Topic Review
Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery from Reservoirs
Development systems, placement and choice of operating mode of wells essentially depend on the geological structure of the reservoir, its volume and properties of oils. An important role in this is the construction of a geological model of the production facility. The used hydrodynamic models of development are based on physical laws, about which oil producers sometimes don’t even suspect, and the authors of the models are not always able to convey it to the real producers. 
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  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Smart Packaging and Returns Assessment System
Medicine waste is a global issue, with economic, environmental, and social consequences that are only predicted to worsen. To address a lack of technological advancements to enable medicine reuse a Smart Packaging and Returns Assessment System (SPaRAS) was proposed to validate the storage conditions and streamline the assessment of returned medicines. The Smart Packaging System (SPS) will record the storage conditions of medication while in patient care. The companion Returns Assessment System (RAS) will efficiently communicate with the SPS through RFID, configure the sensors within the SPS to the needs of its assigned medicine and assess the returns against tailored eligibility criteria. The increased safety and efficiency provided by SPaRAS addresses the concerns of large pharmaceutical companies and the public, offering a method to reuse previously owned medication and reduce the effects of unnecessary medicine waste.
  • 582
  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence-Based Methods in Power Distribution Networks
Following to a short-circuit fault in distribution networks, the fault should be located and isolated before restoring the supply. A fast and accurate fault location method can help to improve the continuity of supply considerably. In general, the distribution-network fault location methods can be categorized into impedance-based methods, state estimation-based methods, traveling wave-based methods, and artificial intelligence-based (AI-based) methods.
  • 462
  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Multi-Modal KG Convolutional Network for Music Recommender Systems
Modern online music services have changed the way people search for and listening to music, offering an extensive array of diverse song catalogues while concurrently enhancing user experiences through personalized optimization. Knowledge graphs (KGs) are a rich source of semantic information for entities and relations, allowing for improved modeling and analysis of entity relations to enhance recommendations.
  • 256
  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Energy Consumption in Indonesia
Energy is globally needed in daily consumption and production activities in the industry, transportation, and agriculture sectors. As a natural resource, it is used for the prosperity of the community, hence, proper management is needed to ensure sustainable development. 
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  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Energy Storage Systems for Urban-Driven Electric Vehicles
The prevalence of electric vehicles (EVs) is of a great significance to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Boosting the performance of energy management systems (EMSs) of electric vehicles (EVs) helps encourage their mass adoption by addressing range anxiety concerns. 
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  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Development of Pricing in the Power Grid
The continuous changes in the power industry have driven reforms in energy pricing within the distribution system, improving efficiency while reducing wholesale electricity costs. Pricing is one of the essential factors in marketing strategies, benefiting stakeholders, maintaining the balance of the power system, and enabling the creation of new regional markets using more renewable energy sources (RESs).
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  • 25 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Energy Communities in Europe
The energy sector is undergoing a profound transformation at an exponential rate globally, moving from a “top-down vision of energy value chain with centralised production and rigid distribution framework, to a collaborative ecosystem of self-managed prosumers equipped with distributed energy resources and ability to act independently on liberalised energy markets”. This paradigm shift has already had an impact on the value chain of the market, leading to (1) a constant increase in the number of renewable energy sources (RES) in the system; (2) upgraded electrical transmission networks that offer higher intra- and cross-border energy exchange and (3) prosumer-rich distribution networks with high decentralised energy production. ECs are one of the tools that can allow citizens to be an active part of this energy paradigm.
  • 461
  • 25 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Analysis Floating Offshore Wind Platform Hydrodynamics Using SPIV
There is a need for new numerical tools to capture the physics of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) more accurately to refine engineering designs and reduce costs. The conventional measurement apparatuses in tank tests, including wave probes, velocity and current profilers, and Doppler sensors, are unable to provide a full 3D picture of velocity, pressure, turbulence, and vorticity profile. In tank tests, the use of the underwater stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV) method to fully characterise the 3D flow field around floating wind platforms can overcome some of the limitations associated with classical measurement techniques and provide a rich source of validation data to advance high-fidelity numerical tools. The underwater SPIV method has been widely used for marine and offshore applications, including ship and propeller wakes, wave dynamics, and tidal stream turbines; however, to date, this technology has not seen widespread use for the hydrodynamic study of FOWTs. 
  • 322
  • 25 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Cybersecurity in Microgrids
The demand for clean and sustainable energy sources is increasing at a rapid pace, and microgrids (MGs) have emerged as a promising solution for achieving energy resilience, efficiency, and security. As a general definition, a microgrid is a localized power system that integrates renewable energy resources, energy storage systems, and loads to operate autonomously or in parallel with the main grid. As MGs continue to grow in popularity as a means of providing reliable and sustainable energy to communities and businesses, the issue of cybersecurity becomes increasingly important. With the use of digital technology and communication systems, MGs are vulnerable to cyberattacks that can compromise their operation and even cause physical damage. 
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  • 25 Jun 2023
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