Topic Review
Invasive Alien Plant Species in European Paper Production
Invasive plant species can impede the establishment and growth of native plants and affect several ecosystem properties. These properties include soil cover, nutrient cycling, fire regimes, and hydrology. Controlling invasive plants is therefore a necessary, but usually expensive, step in restoring an ecosystem. The sustainability of materials with an emphasis on the use of local resources plays an important role in the circular economy. The use of alternative fibers from invasive plants promotes local production in smaller paper mills that offer the protection of local species and the reduction of waste and invasive plants.
  • 721
  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Bio-Monomers Used in the Synthesis of Hydrogels
Natural bio-based monomers derived from plants or animals are widely used in the synthesis of hydrogels and their compounds for the production of biopolymers and biomaterials that are biocompatible, biodegradable, non-toxic and of high porosity, characteristics much sought after in the biomedical field.
  • 695
  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
G-Quadruplex Structures in Plants
G-quadruplex (G4) oligonucleotides are higher-order DNA and RNA secondary structures of enormous relevance due to their implication in several biological processes and pathological states in different organisms.  Plants offer a cornucopia of phytocompounds that, in many cases, are effective in binding and modulating the thermal stability of G4s and, on the other hand, contain almost unexplored G4 motifs in their genome that could inspire new biotechnological strategies.
  • 593
  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Nickel Oxides
Nickel forms a series of mixed oxide compounds which are commonly called nickelates. A nickelate is an anion containing nickel or a salt containing a nickelate anion, or a double compound containing nickel bound to oxygen and other elements. Nickel can be in different or even mixed oxidation states, ranging from +1, +2, +3 to +4. The anions can contain a single nickel ion, or multiple to form a cluster ion. The solid mixed oxide compounds are often ceramics, but can also be metallic. They have a variety of electrical and magnetic properties. Rare-earth elements form a range of perovskite nickelates, in which the properties vary systematically as the rare-earth element changes. Fine tuning of properties is achievable with mixtures of elements, applying stress or pressure, or varying the physical form. Inorganic chemists call many compounds that contain nickel centred anions "nickelates". These include the chloronickelates, fluoronickelates, tetrabromonickelates, tetraiodonickelates, cyanonickelates, nitronickelates and other nickel-organic acid complexes such as oxalatonickelates.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Epidemic Dropsy
Epidemic dropsy is a form of edema of extremities due to poisoning by Argemone mexicana (Mexican prickly poppy). Epidemic dropsy is a clinical state resulting from use of edible oils adulterated with Argemone mexicana seed oil. Sanguinarine and dihydrosanguinarine are two major toxic alkaloids of argemone oil, which cause widespread capillary dilatation, proliferation and increased capillary permeability. When mustard oil is adulterated deliberately (as in most cases) or accidentally with argemone oil, proteinuria (specifically loss of albumin) occurs, with a resultant edema as would occur in nephrotic syndrome. Other major symptoms are bilateral pitting edema of extremities, headache, nausea, loose bowels, erythema, glaucoma and breathlessness. Leakage of the protein-rich plasma component into the extracellular compartment leads to the formation of edema. The haemodynamic consequences of this vascular dilatation and permeability lead to a state of relative hypovolemia with a constant stimulus for fluid and salt conservation by the kidneys. Illness begins with gastroenteric symptoms followed by cutaneous erythema and pigmentation. Respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and orthopnoea, progressing to frank right-sided congestive cardiac failure, are seen. Mild to moderate anaemia, hypoproteinaemia, mild to moderate renal azotemia, retinal haemorrhages, and glaucoma are common manifestations. There is no specific therapy. Removal of the adulterated oil and symptomatic treatment of congestive cardiac failure and respiratory symptoms, along with administration of antioxidants and multivitamins, remain the mainstay of treatment. Epidemic dropsy occurs as an epidemic in places where use of mustard oil from the seeds of Brassica juncea, commonly known as Indian mustard, as a cooking medium is common.
  • 662
  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Textile Fabric Coatings for UV Protection
The rapid progress in the use of textile fabric materials in various industrial and domestic applications requires the inclusion of smart functions to achieve comfortable and safety properties to the end users. Advances in the development of coatings for sustainable textile fabrics for UV protection are presented here.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Functionalization Strategies of Nanocarriers
The applications of nanoparticles (NPs) for drug delivery have achieved great achievements and shown enormous advantages. However, the efficient delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs to target cells was still severely restricted by various anatomical and physiological barriers. Consequently, the NPs were designed and functionalized in order to achieve active and specific targeting for promoting the preferential accumulation in tumor tissues, effective uptake by tumor cells, and release of the drug after entering cancer cells.
  • 398
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Hypoestrogenism, or estrogen deficiency, refers to a lower than normal level of estrogen. It is an umbrella term used to describe estrogen deficiency in various conditions. Estrogen deficiency is also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and has been linked to diseases like urinary tract infections and osteoporosis. In women, low levels of estrogen may cause symptoms such as hot flashes, sleeping disturbances, decreased bone health, and changes in the genitourinary system. Hypoestrogenism is most commonly found in women who are postmenopausal, have primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), or are presenting with amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods). Hypoestrogenism includes primarily genitourinary effects, including thinning of the vaginal tissue layers and an increase in vaginal pH. With normal levels of estrogen, the environment of the vagina is protected against inflammation, infections, and sexually transmitted infections. Hypoestrogenism can also occur in men, for instance due to hypogonadism. There are both hormonal and non-hormonal treatments to prevent the negative effects of low estrogen levels and improve quality of life.
  • 996
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Discovery and Development of Non-nucleoside Reverse-transcriptase Inhibitors
Non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) are antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). NNRTIs inhibit reverse transcriptase (RT), an enzyme that controls the replication of the genetic material of HIV. RT is one of the most popular targets in the field of antiretroviral drug development. Discovery and development of NNRTIs began in the late 1980s and in the end of 2009 four NNRTI had been approved by regulatory authorities and several others were undergoing clinical development. Drug resistance develops quickly if NNRTIs are administered as monotherapy and therefore NNRTIs are always given as part of combination therapy, the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).
  • 787
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Acridine, an alkaloid from anthracene, also known by the names of 10-azaanthracene, dibenzopyridine, 2,3,5,6-dibenzopyridine, and its derivatives or analogs, have a great potential to be an efficient class of excellent inhibitor. The phenomenon of corrosion threatens metallic components, human safety, and the economy. Despite being eco-friendly and promising as a corrosion inhibitor, acridine has not been explored to its full potential. 
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  • 09 Nov 2022
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