Topic Review
Emotional Well-Being during Travel
Well-being has been suggested as another indicator of social development level besides income and economic prosperity. Traveler emotional well-being as a specific domain of subjective well-being has attracted attention across the field of transportation.
  • 499
  • 26 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Empathic Design for Community Resilience
Empathic design, which is the outcome of embedding the empathic approach in community resilience, will meet all four critical features of any models which are supposed to satisfy both physical resilience and humanistic considerations. It holds that in addition to the technical knowledge, engineers have to care about the humanistic side of the engineering process as well. Empathic design refers to a design in which the designers, as well as the technical specifications, consider the humanistic aspects of the system in virtue of three types of empathy, namely, cognitive, affective, and conative. The empathic design brings about an inclusive and effective community resilience approach that is human-centric, individual and communal sensitive, justice-oriented, and value-based consistent.  
  • 616
  • 06 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Emulsion Techniques
Emulsion Techniques, for example, microencapsulation and nanoencapsulation, can be used in the formulation of food coatings. A variety of methods have been developed to obtain different emulsions, forming excellent biomaterials to be applied as edible films in combination with biopolymer matrices. The significance and widespread applications of edible films to obtain coatings to protect food are originated from their unique properties, such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and no toxicity.
  • 731
  • 14 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Enabling Technologies for Power System Stability Enhancement
The growing attention to environmental issues is leading to an increasing integration of renewable energy sources into electrical grids. This integration process could contribute to power system decarbonization, supporting the diversification of primary energy sources and enhancing the security of energy supply, which is threatened by the uncertain costs of conventional energy sources. Despite these environmental and economical benefits, many technological and regulatory problems should be fixed in order to significantly increase the level of penetration of renewable power generators, which are connected to power transmission and distribution systems via power electronic interfaces. Indeed, these converter-interfaced generators (CIGs) perturb grid operation, especially those fueled by non-programmable energy sources (e.g., wind and solar generators), affecting the system stability and making power systems more vulnerable to dynamic perturbations. To face these issues, the conventional operating procedures based on pre-defined system conditions, which are currently adopted in power system operation tools, should be enhanced in order to allow the “online” solution of complex decision-making problems, providing power system operators with the necessary measures and alerts to promptly adjust the system. A comprehensive analysis of the most promising research directions and the main enabling technologies for addressing this complex issue is presented here.
  • 422
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Enabling Technologies in Collaborative Assembly
There is growing interest for manufacturing enterprises to embrace the drivers of the Smart Industry paradigm. Among these drivers, human–robot physical co-manipulation of objects has gained significant interest in the literature on assembly operations. Motivated by the requirement for human dyads between the human and the robot counterpart, the study of task allocation in human-robot collaboration literature shows promising trends for the implementation of ergonomics in collaborative assembly. 
  • 329
  • 28 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Enabling Technologies in Intermodal Freight Transport
Enabling technologies have wide application in intermodal freight transport (IFT). Their application is observed on components of IFT including, in ports, terminals, transport services, and loading units. Several enabling technologies such as wireless communication technologies, sensors, positioning technology, and web-based platforms are highly utilized in intermodal freight transport globally. In contrast, electronic data interchange (EDI), wireless communication technologies, and web-based platforms also have potential applications in low-income countries, and their adoption should be studied further. 
  • 2.0K
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
End Effectors in Agricultural Robotic Harvesting Systems
An end effector is a peripheral device attached to a robot’s wrist, enabling interaction during a task. For harvesting robots, the end effector is considered the contact point between the robot and the product to be harvested. Robotic systems have been designed to cover labor shortage, to increase the speed of harvesting, and to improve the efficiency of harvesting.
  • 790
  • 30 Aug 2022
Topic Review
End-of-Life Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries and Circular Economy
Electric vehicles, which are primarily powered by lithium-ion batteries, have gained much attention as the future of transportation for their environmental and economic benefits. However, the economy of lithium-ion battery management is quite linear. A circular economy with reusing and end-of-life recycling of lithium-ion batteries, would reduce the social and environmental costs associated with the mining of metals, decelerate the depletion of natural resources, and prevent the improper management that often accompanies disposal.
  • 630
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
End-of-Life Photovoltaic Modules
More than 78 million tons of photovoltaic modules (PVMs) will reach their end of life (EOL) by 2050. If they are not responsibly managed, they can (a) pollute our terrestrial ecosystem, (b) indirectly encourage continuous mining and extraction of Earth’s finite resources, and (c) diminish the net environmental benefit of harvesting solar energy. Conversely, successfully recovering them could reduce resource extraction and waste and generate sufficient economic return and value to finance the production of another 2 billion PVMs by 2050. Therefore, EOL PVMs must participate in the circular economy, and business and political leaders are actively devising strategies to enable their participation. 
  • 360
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
End-of-Life Vehicles Recycling
End-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling is a process that spends energy and could be an energy source as well. This part of energy recovering depends on many different factors related to the broad and local aspects of ELV recycling. The ELV recycling process is consuming energy from different energy sources (electrical, fossil), however, this consumption is lower in relation to energy consumption during the production of new vehicle parts from the very beginning. ELVs have, in the first phase, been considered as an environmental problem, which must be solved through many decision-making approaches, directives, and standards. Accordingly, it may be concluded, that this issue is very complex since it includes a lot of relations concerning ELV recycling, as well as broad infrastructure and socio-economic environment factors. On the other hand, there is not enough relevant and reliable information related to the ELV recycling and energy recovery through ELV recycling process. This information can be obtained through user responses, financial analysis, business analysis, or some government body relevant information sources. Due to new regulations related to ELV recycling, the responsibility of manufacturers is becoming increasingly important. They are obligated to design and revise their processes and adapt them to new legislation norms.
  • 3.2K
  • 26 Oct 2020
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