Topic Review
Metal Corrosion Compounds Induced by Heritage Glass
Many heritage objects consist of glass in contact with metals. By ion exchange with absorbed water, alkaline aqueous films are formed on the glass surface. They contain sodium and/or potassium, hydroxide, and carbonate (uptake of carbon dioxide) ions. These electrolytes induce corrosion while in contact with metal and cause unusual corrosion products.
  • 516
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Stone Cultural Heritage Elements
Stones are ones of the most ancient natural materials exploited by humans, with different uses, from tools to buildings, that have endured over time in better conditions than other objects belonging to cultural heritage. Given the importance of those silent witnesses of the past, as well as our duty to preserve all parts of cultural heritage for future generations, much effort was put into the development of materials for their consolidation, protection, self-cleaning, or restoration.
  • 1.2K
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Agri-Food Wastes for Bioplastics
Agri-food wastes (such as brewer’s spent grain, olive pomace, residual pulp from fruit juice production, etc.) are produced annually in very high quantities posing a serious problem, both environmentally and economically. These wastes can be used as secondary starting materials to produce value-added goods within the principles of the circular economy. Agri-food waste is produced in large quantities and derives from many sources (from breweries, from the pressing of olives, from the production of fruit and vegetables, etc.). Consequently, the problem of their disposal arises both from the point of view of costs and means. However, precisely because these wastes represent a great added value for the substances they contain and which can be exploited, it is profitable to reuse and recycle them.
  • 820
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
UV-A Photocatalysis in Livestock and Poultry Farming
As the scale of the livestock industry has grown with the increase in the demand for livestock and poultry products, gaseous emissions, an unwanted side effect of livestock and poultry production, are also increasing. Various mitigation technologies have been developed to reduce such air pollution, and the mitigation technologies are divided mainly into “source-based type” (meant to fundamentally reduce the emissions) and “end-of-pipe type” (physicochemical and biological treatment of the output from barns to reduce the release into the environment). Ultraviolet light (UV) can be considered as both end-of-pipe (treating exhaust air from barns) and source-based type (treating air inside the barn).
  • 688
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Bioconversion of Starch Base Food Waste into Bioethanol
Food wastes are organic wastes or biodegradables. They are generated from various sources such as restaurants and cafeterias, industrial sectors, commercial and domestic kitchens, food processing plants, and other areas where a large number of people consume food. The global demand for fuel keeps increasing daily. The massive depletion of fossil fuels and their influence on the environment as pollution is a severe problem. Meanwhile, food waste disposal is also a complex problem in solid-waste management since one-third of every food consumed is discarded as waste. The standard waste management methods, including food waste incineration and landfilling, are considered hazardous to the environment. Food waste constituents are majorly starch-based and contain various biomolecules, including sugar, lipids, proteins, vitamins, cellulose, etc. These polysaccharides can be hydrolysed into monosaccharides such as glucose, which can then be fermented using microorganisms to produce ethanol through the fermenting of sugars derived from enzymatic hydrolysis treatment of food wastes. The human food system is rich in starch, which can be a potential resource for bioethanol production.
  • 1.2K
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Intrinsic Self-Healing Polymers
Self-healing polymeric materials have been widely investigated because they can heal the damages spontaneously and thereby prolong their service lifetime. Many ingenious synthetic procedures have been developed for fabricating self-healing polymers with high performance.
  • 1.8K
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Electrospinning of Essential Oils
Essential oils (EOs) have been widely exploited for their biological properties (mainly as antimicrobials) in the food industry. Encapsulation of EOs has opened the way to the utilization of EOs in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. Electrospinning (ES) has proved a convenient and versatile method for the encapsulation of EOs into multifunctional nanofibers.
  • 542
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Fabrication of Polymersomes: A Macromolecular Architecture in Nanotherapeutics
In consideration of the issues of drug delivery systems, the artificial vesicle structures composed of block copolymers called polymersomes recently gained considerable attention. The possibility of tuning the mechanical parameter and increasing the scale-up production of polymersomes led to its wide application in healthcare. Bearing in mind the disease condition, the structure and properties of the polymersomes could be tuned to serve the purpose. Furthermore, specific ligands can be incorporated on the vesicular surface to induce smart polymersomes, thus improving targeted delivery. The synthesis method and surface functionalization are the two key aspects that determine the versatility of biological applications as they account for stability, specific targeting, degradability, biocompatibility, and bioavailability. A perfectly aligned polymer vesicle can mimic the cells/organelles and function by avoiding cytotoxicity. This supramolecular structure can carry and deliver payloads of a wide range, including drugs, proteins, and genes, contributing to the construction of next-generation therapeutics. These aspects promote the potential use of such components as a framework to approach damaged tissue while maintaining healthy environments during circulation. 
  • 549
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Metal-Organic Framework Based Nanomaterials Applied in Battery Cathodes
Metal-Organic Frameworks have attracted profound attention the latest years for use in environmental applications. They can offer a broad variety of functions due to their tunable porosity, high surface area and metal activity centers. Specifically, MOFs have been investigated thoroughly as potential materials hosting the oxidizing agent in the cathode electrode of several battery systems such as Lithium Batteries, Metal-Ion Batteries and Metal-Air Batteries. 
  • 452
  • 19 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Bioplastics
Bioplastics are a type of plastic material that is bio-based, biodegradable, or both, depending on the source from which they were created.
  • 3.6K
  • 19 Sep 2022
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