Topic Review
Indane-1,3-Dione: From Synthetic Strategies to Applications
Indane-1,3-dione is a versatile building block used in numerous applications ranging from biosensing, bioactivity, bioimaging to electronics or photopolymerization. Indane-1-3-dione is among one of the most privileged scaffolds in chemistry, as the derivatives of this structure can find applications in various research fields ranging from medicinal chemistry, organic electronics, photopolymerization, to optical sensing and non-linear optical (NLO) applications. 
  • 1.4K
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Incorporation of Inorganic Antimicrobial Agents into Nanofibers
Nanofibrous materials represent a very promising form of advanced carrier systems that can be used industrially, especially in regenerative medicine as highly functional bandages, or advanced wound dressings. By incorporation of antimicrobial additives directly into the structure of the nanofiber carrier, the functionality of the layer is upgraded, depending on the final requirement—bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antiseptic, or a generally antimicrobial effect. Such highly functional nanofibrous layers can be prepared mostly by electrospinning technology from both synthetic and natural polymers. The presence of a natural polymer in the composition is very advantageous. Especially in medical applications where, due to the presence of the material close to the human body, the healing process is more efficient and without the occurrence of an unwanted inflammatory response.
  • 147
  • 05 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Incorporation of Cellulose-Based Aerogels into Textile Structures
Given their exceptional attributes, aerogels are viewed as a material with immense potential. Being a natural polymer, cellulose offers the advantage of being both replenishable and capable of breaking down naturally. Cellulose-derived aerogels encompass the replenish ability, biocompatible nature, and ability to degrade naturally inherent in cellulose, along with additional benefits like minimal weight, extensive porosity, and expansive specific surface area.
  • 530
  • 28 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Incorporation of Biochar
Biochar can be used as a reinforcing filler improving the mechanical, thermal and even electrical properties of polymer composites. The incorporation of this cost effective sustainable filler not only improves the applicability of the resulting composite but also makes the process and end product sustainable. 
  • 874
  • 25 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Incorporate Plant-Based Biomaterials in Power Generation
Biomass-derived materials have traditionally been used to generate electrical energy through the combustion of their organic components. However, within the past few years, certain common biomass compounds, especially plant-based products such as cellulose and lignin, have drawn attention in the energy field due to their wide availability, low cost, and chemical versatility. In the case of cellulose, the combination of crystalline and amorphous domains, along with the high surface area and abundance of hydroxyl groups, has allowed for its application in multiple devices to harvest energy from the environment. 
  • 302
  • 12 Jun 2023
Topic Review
In-Situ Polymerized Solid-State Polymer Electrolytes
The practical usage of sodium metal batteries is mainly hampered by their potential safety risks caused by conventional liquid-state electrolytes. Hence, solid-state sodium metal batteries, which employ inorganic solid electrolytes and/or solid-state polymer electrolytes, are considered an emerging technology for addressing the safety hazards. Unfortunately, these traditional inorganic/polymer solid electrolytes, most of which are prepared via ex-situ methods, frequently suffer from inadequate ionic conductivity and sluggish interfacial transportation. In light of this, in-situ polymerized solid-state polymer electrolytes are proposed to simplify their preparation process and simultaneously address these aforementioned challenges.
  • 177
  • 10 Nov 2023
Topic Review
In-Silico Approaches: Neurodegenerative Diseases
Neurodegenerative diseases (ND), including Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD), are becoming increasingly more common and are recognized as a social problem in modern societies. These disorders are characterized by a progressive neurodegeneration and are considered one of the main causes of disability and mortality worldwide. Currently, there is no existing cure for AD nor PD and the clinically used drugs aim only at symptomatic relief, and are not capable of stopping neurodegeneration.
  • 635
  • 19 Apr 2021
Topic Review
In Vivo/In Vitro Electrochemical Detection of Neurochemicals
Neurochemicals, crucial for nervous system function, influence vital bodily processes and their fluctuations are linked to neurodegenerative diseases and mental health conditions. Monitoring these compounds is pivotal, yet the intricate nature of the central nervous system poses challenges. Researchers have devised methods, notably electrochemical sensing with micro-nanoscale electrodes, offering high-resolution monitoring despite low concentrations and rapid changes. Implantable sensors enable precise detection in brain tissues with minimal damage, while microdialysis-coupled platforms allow in vivo sampling and subsequent in vitro analysis, addressing the selectivity issues seen in other methods.
  • 347
  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
In Vitro Drug Release Methods for Drug-Eluting Stents
The drug release profile of drug-eluting stents (DESs) is affected by a number of factors, including the formulation, design, and physicochemical properties of the utilized material. DES has been around for twenty years and despite its widespread clinical use, and efficacy in lowering the rate of target lesion restenosis, it still requires additional development to reduce side effects and provide long-term clinical stability. Unfortunately, for analyzing these implants, there is still no globally accepted in vitro test method. This is owing to the stent’s complexity as well as the dynamic arterial compartments of the blood and vascular wall. The former is the source of numerous biological, chemical, and physical mechanisms that are more commonly observed in tissue, lumen, and DES. As a result, universalizing bio-relevant apparatus, suitable for liberation testing of such complex implants is difficult.
  • 304
  • 27 Jul 2022
Topic Review
In Situ Polymerization for Composites
Due to the extremely low viscosity of the cyclic lactams and the superior mechanical properties of the polymers obtained from them, these materials have great potential for application in different liquid composite molding (LCM) techniques. Unsurprisingly, extensive academic research has been conducted over the past years to investigate possible industrial applications of anionically polymerized thermoplastic composites (TPCs) reinforced with glass, carbon, aramid, or natural fibers. It is important to remember that enormous progress has been made in the development of machinery and materials. There are different types of reactive processes for obtaining Nylon-6 composites; some of the main technologies are presented.
  • 1.0K
  • 19 May 2022
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