Topic Review
Breast Milk Immunoglobulinome
Breast milk components contribute to the infant’s immune development and protection, and among other immune factors, immunoglobulins (Igs) are the most studied. The presence of IgA in milk has been known for a long time; however, less information is available about the presence of other Igs such as IgM, IgG, and their subtypes (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4) or even IgE or IgD.
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  • 03 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Tissue Biopsy-Based MSI Testing
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly-diagnosed cancer in the world and ranked second for cancer-related mortality in humans. Microsatellite instability (MSI) is an indicator for Lynch syndrome (LS), an inherited cancer predisposition, and a prognostic marker which predicts the response to immunotherapy. A recent trend in immunotherapy has transformed cancer treatment to provide medical alternatives that have not existed before. It is believed that MSI-high (MSI-H) CRC patients would benefit from immunotherapy due to their increased immune infiltration and higher neo-antigenic loads. MSI testing such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) and PCR MSI assay has historically been a tissue-based procedure that involves the testing of adequate tissue with a high concentration of cancer cells, in addition to the requirement for paired normal tissues. The invasive nature and specific prerequisite of such tests might hinder its application when surgery is not an option or when the tissues are insufficient. The application of next-generation sequencing, which is highly sensitive, in combination with liquid biopsy, therefore, presents an interesting possibility worth exploring. This review aimed to discuss the current body of evidence supporting the potential of liquid biopsy as a tool for MSI testing in CRC.
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  • 16 Nov 2021
Topic Review
The International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research defines gastroschisis as "a congenital malformation characterized by visceral herniation usually through a right side abdominal wall defect to an intact umbilical cord and not covered by a membrane". Approximately 10% of infants with gastroschisis have intestinal stenosis or atresia resulting from vascular insufficiency due to a volvulus or compression of vascular pedicle by a narrowing abdominal ring.
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  • 30 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Fucoxanthin is a well-known carotenoid of the xanthophyll family, mainly produced by marine organisms such as the macroalgae of the fucus genus or microalgae such as Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Fucoxanthin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties but also several anticancer effects. Fucoxanthin induces cell growth arrest, apoptosis, and/or autophagy in several cancer cell lines as well as in animal models of cancer. Fucoxanthin treatment leads to the inhibition of metastasis-related migration, invasion, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and angiogenesis. Fucoxanthin also affects the DNA repair pathways, which could be involved in the resistance phenotype of tumor cells. Moreover, combined treatments of fucoxanthin, or its metabolite fucoxanthinol, with usual anticancer treatments can support conventional therapeutic strategies by reducing drug resistance.
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  • 03 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Multi-Omics Model for Cancer Genetics
In the coming age of omics technologies, next gen sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics, and other high throughput techniques will become the usual tools in biomedical cancer research. However, their integrative approach is not trivial due to the broad diversity of data types, dynamic ranges and sources of experimental and analytical errors characteristic of each omics.
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  • 02 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Solid Lipid Nanoparticle Preparation Techniques
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are an alternate carrier system to liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles, and inorganic carriers. SLNs have attracted increasing attention for delivering drugs, nucleic acids, proteins, peptides, nutraceuticals, and cosmetics. These nanocarriers have attracted industrial attention due to their ease of preparation, physicochemical stability, and scalability. These characteristics make SLNs attractive for manufacture on a large scale. 
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  • 23 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Sertraline in Hemodialysis Patients
Depression and anxiety are the most common psychiatric disorders in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients treated with hemodialysis (HD) and may correlate with lower quality of life and increased mortality. Depression treatment in HD patients is still a challenge both for nephrologists and psychiatrists. The possible treatment of depressive disorders can be pharmacological and non-pharmacological. In our article, we focus on the use of sertraline, the medication which seems to be relatively safe and efficient in the abovementioned population, taking under consideration several limitations regarding the use of other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
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  • 23 Sep 2021
Topic Review
TILs in rabbit mammary carcinomas
Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are key components of the tumor microenvironment that mediate the anti-tumor immune response. In breast cancer of humans, TILs represent prognostic and predictive biomarkers. For their standardized evaluation in routinely (hematoxylin and eosin) stained tissue sections, international guidelines exist. Recently, TILs have also been analyzed in pet rabbit mammary carcinomas according to these international guidelines. Results of the study on rabbit mammary carcinomas showed a statistically significant association between higher TIL numbers in stromal TIL hotspot areas and microscopic parameters indicative of a better tumor differentiation, i.e. decreased mitotic count, lower histological tumor grade and higher percentage of calponin positive tumor cells. These findings suggest that in rabbit mammary carcinomas TIL hotspot areas may exert an influence on the biological behavior of these tumors. The present study contributes to comparative pathology. In addition, it provides the basis for further investigations into the impact of TILs on clinical parameters of pet rabbit mammary carcinomas.
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  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Miracle Berry
Miracle berry (MB) (Synsepalum dulcificum) is an indigenous fruit whose small, ellipsoid, and bright red berries have been described to transform a sour taste into a sweet one. MB is rich in terpenoids, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids, which are responsible for their described antioxidant activities. Moreover, MB has been reported to ameliorate insulin resistance and inhibit cancer cell proliferation and malignant transformation in vitro. Herein, we briefly summarize the current knowledge of MB to provide a scientific basis for its potential use as a supplement in the management of chronic diseases related to altered metabolism, including obesity and insulin resistance, which are well-known risk factors in cancer. First, we introduce cancer as a metabolic disease, highlighting the impact of systemic metabolic alterations, such as obesity and insulin resistance, in cancer initiation and progression. Next, as oxidative stress is closely associated with metabolic stress, we also evaluate the effect of phytochemicals in managing oxidative stress and its relationship with cancer. Finally, we summarize the main biological activities described for MB-derived extracts with a special focus on the ability of miraculin to transform a sour taste into a sweet one through its interaction with the sweet taste receptors. The identification of sweet taste receptors at the gastrointestinal level, with effects on the secretion of enterohormones, may provide an additional tool for managing chronic diseases, including cancer.
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  • 21 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Gangliosides are sialic acid containing complex glycolipids, anchored and enriched in the outer leaflet of neuronal plasma membranes, with their glycan chains facing the extracellular space. Undegradeable gangliosides and related glycosphingolipids and oligosaccharides accumulate progressively  in fatal lysosomal storage diseases, originally described as infantile amaurotic idiocy. Their lysosomal storage is caused by specific monogenic defects of catabolic hydrolyses or ancillary lipid-binding and -transfer proteins, essential for specific steps in their lysosomal catabolism.  However, small gangliosides can also accumulate as secondary material in other lysosomal storage diseases without a known defect in their catabolic pathway. Primary storage material of such diseases, sphingomyelin, lysosphingolipids, cholesterol and chondroitin sulfate are efficient inhibitors of specific steps of ganglioside catabolic pathway. They  can attenuate ganglioside turnover, assisted by lipid binding proteins, the GM2 activator protein (GM2AP) and saposin B
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  • 29 Oct 2020
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