Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Application of Nanoparticles in Bioreactors to Enhance Mass Transfer during Syngas Fermentation
Gas–liquid mass transfer is a major issue during various bioprocesses, particularly in processes such as syngas fermentation (SNF). Since SNF involves the movement of gases into the fermentation broth, there is always a rate-limiting step that reduces process efficiency. Improving this process could lead to increased efficiency, higher production of ethanol, and reduced energy consumption. One way to improve fluid transfer between gas and liquid is by incorporating nanoparticles (NPs) into the liquid phase. This entry describes recent advances in using NPs to improve gas–liquid mass transfer during SNF. The entry also describes the basics of SNF and the impact of NPs on the process and suggests areas for future research. For example, carbon nanotubes have been found to elevate the available surface area needed for gas–liquid transfer, thus improving the process efficiency. Another area is the use of NPs as carriers for enzymes involved in syngas fermentation.
  • 387
  • 27 Mar 2023
Topic Review
School Spatial Environment and Visual Health of Minors
Rising childhood myopia rate has detrimental health consequences that pose a considerable challenge to health systems. The school spatial environment, which is where students are for the longest period of time, has a high health value for myopia systematic intervention. Intensive near work activity (as a risk factor) and longer time spent outdoors (as a protective factor), are involved in visual health factors. Two main research themes are obtained and relate to: (1) The environment of visual work behavior (especially the near work learning environment) and adaptable multimedia learning environment; and (2) the environment of outdoor exposure behavior.
  • 294
  • 27 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Cooling Techniques in Solar Cells
Non-concentrated photovoltaics (PV) have modest efficiency of up to around 20% because they utilise only a narrow spectrum of solar irradiation for electricity conversion. Therefore, recent advances employed multi-junction PV or concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) to widen the irradiation spectrum for conversion. CPV systems concentrate solar irradiation on the cell’s surface, producing high solar flux and temperature. The efficient cooling of CPV cells is critical to avoid thermal degradation and ensure optimal performance. 
  • 363
  • 27 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Physical Unclonable Function
A Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is hardware that acts as a one-way function, whose each different instance provides unique outputs for the same distinct input. Although recent research has demonstrated the merits of PUFs as security primitives for resource-constrained computer systems, better implementations of them need to be identified by future research, in order for them to be commercially adopted. Nevertheless, PUFs have already found application in the implementation of a large number of cryptographic protocols and other security solutions. A number of well-known metrics have been proposed in the literature in order to assess the quality of individual PUF implementations as security mechanisms, in terms of the stability, uniqueness and randomness of their responses.
  • 3.7K
  • 24 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Bioplastics Biodegradation
Bioplastics have entered everyday life as a potential sustainable substitute for commodity plastics. The wide array of biopolymers and commercial blends available make predicting the biodegradation degree and kinetics quite a complex issue that requires specific knowledge of the multiple factors affecting the degradation process. Understanding the material-related and environment-related aspects that determine the actual biodegradation of bioplastics is necessary to harmonize their treatment with biowaste using the typical processing conditions of waste treatment plants.
  • 417
  • 24 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Emergency Communication Networks
Emergency communication refers to the communication means and methods needed for the extensive use of various communication resources to support rescues, including emergency rescues, and the necessary communication in the case of natural or manufactured emergencies. Because of the characteristics of disasters, making effective use of limited resources to provide the best communication services is a key problem. Unlike the traditional communication network, the emergency communication network is a complex network, and enables the implementation of emergency rescue activities and provides the primary conditions for the realization of emergency rescue functions. Its network structure has a significant impact on rescue efficiency. In different emergency situations, the demand for emergency communication is different, and the technical means used are different. Emergency communication mainly has the following characteristics: uncertainty of time and place; uncertainty of capacity demand; high degree of timeliness of the emergency communication; complexity of the environment; uncertainty of the degree of damage to the communication network itself; and diversification of information.
  • 1.1K
  • 24 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Electrolyte Filling and Wetting in Lithium-Ion Battery Production
Electrolyte filling and wetting is a quality-critical and cost-intensive process step of battery cell production. Due to the importance of this process, a steadily increasing number of publications is emerging for its different influences and factors. 
  • 501
  • 24 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Climate Change and Citriculture on Citrus
A bibliometric analysis of climate change and citrus investigated this research domain's development and current trends. The period studied was from 1992 to 2022, resulting in 178 documents using the Scopus database. The most significant publishers' countries were also the largest citrus producers in the world, besides being G7 members. Three main research areas were identified: modeling, socio-political issues, and plant physiology. A tendency to change interest from modeling and risk analysis to physiology and stress studies was observed. Additionally, some of the most cited papers observed the positive impacts of climate change on certain citrus crops. Despite the multidisciplinary publications, two main gaps were identified: (i) the lack of investigations with combined stresses (abiotic and biotic) instead of isolated studies; and (ii) the lack of studies of predictive models for citrus production in different conditions and climate change scenarios. There was a tendency toward studying water use and irrigation alternatives due to water scarcity and management solutions to improve the production system's resilience, considering the potential impacts of climate change.
  • 549
  • 24 Mar 2023
Topic Review
AI in the Field of Surfactants
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in the field of surfactants to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of surfactant production and applications. One of the main applications of AI in surfactants is in the design and development of new surfactant molecules. By using machine learning algorithms and computational modeling, researchers can predict the properties and behavior of new surfactants before they are synthesized, reducing the time and cost required for research and development. AI is also being used to optimize surfactant production processes, by analyzing large amounts of data generated during production and identifying areas for improvement. For example, AI can be used to optimize surfactant synthesis conditions, such as temperature and pressure, to improve yield and reduce waste. In addition, AI is being used to develop predictive models for surfactant performance in specific applications, such as in the production of emulsions, foams, and coatings. By understanding the relationship between surfactant properties and application performance, researchers can design more effective and sustainable surfactant formulations.
  • 921
  • 24 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Electric Vehicle Battery Systems Thermal Issues
Electric vehicles battery systems (EVBS) are subject to complex charging/discharging processes that produce various amount of stress and cause significant temperature fluctuations. Due to the variable heat generation regimes, latent heat storage systems that can absorb significant amounts of thermal energy with little temperature variation are an interesting thermal management solution. 
  • 312
  • 24 Mar 2023
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