Topic Review
Bimetallic Ni-Based Catalysts CO2 Methanation
CO2 methanation has recently emerged as a process that targets the reduction in anthropogenic CO2 emissions, via the conversion of CO2 captured from point and mobile sources, as well as H2 produced from renewables into CH4. Ni, among the early transition metals, as well as Ru and Rh, among the noble metals, have been known to be among the most active methanation catalysts, with Ni being favoured due to its low cost and high natural abundance. However, insufficient low-temperature activity, low dispersion and reducibility, as well as nanoparticle sintering are some of the main drawbacks when using Ni-based catalysts. Such problems can be partly overcome via the introduction of a second transition metal (e.g., Fe, Co) or a noble metal (e.g., Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd and Re) in Ni-based catalysts. Through Ni-M alloy formation, or the intricate synergy between two adjacent metallic phases, new high-performing and low-cost methanation catalysts can be obtained.
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  • 12 May 2021
Topic Review
Ship Model Basin
A ship model basin is a basin or tank used to carry out hydrodynamic tests with ship models, for the purpose of designing a new (full sized) ship, or refining the design of a ship to improve the ship's performance at sea. It can also refer to the organization (often a company) that owns and operates such a facility. A ship model basin company is an engineering firm that acts as a contractor to the relevant shipyards, and provides hydrodynamic model tests and numerical calculations to support the design and development of ships and offshore structures.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Hexapod Robots
The static stability of hexapods motivates their design for tasks in which stable locomotion is required, such as navigation across complex environments. This task is of high interest due to the possibility of replacing human beings in exploration, surveillance and rescue missions. For this application, the control system must adapt the actuation of the limbs according to their surroundings to ensure that the hexapod does not tumble during locomotion.
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  • 25 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Demand Response Products
Demand response refers to planning, implementing and monitoring the use of electricity to generate changes in the consumers' demand profile to adapt to different needs. Thus, a Demand Response Product can be defined as the contractual framework which guarantees that the service provided by flexible consumers satifies the minimum requirements of the related service to the final user of such flexibility (network operator, energy trader, aggregator, etc.) Demand Response is a key element of future power systems due to its capacity to defer grid investments, improve demand participation in the market and absorb renewable energy source variations. In this regard, Demand Response can play an important role in delivering ancillary services to power systems.
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  • 18 Mar 2021
Topic Review
The detection of viruses, disease biomarkers, physiologically active substances, drugs, and chemicals is of great significance in many areas of our lives. Immunodetection technology is based on the specificity and affinity of antigen–antibody reactions. Compared with other analytical methods such as liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, which requires a large and expensive instrument, immunodetection has the advantages of simplicity and good selectivity and is thus widely used in disease diagnosis and food/environmental monitoring. Quenchbody (Q-body), a new type of fluorescent immunosensor, is an antibody fragment labeled with fluorescent dyes. When the Q-body binds to its antigen, the fluorescence intensity increases. The detection of antigens by changes in fluorescence intensity is simple, easy to operate, and highly sensitive.
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  • 20 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Structural Assessment Techniques for In-Service Crossarms
Crossarms are widely used in power distribution and telecommunication sectors to support overhead cables. These structures are horizontally attached to the top of vertically erected utility poles and are essential elements in connecting overhead cables to the poles. Timber is the dominantly used material type for crossarms in the existing distribution networks. Timber is selected for crossarms over the alternative materials (e.g., steel, composites, and concrete) due a number of relative advantages, of which higher strength-to-weight ratio, long service life, excellent insulation properties, economical, and renewable aspects are the main factors.
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  • 02 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Temperature Sensitive Optical Parameters
In the new age of illumination, light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been proven to be the most efficient alternative to conventional light sources. Yet, in comparison to other lighting systems, LEDs operate at low temperatures while junction temperature (Tj) is among the main factors dictating their lifespan, reliability, and performance. Tj may be indirectly measured using an LED’s inherent optical characteristics. The emission spectrum of a semiconductor device is influenced by temperature variations due to the temperature dependence of the energy band gap. This behavior motivates researchers to use spectral power distribution (SPD) characteristics such as the peak wavelength and spectral bandwidth of LEDs, which are known as temperature sensitive optical parameters (TSOPs), to estimate Tj. 
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Murano Glass
Murano glass is made on the Venetian island of Murano, which has been a glassmaking center for over 700 years. It is also sometimes referred to as Venetian glass. Today Murano is known for its art glass, but it has a long history of innovations in glassmaking in addition to its artistic fame—and was Europe's first major glassmaking center. During the 1400s, Murano glassmakers created cristallo—which was almost transparent and considered the finest glass in the world. Murano glassmakers also developed a white-colored glass (milk glass called lattimo) that looked like porcelain. They later became Europe's finest makers of mirrors. Originally, Venice was controlled by the Eastern Roman Empire, but it eventually became an independent city state. It flourished as a trading center and seaport. Its connections with the Middle East helped its glassmakers gain additional skills, as glassmaking was more advanced in countries such as Syria and Egypt. Although Venetian glassmaking existed as far back as the 8th Century, it became concentrated in Murano by law beginning 1291. Since glass factories often caught fire, this removed much of the possibility of a major fire disaster for the city. Murano glassmakers developed secret recipes and methods for making glass, and the concentration of Venice's glassmaking on the island of Murano enabled better control of those secrets. Murano became Europe's elite glassmaking center, peaking in popularity in the 15th and 16th centuries. Venice's dominance in trade along the Mediterranean Sea created a wealthy merchant class that was a strong connoisseur of the arts. This helped establish demand for art glass and more innovations. The spread of glassmaking talent in Europe eventually diminished the importance of Venice and its Murano glassmakers. A defeat by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797, and occupation, caused more hardship for Murano's glassmaking industry. Murano glassmaking began a revival in the 1920s. Today, Murano and Venice are tourist attractions, and Murano is home to numerous glass factories and a few individual artists' studios. Its Museo del Vetro (Glass Museum) in the Palazzo Giustinian contains displays on the history of glassmaking as well as glass samples ranging from Egyptian times through the present day.
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  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Application of Hydrogels for Bone Regeneration
Hydrogels are versatile biomaterials characterized by three-dimensional, cross-linked, highly hydrated polymeric networks. These polymers exhibit a great variety of biochemical and biophysical properties, which allow for the diffusion of diverse molecules, such as drugs, active ingredients, growth factors, and nanoparticles. Meanwhile, these polymers can control chemical and molecular interactions at the cellular level. The polymeric network can be molded into different structures, imitating the structural characteristics of surrounding tissues and bone defects. Interestingly, the application of hydrogels in bone tissue engineering (BTE) has been gathering significant attention due to the beneficial bone improvement results that have been achieved.
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  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Indoor Environmental Quality
A discussion of sustainability in architecture cannot be meaningfully carried out without the inclusion of most buildings’ central purpose, namely the provision of indoor environments that are accommodating of occupants’ needs and requirements. To this end, building designers and operators are expected to demonstrate compliance with codes and standards pertaining to indoor environmental quality (IEQ). However, the majority of conventional IEQ standards, codes,and guidelines have a single-domain character, in that they address IEQ in terms of a number of isolated domains (i.e., thermal, visual, acoustic, air quality). In this context, the present contribution explores the current state of multi-domain IEQ evaluation approaches and the necessary conditions for their further development and application. Toward this end, a number of common building rating schemes were selected and analyzed in detail. The results of this assessment imply the necessity of both short-term improvements of the existing schemes in terms of the transparency and plausibility of the applied point allocation and weighting strategies and the fundamental need for a deeper empirically grounded understanding of the nature of occupants’ perception of and behavior in the built environments.
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  • 23 Oct 2020
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