Topic Review
Biomolecule Delivery in Neuroregeneration Strategies
Neurodegenerative disorders have sophisticated etiology and represent a serious challenge for society. Among the various risk factors, oxidative stress and chronic neuroinflammation (which can be due to viral infection or other causes) are involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Huntington disease (HD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Enabling challenging applications of nanomedicine and precision medicine in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders requires deeper investigations of nanocarrier-mediated biomolecular delivery for neuronal targeting and recovery. Researchers place emphasis on nanoformulations for the delivery of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) using different types of lipidic nanocarriers (liposomes, liquid crystalline or solid lipid nanoparticles), hydrogels, and scaffolds. 
  • 449
  • 25 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Catalysts for Glycerol Reforming
The valuable products produced from glycerol transformation have become a research route that attracted considerable benefits owing to their huge volumes as well as a myriad of chemical and biological techniques for transforming glycerol into high-value compounds, such as fuel additives, biofuels, precursors, and other useful chemicals, etc. Steam, aqueous, and autothermal reforming processes have been primarily investigated in glycerol reforming. An update on glycerol reforming is given, with an exclusive focus on the various catalyst's performance in designing reaction operation conditions.
  • 662
  • 25 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Waste Rubber Particles
One of the environmental problems causing concern in the world today is the black pollution caused by the accumulation of waste rubber resources. Rubber concrete can help solve the black pollution problem caused by waste rubber tires, but it is undeniable that rubber particles will reduce the mechanical properties of concrete. Research on waste rubber particles, particle size and properties are needed for the modification of rubberized concrete.
  • 1.1K
  • 22 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Classical Nucleation Theory
Crystal nucleation determining the formation and assembly pathway of first organic materials is the central science of various scientific disciplines such as chemical, geochemical, biological, and synthetic materials. Classical nucleation theory (CNT)  applies to systems of small organic molecules with an emphasis on the molecular interpretation of nucleation kinetics. CNT holds that density fluctuations are concomitant with the development of crystalline order. In other words, a crystal nucleus has an identical structure to its bulk crystal. 
  • 4.0K
  • 22 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Constituents of a Free Radical UV Curing System
The essential constituents of a UV curing system are a resin, which is an oligomer whose backbone confers the properties to the final polymer; a monomer, which acts as a cross-linking agent and adjusts the viscosity of the mixture to an acceptable level for application; and a photoinitiator, which is responsible for the light absorbance and governs the curing depth and rate.
  • 2.1K
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Stability of Cu-Based Catalysts for Methanol Reforming
The stability of copper-based catalysts is an important property that affects the catalytic efficiency, which determines the service life of the catalytic base in the methanol steam reforming (MSR) reaction, and plays an important role in the sustainable production of hydrogen.
  • 827
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Selected Fungal Natural Products with Antimicrobial Properties
Natural products (NPs) are a very rich source of antimicrobial drugs. They constitute more than two-thirds of clinically used antibiotics and half of anticancer drugs. Fungal natural products and their effects have been known to humankind for hundreds of years. Their later medicinal applications, followed by the discovery of the first class of antibiotics, penicillins and other drugs of fungal origin, such as peptidic natural products, terpenoids or polyketides, have altered the historically negative reputation of fungal “toxins”. 
  • 440
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Self-Healing Mechanisms of Polyurea
Self-healing polymers are categorized as smart materials that are capable of surface protection and prevention of structural failure. Polyurethane/polyurea, as one of the representative coatings, has also attracted attention for industrial applications.
  • 1.5K
  • 20 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Nanostructures for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Breast cancer (BC) is a highly metastatic multifactorial disease with various histological and molecular subtypes. Due to recent advancements, the mortality rate in BC has improved over the past five decades. Detection and treatment of many cancers are now possible due to the application of nanomedicine in clinical practice. Nanomedicine products such as Doxil® and Abraxane® have already been extensively used for BC adjuvant therapy with favorable clinical outcomes. 
  • 627
  • 20 Jul 2022
Topic Review
The Assembly of PPTA Nanofibers and the Applications
Poly (p-phenylene terephthalamide) (PPTA) is one kind of lyotropic liquid crystal polymer. Kevlar fibers made from PPTA is widely used in many fields due to the superior mechanical properties resulted from highly oriented macromolecular structure. However, the “infusible and insoluble” characteristic of PPTA gives rise to its poor processability, which limits its scope of application. The strong interactions and orientation characteristic of aromatic amide segments make PPTA attractive in the field of self-assembly. The chemical derivations have proved an effective way to modify the molecular structure of PPTA to improve its solubility and amphiphilicity, which resulted in different liquid crystal behaviors or supramolecular aggregates, but the modification of PPTA is usually complex and difficult. Alternatively, higher order all-PPTA structures have also been realized through the controllable hierarchical self-assembly of PPTA from the polymerization process to the formation of macroscopic products. It briefly introduces the self-assembly methods of PPTA based materials in recent years, and focuses on the polymerization-induced PPTA nanofibers which can be further fabricated into different macroscopic architectures when other self-assembly methods are combined. This monomer-started hierarchical self-assembly strategy evokes the feasible processing of PPTA, and enriches the diversity of product, which is expected to be expanded to other liquid crystal polymers.
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  • 20 Jul 2022
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