Topic Review
History of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Bridges
Fibre-reinforced polymer composites (FRPs) offer various benefits for bridge construction. Lightweight, durability, design flexibility and fast erection in inaccessible areas are their unique selling points for bridge engineering. History of all-FRP and hybrid FRP bridges is presented here.
  • 819
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Interactive Innovation Balance Structure in Green Manufacturing
Maturity and innovation degree of green manufacturing exploratory and exploitative innovation technologies can effectively measure the degree of innovation balance of the enterprise. Strengthening the scientific research layer to adopt green manufacturing technology innovation research and development for the enterprise and reducing the “conflict” will promote the enterprise to engage in exploratory innovation, which in turn will encourage the decision of enterprise interactive innovation balance. The support layer actively searches for information and supports the green manufacturing innovation ecosystem with information, funding, and other innovation resources, thus facilitating enterprises to engage in interactive innovation balance.
  • 382
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Wind Turbine Technology Trends
The rise in prices of traditional energy sources, the high dependence of many countries on their import, and the associated need for security of supply have led to large investments in new capacity of wind power plants. Although wind power generation is a mature technology and levelized cost of electricity low, there is still room for its improvement.
  • 754
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Single-Stage Converter Grid Stability Improvement Techniques
Many researchers have focused on two-stage converter control (TSCC) and single-stage converter (SSC) control for FCS stability enhancement, and suggested that SSC architectures are superior in performance, unlike the TSCC methods. SSC control techniques provide more accuracy in grid stability improvement via the provision of inertial support through virtual synchronous machine (VSM) control of the rectifier converter. 
  • 399
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Stability and Thermal Conductivity of MWCNT-Based Nanofluid
A nanofluid consisting of 0.5% MWCNTs, water (base fluid), and CTAB (surfactant) was selected with a sonication time of three and quarter hours, considering that these preparation conditions were practically the best. This fluid was circulated in an installed outdoor, weather-exposed PVT system. Experiments were carried out in the harsh weather conditions of Baghdad, Iraq, to test the effectiveness of the PVT system and the nanofluid.
  • 371
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Water Reuse Treatment Technologies
Treating water for water reuse typically involves treating wastewater in several steps consisting of preliminary treatment, primary treatment, and secondary treatment. Tertiary treatment and advanced treatment may be needed for water reuse purposes. 
  • 1.0K
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
MF-DCMANet for PolSAR Target Recognition
Multi-polarization SAR data offers an advantage over single-polarization SAR data in that it not only provides amplitude (intensity) information but also records backward scattering information of the target under different polarization states, which can be represented through the polarimetric scattering matrix.
  • 257
  • 17 May 2023
Topic Review
Hybrid Renewable-Energy System for Green Buildings
A hybrid system, such as solar and wind, may be more successful than nonhybrid systems in accelerating the transition from conventional to renewable power sources. These new energy sources have several challenges, such as intermittency, storage capacity, and grid stability.
  • 572
  • 16 May 2023
Topic Review
Energy Recovery in Road Vehicles
The main reasons for reducing energy losses in motor vehicles is to reduce the fuel consumption of motor vehicles and thus reduce emissions, reducing the consumption of consumables and increasing the efficiency and reliability of vehicles. Part of the recovered lost energy can be used to cover the demand of other vehicle electronic systems. Automotive energy harvesting systems are usually employed to increase overall vehicle efficiency. The main directions of recovery of energy lost in vehicles are heat energy losses, the energy obtained from the vehicle braking process and the energy derived from damping vibrations in the vehicle suspension system. 
  • 528
  • 16 May 2023
Topic Review
Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Charging Portable Electronics
High-frequency operation of wireless power transfer (WPT) systems leads to miniaturization of the components and a higher efficiency. For this reason, various soft-switched topologies such as Class D, E, EF, etc., are used to operate the WPT systems at high frequencies in the megahertz range. Wide band gap (WBG)  and ultra-WBG devices can be used for very high frequency operation. Compensation topologies reduce the VA rating of the transmitter and can also infer voltage source or constant source characteristics to the inverters. Constant current source inverters are particularly useful when using multiple receivers since they ensure decoupled power transfer to the receivers.
  • 962
  • 15 May 2023
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