Topic Review
NIR-II Emissive Semiconducting Polymer Dots
Much effort has been devoted to developing Pdots with emission bands located in the second near-infrared (NIR-II, 1000–1700 nm) region, which hold great advantages of higher spatial resolution, better signal-to-background ratios (SBR), and deeper tissue penetration for solid-tumor imaging in comparison with the visible region (400–680 nm) and the first near-infrared (NIR-I, 680–900 nm) window, by virtue of the reduced tissue autofluorescence, minimal photon scattering, and low photon absorption.
  • 513
  • 15 Dec 2022
Topic Review
NIR-II Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens for Tumor Phototheranostics
Various modalities are involved in phototheranostic systems, including therapeutic methods such as photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT), and diagnostic technologies such as photothermal imaging (PTI), photoacoustic imaging (PAI), and fluorescence imaging (FLI). As an emerging strategy for cancer treatments via generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) with the assistance of light, tissue oxygen, and photosensitizer (PS), PDT has a remarkable light-controllable ability, specific spatiotemporal selectivity, and minimized invasiveness. Second near-infrared (NIR-II) fluorophores possess the capability of surmounting the inherent deficiencies of conventional FLI, by virtue of its remarkable features including deep penetration, reduced tissue scattering, minimal damage, and high spatial resolution endowed by the extremely long wavelength.
  • 788
  • 16 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Niobium Oxides
Niobium oxides (NbO, NbO2, Nb2O5), being a versatile material has achieved tremendous popularity to be used in a number of applications because of its outstanding electrical, mechanical, chemical, and magnetic properties. NbxOy films possess a direct band gap within the ranges of 3.2–4.0 eV, with these films having utility in different applications which include; optical systems, stainless steel, ceramics, solar cells, electrochromic devices, capacitor dielectrics, catalysts, sensors, and architectural requirements. With the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of a vast variety of the named applications, thin films having comprehensive properties span described by film composition, morphology, structural properties, and thickness are needed.
  • 4.0K
  • 06 Jan 2021
Topic Review
NiO-TiO2 p-n Heterojunction
NiO is a typical p-type semiconductor and it has widely been combined with TiO2 to form the p-n heterojunction due to its suitable energy band structure, high charge carrier concentration, high chemical stability and low cost. Decreasing the size of NiO to nanoclusters helps to improve the electron transfer channels on the surface of TiO2, thus enhance photocatalytic hydrogen production efficiency.
  • 865
  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Nile Blue Sulphate
An efficient and reliable electrochemical sensing platform based on COOH-fMWCNTs modified GCE (COOH-fMWCNTs/GCE) was designed for the detection of nanomolar concentration of Nile Blue Sulphate (NBS). The photocatalytic degradation of NBS dye was carried out by using TiO2 nanoparticles as photocatalyst in the presence of H2O2. 
  • 395
  • 07 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Nickel(II) Precatalysts
Nickel(II) precatalysts are a type of catalyst used in organic reactions. Many transformations are catalyzed by nickel in organometallic chemistry and in organic synthesis. Many of these transformations invoke a low valent (generally Ni(0)) species as the active catalyst. Unfortunately, unlike its counterpart, Pd(0), Ni(0) catalysts are predominantly confined to the glovebox due to their high instability to air and water, with the most common Ni(0) catalyst being Ni(cod)2. Additionally, Ni(cod)2 is more expensive than many Ni(II) salts and the quality varies significantly amongst suppliers. To make nickel catalysis more accessible and amenable to synthesis and industrial purposes, the use of air-stable Ni(II) precursors has emerged as an important development in this area of research. This page describes the more commonly employed nickel(II) precatalysts, their synthesis for those not commercially available, and the methods for their reduction to Ni(0) complexes.
  • 1.3K
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Nickel Oxides
Nickel forms a series of mixed oxide compounds which are commonly called nickelates. A nickelate is an anion containing nickel or a salt containing a nickelate anion, or a double compound containing nickel bound to oxygen and other elements. Nickel can be in different or even mixed oxidation states, ranging from +1, +2, +3 to +4. The anions can contain a single nickel ion, or multiple to form a cluster ion. The solid mixed oxide compounds are often ceramics, but can also be metallic. They have a variety of electrical and magnetic properties. Rare-earth elements form a range of perovskite nickelates, in which the properties vary systematically as the rare-earth element changes. Fine tuning of properties is achievable with mixtures of elements, applying stress or pressure, or varying the physical form. Inorganic chemists call many compounds that contain nickel centred anions "nickelates". These include the chloronickelates, fluoronickelates, tetrabromonickelates, tetraiodonickelates, cyanonickelates, nitronickelates and other nickel-organic acid complexes such as oxalatonickelates.
  • 412
  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Nickel Allergy
Nickel allergy or nickel allergic contact dermatitis (Ni-ACD) is a form of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) caused by exposure to the chemical element nickel. It typically causes a rash that is red and itchy and that may be bumpy or scaly. The main treatment is avoiding contact with nickel-releasing metals, such as wearing inexpensive jewelry.
  • 661
  • 28 Apr 2023
Topic Review
NIAS in Plastic Food Packaging
Several food contact materials (FCMs) contain non-intentionally added substances (NIAS), and most of the substances that migrate from plastic food packaging are unknown. Food packaging can contain NIAS as a result of the interactions between different substances in the packaging materials, between food content and substances (for example, additives) in FCM, from degradation processes and mainly from the impurities present in the raw materials used for FCM production. (EU) nº 10/2011 defines that “non-intentionally added substance means an impurity in the substances used or a reaction intermediate formed during the production process or a decomposition or reaction product”. Most NIAS are regularly detected when using high sensitivity analytical techniques, although the chemical structure of unknown compounds is often difficult to establish by conventional tools.
  • 2.2K
  • 01 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Ni-Based Catalysts Supported on Mg-Al Mixed Oxides
Ni-based catalysts supported on Mg-Al mixed oxides (Mg(Al)O) have been intensively investigated as catalysts for CH4 reforming processes (i.e., steam reforming (SMR) and dry reforming (DRM)), which are pivotal actors in the expanding H2 economy.
  • 485
  • 03 May 2023
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