Topic Review
Tracing Path from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0
Industry 4.0 is a recent trend representing the vision for the integration of information, objects and people in cyber-physical scenarios in order to transform factories into intelligent environments. Although this transition is still ongoing, the corresponding vision of Industry 5.0 has already emerged. Industry 5.0 aims to bring the human factor back into the production system, with the collaborative work paradigm of human–robot collaboration (HRC) at its core. 
  • 368
  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
2D Nanofluids
The homogeneous dispersions of 2D nanomaterials in heat transfer base fluids—so-called 2D nanofluids. The data compilation emerged from the critical overview of the findings of the published scientific articles regarding 2D nanofluids. The applicability of such fluids as promising alternatives to the conventional heat transfer and thermal energy storage fluids is comprehensively investigated. These are fluids that simultaneously possess superior thermophysical properties and can be processed according to innovative environmentally friendly methods and techniques.
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  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Identification of Challenges for Second-Life Battery Systems
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been proven to be increasingly popular and are the solution of choice for many companies and business models around the world. One major question for battery owners is how to deal with returning batteries if they still contain sufficient capacity for operation. In this case, those energy storages can still be used in different, less demanding second-life applications, such as stationary battery storage systems, contributing to increased product sustainability and economic benefits at the same time. However, the second-life business model is still at an early stage of development due to the young EV market in combination with long vehicle lifetimes. As a consequence, there are several barriers in various thematic fields, complicating the rededication process for LIBs.
  • 301
  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Applications of Microwaves in Medicine Leveraging Artificial Intelligence
Microwaves are non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation with waves of electrical and magnetic energy transmitted at different frequencies. They are widely used in various industries, including the food industry, telecommunications, weather forecasting, and in the field of medicine. Microwave applications in medicine are relatively a new field of growing interest, with a significant trend in healthcare research and development. The first application of microwaves in medicine dates to the 1980s in the treatment of cancer via ablation therapy; since then, their applications have been expanded. Significant advances have been made in reconstructing microwave data for imaging and sensing applications in the field of healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled microwave systems can be developed to augment healthcare, including clinical decision making, guiding treatment, and increasing resource-efficient facilities. 
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  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Existing Mobile Broadband Performance Measurements
Globally, mobile broadband (MBB) penetration has increased due to the widespread use of smart devices, better mobile network coverage, and the ongoing quest for faster wireless and mobile communication technology. This has led to a tremendous rise in the number of internet subscribers, which is positively impacting the social and economic well-being of society at large. Terrestrial mobile network operators (MNOs) are responsible for providing MBB services to end users, but some of them do not offer the advertised speeds or theoretical speeds specified by 3GPP specifications. Therefore, periodic impartial and unbiased performance measurement studies of the quality of service (QoS) provided by the MNOs as perceived by the end users are required to help MNOs enhance the capabilities of their MBB networks and provide services at an acceptable quality.
  • 382
  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Damping Effect of Buckling-Restrained Braces
Modern cities are becoming more and more dependent on transportation with the rapid growth of the population and the development of the economy. As a traffic lifeline, once a bridge is damaged in an earthquake, traffic will be hindered, and restoring and rebuilding the bridge will take a long time, which will affect the daily life of drivers and locals. Therefore, bridge seismic problems cannot be ignored. One of the most widely used damping methods used to mitigate the seismic responses of bridges in recent years is the application of buckling-restrained braces (BRBs). Due to their stable mechanical properties, simple construction, and simple designs, BRBs are effective seismic dampers that are gradually being applied in the study of seismic bridges to improve their seismic capacities. With the development of engineering technology, the structure of BRBs is constantly being updated, and experimental and theoretical research on them has gradually attracted increasing attention.
  • 475
  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
YOLO-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology
YOLO-based unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology is proposed in the context of interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary collaborative research, by the cross-fertilization of You Only Look Once (YOLO) target detection algorithms and UAV technology. In this YOLO-based UAV technology, the UAV can provide more application scenarios for the YOLO algorithm, while the YOLO algorithm can assist the UAV with more novel tasks. The two can complement each other to further facilitate people's daily lives while contributing to the productivity of their respective industries.
  • 864
  • 06 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Dual-Frequency Solid-State Lasers for Synthetic-Wave Absolute-Distance Interferometry
Frequency-difference-stabilized dual-frequency solid-state lasers with tunable and large frequency difference have become an ideal light source for the high-accuracy absolute-distance interferometric system due to their stable multistage synthetic wavelengths.
  • 342
  • 06 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Euclidean Graphs as Curvilinear Feature Descriptors
Euclidean graphs are an ideal data structure for the functional description of line-shaped features in digital images such as cracks as they convey both geometrical and topological information about the object path in a compact and integrated format, enabling the development of autonomous, highly tuned algorithms for identification, selection, analysis, comparison and archiving of the identified objects.
  • 809
  • 06 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Drilling Fluids for Extended-Reach Wells
In the planning phase of extended-reach well (ERW), special attention should be paid to the choice of drilling fluid. Selected drilling fluids for extended-reach wells should satisfy the same basic functions that are common to all drilling fluids, and they have to provide excellent reservoir protection. When drilling extended-reach wells, the following critical factors should be considered: hole cleaning, torque and drag, borehole stability, equivalent circulating density (ECD) and lost circulation. So far, oil-based mud (OBM) and water-based mud (WBM) have also been used in practice, but the emphasis is on the application of environmentally friendly additives.
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  • 06 Apr 2023
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