Topic Review
Natural-Colored Photonic Structures with Cellulose-Based Materials
Structural coloration has become a fascinating field of research, inspiring scientists and engineers to explore the vibrant colors observed in nature and develop bio-inspired photonic structures for various applications. Cellulose-based materials derived from plant fibers offer a promising platform for mimicking natural photonic structures. Their abundance, renewability, and versatility in form and structure make them ideal for engineering specific optical properties.
  • 362
  • 06 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Integration of Electric Vehicles in Public Buildings
Electric vehicles (EVs) can provide important flexibility to the integration of local energy generation in buildings. Although most studies considering the integration of EVs and buildings are focused on residential buildings, the number of publications regarding large buildings, in particular, public buildings (PBs), has increased.
  • 308
  • 06 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogen Storage for Large-Scale, Long-Term Energy Storage
In the process of building a new power system with new energy sources as the mainstay, wind power and photovoltaic energy enter the multiplication stage with randomness and uncertainty, and the foundation and support role of large-scale long-time energy storage is highlighted. Considering the advantages of hydrogen energy storage in large-scale, cross-seasonal and cross-regional aspects, the necessity, feasibility and economy of hydrogen energy participation in long-time energy storage under the new power system are discussed.
  • 428
  • 06 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Intelligent Transportation System Applicated in Smart Cities
The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) was initially developed to help cities in attaining issues related to road traffic. However, due to its versatility, the system has been broadening to cover autonomous tolls fare collection, freight and fleeting system management, application of GIS, innovative satellite technologies, etc., especially in organized cities.
  • 368
  • 05 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Advancements in Microgrids with  Model Predictive Control
Microgrids face significant challenges due to the unpredictability of distributed generation (DG) technologies and fluctuating load demands. These challenges result in complex power management systems characterised by voltage/frequency variations and intricate interactions with the utility grid. Model predictive control (MPC) has emerged as a powerful technique to effectively address these challenges. By applying a receding horizon control strategy, MPC offers promising solutions for optimising constraints and enhancing microgrid operations.
  • 361
  • 05 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Developing High-Power-Density Electromagnetic Devices
Advanced magnetic materials, particularly nanocrystalline and amorphous magnetic materials, exhibit distinct magnetic properties that allow for efficient magnetic flux concentration and minimize energy losses. As a result, they are ideal for implementation in high-power-density electromagnetic devices. Additionally, integrating these materials into electromagnetic devices can result in both substantial reductions in core loss and improvements in efficiency.
  • 536
  • 05 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Information Extraction from Industrial Sensor Data
In the smart manufacturing sector, analyzing time series data is essential for monitoring plants and machinery to prevent costly failures or shutdowns. In order to gain new insights and make better control decisions, new methods are needed for extracting information and interpreting sensor data from hundreds of systems.
  • 307
  • 05 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Ammonia Inhibition
Anaerobic digestion is one of the most widely used treatment methods for animal manure. Chicken manure has high methane production potential and is thus a suitable substrate for biogas plants.
  • 451
  • 05 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Indoor Environmental Parameters in Northern Saudi Arabia
The advancement of the Internet of Things applications (technologies and enabling platforms), consisting of software and hardware (e.g., sensors, actuators, etc.), allows healthcare providers and users to analyze and measure physical environments at home or hospital. The measured physical environment parameters contribute to improving healthcare in real time. Researchers in this domain require existing representative datasets to develop machine-learning techniques to learn physical variables from the surrounding environments. The available environmental datasets are rare and need too much effort to be generated. It has been noticed that no datasets are available for some countries, including Saudi Arabia.
  • 233
  • 05 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Intelligent Edge Devices for Predictive Maintenance on IMMs
A considerable part of enterprises’ total expenses is dedicated to maintenance interventions. Predictive maintenance (PdM) has appeared as a solution to decrease these costs; however, the necessity of end-to-end solutions in deploying predictive models and the fact that these models are often difficult to interpret by maintenance practitioners hinder the adoption of PdM approaches.
  • 392
  • 05 Jul 2023
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