Topic Review
Development of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete
Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is a form of cementitious composite that has been the most innovative product in concrete technology. Ultra-high-performance concrete has been broadly employed for the design of numerous forms of construction owing to its excellent mechanical characteristics and durability. 
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  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Plug-In Electric Vehicles in the United Kingdom
The adoption of plug-in electric vehicles in the United Kingdom is actively supported by the British government through the plug-in car and van grants schemes and other incentives. Around 455,000 light-duty plug-in electric vehicles had been registered in the UK up until February 2021, consisting of about 215,000 all-electric vehicles and 240,000 plug-in hybrids. Until 2019, the UK had the second largest European stock of light-duty plug-in vehicles in use after Norway.
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  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Job Shop Scheduling
Job shop scheduling is one of the most frequently used types of scheduling in manufacturing facilities. In recent years, various research has been conducted to analyze the integration and impacts of the Industry 4.0 environment on job shop scheduling.
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  • 05 Aug 2021
Topic Review
3D Bioprinting of Musculoskeletal Tissue
The musculoskeletal system is a vital body system that protects internal organs, supports locomotion, and maintains homeostatic function. Unfortunately, musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide. Although implant surgeries using autografts, allografts, and xenografts have been conducted, several adverse effects, including donor site morbidity and immunoreaction, exist. To overcome these limitations, various biomedical engineering approaches have been proposed based on an understanding of the complexity of human musculoskeletal tissue. In this review, the leading edge of musculoskeletal tissue engineering using 3D bioprinting technology and musculoskeletal tissue-derived decellularized extracellular matrix bioink is described. In particular, studies on in vivo regeneration and in vitro modeling of musculoskeletal tissue have been focused on. Lastly, the current breakthroughs, limitations, and future perspectives are described.
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  • 03 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Studied Space Shuttle Variations and Derivatives
During the lifetime of NASA's Space Shuttle, Rockwell International and many other organizations studied different Space Shuttle variations and derivatives. These studies included different ways to increase shuttle payload capability, crew capacity, and developing standalone reusable launch vehicles. A large focus of the program was towards new shuttle boosters and an upgrades to the external tank but also looked to expand NASA's ability to launch deep space missions and build large modular space stations. Many of these concepts and studies would shape the concepts and programs of the 2000s such as Constellation, Orbital Space Plane Program, and Artemis program.
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  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Interstitials in High Entropy Alloys
The effects of interstitials on the mechanical properties of single-phase f.c.c. high entropy alloys (HEAs) have been assessed based on a review of the literature. It is found that in nearly all studies, carbon increases the yield strength, in some cases by more than in traditional alloys. This suggests that carbon can be an excellent way to strengthen HEAs. This strength increase is related to the lattice expansion from the carbon. The effects on other mechanical behavior is mixed. Most studies show a slight reduction in ductility due to carbon, but a few show increases in ductility accompanying the yield strength increase. Similarly, some studies show little or modest increases in work-hardening rate (WHR) due to carbon, whereas a few show a substantial increase. These latter effects are due to changes in deformation mode. For both undoped and carbon doped CoCrFeMnNi, the room temperature ductility decreases slightly with decreasing grain size until ~2-5 µm, below which the ductility appears to decrease rapidly. The room temperature WHR also appears to decrease with decreasing grain size in both undoped and carbon-doped CoCrFeMnNi and in nitrogen-doped medium entropy alloy NiCoCr, and, at least for the undoped HEA, shows a sharp decrease at grain sizes <2 µm. Interestingly, carbon has been shown to almost double the Hall–Petch strengthening in CoCrFeMnNi, suggesting the segregation of carbon to the grain boundaries. There have been few studies on the effects of other interstitials such as boron, nitrogen and hydrogen.
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  • 06 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Desalination in China
In recent decades, the ever-growing demands for clean water in households and industries have urged researchers to take every possible step to deal with the global water crisis. Seawater desalination has turned out to be the most promising and efficient way to provide clean water. Owing to the advancement of synthetic chemistries and technologies, great success has been achieved in the desalination and utilization of seawater worldwide. China, with the world’s largest population, has pushed the development of desalination and multipurpose utilization of seawater further in respect of materials, technologies and services, etc. 
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  • 30 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Systems
The use of fossil fuels has contributed to climate change and global warming, which has led to a growing need for renewable and ecologically friendly alternatives to these. It is accepted that renewable energy sources are the ideal option to substitute fossil fuels in the near future. Significant progress has been made to produce renewable energy sources with acceptable prices at a commercial scale, such as solar, wind, and biomass energies. Hybrid renewable energy systems are needed with good energy management to balance the various renewable energy sources’ production/consumption/storage.
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  • 14 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Acoustic Metamaterials in Aeronautics
Metamaterials, man-made composites that are scaled smaller than the wavelength, have demonstrated a huge potential for application in acoustics, allowing the production of sub-wavelength acoustic absorbers, acoustic invisibility, perfect acoustic mirrors and acoustic lenses for hyper focusing, and acoustic illusions and enabling new degrees of freedom in the control of the acoustic field. The zero, or even negative, refractive sound index of metamaterials offers possibilities for the control of acoustic patterns and sound at sub-wavelength scales. The potential of metamaterial-based technologies has recently caught the interest of the aeronautics community. Their effect in the presence of realistic flows in the surrounding domains, with boundary layer, turbulence, is currently a hot research topic. The interaction with flow requires a careful design of the metamaterial to avoid detrimental effects and enabling the device maximum capabilities in aeronautics.
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  • 25 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Allying Meta-Structures with Diverse Optical Waveguides for Integrated-Photonics
Recent years have witnessed tremendous interest in synergizing various functional subwavelength structures into diverse optical waveguide platforms to enable versatile photonic meta-devices. The advancement of meta-waveguides not only extends meta-optics into the manipulation of guided wave, but may also reshape the landscapes of photonic integrated circuits and massive emergent applications. A recent review paper outlined latest progress on meta-waveguides-based photonics devices and systems. Both forward and inverse designed scenarios are cataloged showcasing vibrant opportunities.
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  • 13 Dec 2021
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