., optimal sensor placement (OSP), remains a complex challenge.
  • 213
  • 08 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Engineering Drug Delivery Systems
Engineering drug delivery systems (DDS) aim to release bioactive cargo to a specific site within the human body safely and efficiently. Hydrogels have been used as delivery matrices in different studies due to their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and versatility in biomedical purposes. Microparticles have also been used as drug delivery systems for similar reasons. The combination of microparticles and hydrogels in a composite system has been the topic of many research works. These composite systems can be injected in loco as DDS. The hydrogel will serve as a barrier to protect the particles and retard the release of any bioactive cargo within the particles. Additionally, these systems allow different release profiles, where different loads can be released sequentially, thus allowing a synergistic treatment. The reported advantages from several studies of these systems can be of great use in biomedicine for the development of more effective DDS.
  • 811
  • 04 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Engineering Systems Modeling
The development of an accurate dynamic model is crucial for the purpose of optimization, control, fault diagnosis, and prognosis. There are three main modeling approaches for dynamic systems: the physics-based approach, the data-driven approach, and the hybrid approach. In the physics-based approach, the governing equations of a system are formulated from conservation laws, and they are solved analytically or numerically, while the data-driven approach uses a combination of data and learning techniques to find out the input-output relations of a given system. Hybrid modeling encompasses the integration of physics-based and data-driven modeling approaches, aiming to comprehensively represent system intricacies and mitigate potential limitations associated with each individual approach. In this contribution, the key concepts to consider in modeling engineering systems are briefly discussed.
  • 268
  • 15 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Enhance the Efficiency of Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion
Thermophilic anaerobic digestion (TAD) technology has been adopted worldwide mainly due to it being a pathogen-free process in addition to the enhanced biogas yield and short hydraulic retention time (HRT). Taking the high metabolic rate of the thermophilic microbial community with highly efficient enzymatic systems into consideration, thermophiles are being widely explored as efficient inocula for lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) degradation and improved biomethane production. The advantages of TAD over mesophilic anaerobic digestion (MAD), including improved kinetics, efficient degradation of organic matter, and economic and environmental sustainability, make it one of the best strategies to be operated at moderately high temperatures. 
  • 295
  • 14 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Enhanced Heat Transfer Technology for Helium–Xenon Gas Mixtures
As one of the most promising working substances for space nuclear power sources, research on the heat transfer characteristics of helium–xenon gas mixtures has become the key issue in focus. The ultimate goal is to improve the heat transfer efficiency of helium–xenon mixture in space nuclear power supply.
  • 670
  • 29 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Enhanced Humidification–Dehumidification (HDH) Systems for Sustainable Water Desalination
Water scarcity is a pressing global issue driving the need for efficient and sustainable water reuse and desalination technologies. Humidification–dehumidification (HDH) has emerged as a promising method for small-scale and decentralized systems.
  • 285
  • 21 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes are technologies used in the oil and gas industry to maximize the extraction of residual oil from reservoirs after primary and secondary recovery methods have been carried out. EOR processes involve various methods, including thermal, chemical, gas and microbial methods.
  • 191
  • 16 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Enhanced Perception for Autonomous Driving Using Semantic-Geometric Fusion
Environment perception remains one of the key tasks in autonomous driving for which solutions have yet to reach maturity. Multi-modal approaches benefit from the complementary physical properties specific to each sensor technology used, boosting overall performance. The presented 360∘ enhanced perception component is based on low-level fusion between geometry provided by the LiDAR-based 3D point clouds and semantic scene information obtained from multiple RGB cameras, of multiple types. This multi-modal, multi-sensor scheme enables better range coverage, improved detection and classification quality with increased robustness. Semantic, instance and panoptic segmentations of 2D data are computed using efficient deep-learning-based algorithms, while 3D point clouds are segmented using a fast, traditional voxel-based solution. 
  • 498
  • 01 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Enhanced Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been used in portable electric devices and electric vehicles (EVs) for years due to their high energy and power densities, satisfactory cycle life and the affordable materials and manufacturing costs. To meet the growing market demand for cheaper and more efficient energy storage technologies for EVs and power grids, higher energy storage density and efficiency, and a longer cycle life should be achieved in the next generation of LIBs. Silicon (Si) is considered as one of the most promising candidates for next generation negative electrode (negatrode) materials in LIBs due to its much higher theoretical specific charge capacity than the current commercial negatrode (carbon-based).
  • 583
  • 25 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion Process with Biochar
Anaerobic digestion (AD) process is usually limited by factors such as process inefficiencies from substrate-induced instability, poor quality digestate, and poor management of effluent and emissions. Biochar, which is a highly porous carbonaceous material produced from the pyrolysis of biomass is an affordable accelerant that can be used to improve the efficiency of the AD process. Biochar has large specific surface area (SSA), high porosity, and abundant surface functional groups which allows for adsorption and ion exchange thereby removes free ammonia and ions and curbs their deleterious effect on the AD process. The performance of biochar in the AD process usually depends on its properties which are a function of pyrolysis conditions and the type of feedstock used in its production. However, these conditions/properties are not well understood. Additionally, the various mechanisms through which biochar enhances the performance of anaerobic digestion process. Accordingly, this research provides valuable insights into the utilization of biochar as an accelerator to enhance the AD process, addressing crucial factors such as optimal pyrolysis conditions, biochar dosage, and feedstock selection. Additionally, it delves into the mechanisms through which biochar positively influences the AD process, particularly by influencing microbial communities, reducing VFA levels, and mitigating the negative effects of ammonia. The research also highlights areas for further research in applying biochar for anaerobic digestion.
  • 558
  • 24 May 2023
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