Topic Review
TCV and TGV Technology
Through ceramic via (TCV) technology expands the volume of high-precision and high-power thin-film circuits with 3D planar distribution, significantly improves the structural density and reduces the device size through via interconnection and circuit redistribution. Through glass via (TGV) technology has the advantages of high-density interconnection and low-loss transmission, which forms a highly reliable interconnection between the chip and the substrate, has higher I/O density and smaller spacing, and realizes passive on-chip devices, high-density copper interconnection and the heterogeneous integration of chips. Therefore, 3D integration and system-level packaging technology have developed rapidly.
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  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Implementing Industry 4.0 Principles and Tools in SME
Small and medium enterprises (SME) face various challenges in order to remain competitive in a global market. Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is increasingly presented as the new paradigm for improving productivity, ensuring economic growth, and guaranteeing the sustainability of manufacturing companies. I4.0 refers to the integration of information technologies (internet of things, cyber–physical systems, cloud computing, AI, etc.) and automation (robots, cobots, automated guided vehicles, etc.) in every sphere of a company, vertically and horizontally, to improve performance. However, SMEs are ill equipped and lack resources to undertake this digital shift. 
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  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is the leading technology for desalination of brackish water and seawater, important for solving the growing problems of fresh water supply.
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  • 23 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Gridshell Nodes
Gridshells are shells where the structural members form a grid of linear elements rather than a continuous surface. Nodes are essential parts of a gridshell regarding structural performance, assembly and visual appearance. Due to the many decisions to be made when designing gridshells, including global shape, topology, cross-sections, material selection and node designs, detailed structural analysis of gridshell nodes is often left to later stages of the project. Getting feedback on the structural performance of gridshell nodes is inefficient due to software changes and geometry conversion, and it is hard to find tools that support early integration between architectural design and structural design. 
  • 1.2K
  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Microgrid Systems
A microgrid is an independent power system that can be connected to the grid or operated in an islanded mode. This single grid entity is widely used for furthering access to energy and ensuring reliable energy supply. 
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  • 20 May 2021
Topic Review
Aircraft 4D Trajectory Prediction in Civil Aviation
Aircraft four dimensional (4D, including longitude, latitude, altitude and time) trajectory prediction is a key technology for existing automation systems and the basis for future trajectory-based operations. The trajectory prediction is the process of estimating the future states of the aircraft based on the current aircraft state, estimation of the pilot and controller intent, expected environmental conditions, and computer models of aircraft performance and procedures.
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  • 23 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Marine Gas Engine
The interest in natural gas engines as an alternative to diesel engines has intensified as crude oil prices have risen and global environmental regulations have become more stringent. Natural gas engines can improve thermal efficiency through lean combustion, owing to combustion of a wide range of fuels; meanwhile, the low carbon content of the fuel reduces CO2 emissions, which is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas engines also exhibit excellent fuel economy and low fuel costs. Unlike crude oil, natural gas is widely distributed worldwide and offers an advantage in terms of supply and demand. As a result, the demand for gas engines is increasing rapidly. Therefore, many marine engine manufacturers have developed micropilot-type gas engines that inject diesel fuel only for ignition.
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  • 25 May 2021
Topic Review
Electric Mobility in Portugal
In recent years, the growing concern for air quality has led to the development of sustainable vehicles to replace conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Currently, the most widespread technology in Europe and Portugal is that of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) or plug-in HEV (PHEV) electric cars, but hydrogen-based transport has also shown significant growth in the commercialization of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and in the development of new infrastructural schemes. In the current panorama of EV, particular attention should be paid to hydrogen technology, i.e., FCEVs, which is potentially a valid alternative to BEVs and can also be hybrid (FCHEV) and plug-in hybrid (FCPHEV). Several sources cited show a positive trend of hydrogen in the transport sector, identifying a growing trend in the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure, although at this time, it is still at an early stage of development
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  • 06 Dec 2021
Topic Review
False Data Injection Attacks
False data injection attacks (FDIAs), as a covert cyber-attack method, pose a huge challenge to the safe and stable operation of smart grids by illegally hacking into power systems to tamper with measurement data and thus undermine data integrity.
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  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Latency Compensated Visual-Inertial Odometry
In visual-inertial odometry (VIO), inertial measurement unit (IMU) dead reckoning acts as the dynamic model for flight vehicles while camera vision extracts information about the surrounding environment and determines features or points of interest. With these sensors, the most widely used algorithm for estimating vehicle and feature states for VIO is an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The design of the standard EKF does not inherently allow for time offsets between the timestamps of the IMU and vision data. In fact, sensor-related delays that arise in various realistic conditions are at least partially unknown parameters. A lack of compensation for unknown parameters often leads to a serious impact on the accuracy of VIO systems and systems like them. To compensate for the uncertainties of the unknown time delays, this study incorporates parameter estimation into feature initialization and state estimation. Moreover, computing cross-covariance and estimating delays in online temporal calibration correct residual, Jacobian, and covariance. Results from flight dataset testing validate the improved accuracy of VIO employing latency compensated filtering frameworks. The insights and methods proposed here are ultimately useful in any estimation problem (e.g., multi-sensor fusion scenarios) where compensation for partially unknown time delays can enhance performance.
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  • 29 Apr 2021
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