Topic Review
Intranasal Liposomes for Vaccine Delivery
Liposomes are safe, biocompatible, and biodegradable spherical nanosized vesicles produced from cholesterol and phospholipids. Liposomes have been widely administered intranasally for systemic and brain delivery. Intranasal liposomes are also a potential approach for vaccine delivery. Liposomes can be used as a platform to load antigens and as vaccine adjuvants to induce a robust immune response. 
  • 550
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Intramolecular Cyclization
3,n-fused (n = 4–7) tricyclic indoles are pervasive motifs, embedded in a variety of biologically active molecules and natural products. Thus, numerous catalytic methods have been developed for the synthesis of these skeletons.
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  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Intracellular Imaging of Metal Ions
Metal ions are known to play indispensable roles in many critical biochemical processes. The amount and dispersion of metal ions in body fluids have a significant impact on the normal physiological function of the human body. In terms of their effects in biosystems, the general public generally classifies metals into two categories: essential and non-essential. It is widely recognized that there are ten essential metal ions for life, and the body must have appropriate amounts of them, including potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), cobalt (Co), molybdenum (Mo), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn). Among them, K, Na, Ca, and Mg make up over 99% of the total metal elements in the human body, while the remaining six elements are present in small amounts. When essential metal ions are maintained at normal levels, they play a crucial role in various physiological functions, including catalyzing enzymes, participating in oxidative metabolism, and contributing to DNA synthesis.
  • 255
  • 12 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Intracellular Enzyme-Instructed Self-Assembly of Peptides
Despite the remarkable significance and encouraging breakthroughs of intracellular enzyme-instructed self-assembly of peptides (IEISAP) in disease diagnosis and treatment, a comprehensive review that focuses on this topic is still desirable.
  • 316
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Intracapsular Femoral Neck Fractures
Femoral neck fractures are common and constitute one of the largest healthcare burdens of the modern age. Fractures within the joint capsule (intracapsular) represent a specific surgical challenge due to the difficulty in predicting the rates of bony union and whether the blood supply to the femoral head has been disrupted in a way that would lead to avascular necrosis. Most femoral neck fractures are treated surgically, aiming to maintain mobility, whilst reducing pain and complications associated with prolonged bedrest.
  • 420
  • 19 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Intervertebral Disc Tissue Engineering with Additive Manufacturing
Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is one of the major causes of lower back pain, a common health condition that greatly affects the quality of life. With an increasing elderly population and changes in lifestyle, there exists a high demand for novel treatment strategies for damaged IVDs. Researchers have investigated IVD tissue engineering (TE) as a way to restore biological and mechanical functions by regenerating or replacing damaged discs using scaffolds with suitable cells. These scaffolds can be constructed using material extrusion additive manufacturing (AM), a technique used to build three-dimensional (3D), custom discs utilising computer-aided design (CAD). Structural geometry can be controlled via the manipulation of printing parameters, material selection, temperature, and various other processing parameters
  • 453
  • 12 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Interstitial Atom Engineering
Interstitial light elements play an important role in magnetic materials. Especially, Mn-based compounds with interstitial atoms are important for the easy fabrication of highly functional magnetic devices.
  • 922
  • 11 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Interpolymer Complexes Based on Cellulose Ethers
Interpolymer complexes based on cellulose ethers are formed by combining different polymers through non-covalent interactions, resulting in stable structures.
  • 186
  • 08 Sep 2023
Topic Review
International Geo Sample Number
The International Geo Sample Number or IGSN is a persistent identifier for sample. As an active persistent identifier it can be resolved through the Handle System. The system is used in production by the System for Earth Sample Registration (SESAR), Geoscience Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Mineral Resources, Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), University of Bremen MARUM, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), IFREMER Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM), and University of Kiel. Other organisations are preparing the introduction of the IGSN. The IGSN was developed as the International Geo Sample Number to provide a persistent, globally unique, web resolvable identifier for physical samples. IGSN is both a governance and technical system for assigning globally unique persistent identifiers to physical samples. Even though initially developed for samples in the geosciences, the application of IGSN can be and has already been expanded to other domains that rely on physical samples and collections. The IGSN preserves the identity of a sample even as it is moved from lab to lab and as data appear in different publications, thus eliminating ambiguity that stems from similar names for samples from the earth. The IGSN unique identifier allows researchers to track the analytical history of a sample and build on previously collected data as new techniques are developed. Additionally, the IGSN provides a link between disparate data generated by different investigators and published in different scientific articles. In September 2021, the members of IGSN e.V. and DataCite agreed to enter a partnership. Under the partnership, DataCite will provide the IGSN ID registration services and supporting technology to enable the ongoing sustainability of the IGSN PID infrastructure. The IGSN e.V. will facilitate a Community of Communities to promote and support new research and innovation for standard methods of identifying, citing, and locating physical samples. To take into account the expanded scope of the application of IGSN beyond the earth and environmental sciences, the IGSN Implementation Organization (IGSN e.V.) voted to change the name of the identifier to International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) and rename the organisation accordingly.
  • 313
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
International Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) are a proven methodology for transforming short-term study abroad to yield higher impact and quality student outcomes, especially as they relate to teaching environmental sustainability.
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  • 30 Dec 2020
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