Topic Review
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors with Different Morphologies
There is an increasing need for the development of low-cost and highly sensitive gas sensors for environmental, commercial, and industrial applications in various areas, such as hazardous gas monitoring, safety, and emission control in combustion processes. Considering this, resistive-based gas sensors using metal oxide semiconductors (MOSs) have gained special attention owing to their high sensing performance, high stability, and low cost of synthesis and fabrication. The relatively low final costs of these gas sensors allow their commercialization; consequently, they are widely used and available at low prices. Different morphologies of metal oxide gas sensors are discussed.
  • 553
  • 04 May 2023
Topic Review
Metal Oxide Quantum-Dot-g-C3N4 Nanocomposites
Quantum dots and graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) are essential elements in this science. In contrast to quantum dots, which have enormous potential due to their size-dependent bandgap tunability and effective charge carrier production, g-C3N4 has properties like chemical stability and a configurable bandgap that make it a versatile material for photocatalysis.
  • 447
  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Potentiometric Sensors
Metal oxides, because of their remarkable properties including high electrical capacity and mixed ion-electron conductivity, have found applications as both sensing layers (e.g., of screen-printing pH sensors) or solid-contact layers and paste components in solid-contact and paste-ion-selective electrodes. 
  • 339
  • 22 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) have received a great deal of attention as potential theranostic agents. Despite extensive work on a wide variety of metal oxide NPs, few chemically active metal oxide NPs have received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance. The clinical translation of metal oxide NP activity, which often looks so promising in preclinical studies, has not progressed as rapidly as one might expect. The lack of FDA approval for metal oxide NPs appears to be a consequence of the complex transformation of NP chemistry as any given NP passes through multiple extra- and intracellular environments and interacts with a variety of proteins and transport processes that may degrade or transform the chemical properties of the metal oxide NP. Moreover, the translational models frequently used to study these materials do not represent the final therapeutic environment well, and studies in reduced preparations have, all too frequently, predicted fundamentally different physico-chemical properties from the biological activity observed in intact organisms. Understanding the evolving pharmacology of metal oxide NPs as they interact with biological systems is critical to establish translational test systems that effectively predict future theranostic activity. 
  • 1.4K
  • 20 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Metal Oxide Based Nano-Photocatalysts as Antiviral Agents
Photocatalysis, a unique process that occurs in the presence of light radiation, can potentially be utilized to control environmental pollution, and improve the health of society. Photocatalytic removal, or disinfection, of chemical and biological species has been known for decades; its extension to indoor environments in public places has always been challenging. Many efforts have been made in this direction since the COVID-19 pandemic started. The development of efficient photocatalytic nanomaterials through modifications to improve their photoactivity under ambient conditions for fighting with such a pandemic situation is a high research priority. Several metal oxides-based nano-photocatalysts have been designed to work efficiently in outdoor and indoor environments for the photocatalytic disinfection of biological species. 
  • 546
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Metal Organic Frameworks Supported on Graphene Oxide
Nanotechnology is one of the most active research fields in materials science. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have the benefits of having a sizable specific surface area, extremely high porosity, changeable pore size, post-synthesis modification, and extreme thermal stability. Graphene oxide (GO) has attracted significant research interest due to its similar surface area to MOFs. Furthermore, oxygen-containing groups presented in graphene oxide offer the unique processing and handling advantages of amphiphilicity and dispersion in water. MOF-based GO has attracted attention due to its resemblance to metal ions and organic binding linkers. It has sparked great interest in the past few years due to its distinct characteristics and higher performance compared to MOFs or GO alone. 
  • 703
  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Metal Organic Frameworks
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are a family of porous crystalline materials that serve in some cases as versatile platforms for catalysis. 
  • 1.2K
  • 13 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Metal Nanoparticles Synthesis Using Biological Extracts
Metal nanoparticles (MNPs) are especially interesting due to properties such as optical polarizability, electrical conductivity, photocatalysis and antimicrobial activity, which makes them useful for many applications in areas from electronics to pharmaceutics.
  • 427
  • 07 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Metal Nanoparticles for Environmental Remediation
Environmental pollution deriving from anthropogenic activities is nowadays a serious problem that afflicts our planet and that cannot be neglected. Nanotechnologies and new performing nanomaterials, thanks to their unique features, such as high surface area (surface/volume ratio), catalytic capacity, reactivity and easy functionalization to chemically modulate their properties, represent potential for the development of sustainable, advanced and innovative products/techniques for environmental (bio)remediation. Metal nanoparticles (MNPs; related to metals or noble metals such as M = Pt, Pd, Ni, Ru, Al, Ag, Au, Cu) are nanomaterials with physical and chemical properties that differ from bulk materials due to their small size and high surface-to-volume ratio. 
  • 691
  • 15 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Metal Nanoparticles for C–H activation
The design of highly active metal nanoparticles to be employed as efficient heterogeneous catalysts is a key tool for the construction of complex organic molecules and the minimization of their environmental costs. The formation of novel C–N bonds via C–H activation is an effective atom-economical strategy to access high value materials in pharmaceuticals, polymers, and natural product production. 
  • 479
  • 02 Sep 2021
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