Topic Review
Photo-Controlled Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles
Photo-controlled self-assembly of nanoparticles (NPs) is an advanced and promising approach to address a series of material issues from the molecular level to the nano/micro scale, owing to the fact that light stimulus is typically precise and rapid, and can provide contactless spatial and temporal control. Photoexcitation-induced assembly of NPs is another promising physical strategy, and such a strategy aims to employ molecular conformational change in the excited state (rather than the chemical structure) to drive molecular motion and assembly.
  • 134
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Photo-/Electro-Driven Thermochromic Smart Windows
Thermochromic smart windows can automatically control solar radiation according to the ambient temperature. Compared with photochromic and electrochromic smart windows, they have a stronger applicability and lower energy consumption, and have a wide range of application prospects in the field of building energy efficiency. This entry describes that trends of photo-/electro-driven thermochromic smart windows.
  • 1.3K
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Phosphorus-Substituted Pyridines
Phosphorus(V)-substituted pyridine was first synthesized by Plazek’s research group in 1936 by a reaction of 2-dimethylaminopyridine with phosphorus trichloride under oxidative conditions. Later, related compounds were obtained by reactions of metalated pyridines with phosphorus-halogen compounds, of pyridinediazonium tetrafluoroborate with phosphorus trichloride, of N-alkoxypyridines with sodium diethyl phosphite and phosphines, and of N-pyridylpyridines with phosphonic acid, by the Michaelis–Arbuzov reaction, Pd(II)-catalyzed phosphorylation of halopyridines, cyclization of phosphorus-containing 3-azatrienes, and the Diels–Alder reaction involving 3-phosphoryl-1-azadienes.
  • 737
  • 20 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Phosphorus fire retardants for polystyrene
Polystyrene, despite its high flammability, is widely used as a thermal insulation material for buildings, for food packaging, in electrical and automotive industries, etc. A number of modification routes have been explored to improve the fire retardance and boost the thermal stability of commercially important styrene-based polymeric products. The earlier strategies mostly involved the use of halogenated fire retardants. Nowadays, these compounds are considered to be persistent pollutants that are hazardous to public and environmental health. Many well-known halogen-based fire retardants, regardless of their chemical structures and modes of action, have been withdrawn from built environments in the European Union, USA, and Canada. This had triggered a growing research interest in, and an industrial demand for, halogen-free alternatives, which not only will reduce the flammability but also address toxicity and bioaccumulation issues. Among the possible options, phosphorus-containing compounds have received greater attention due to their excellent fire-retarding efficiencies and environmentally friendly attributes. Numerous reports were also published on reactive and additive modifications of polystyrene in different forms, particularly in the last decade; hence, the current article aims to provide a critical review of these publications. The authors mainly intend to focus on the chemistries of phosphorous compounds, with the P atom being in different chemical environments, used either as reactive, or additive, fire retardants in styrene-based materials. The chemical pathways and possible mechanisms behind the fire retardance are discussed in this review.
  • 1.7K
  • 26 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Phosphorus Dendrimers for the Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles are defined as matter that has at least one dimension between 1 and 100 nm, and that generally has different properties from its bulk. Phosphorus dendrimers are hyperbranched macromolecules synthesized step-by-step, bearing a phosphorus atom at each branching point. Such type of dendrimers are suitable for the synthesis of diverse types of metal nanoparticles from organometallic precursors.
  • 689
  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Phosphorus Compounds of Natural Origin
Natural phosphorus compounds are essential for modern biological systems, and their diverse biological properties testify to their importance in the world of living organisms. They provide stable ligation necessary for fixing information in RNA and DNA, contribute to cellular structure in phospholipids, serve as the main source of biochemical energy (eg, ATP, phosphoenolpyruvate, creatinephosphate), and are present in a large number of metabolites. Сentral place that phosphates retain in biological systems allows us to conclude that they played an important role in the emergence of life on Earth. In recent years, a large number of natural phosphorus compounds have been isolated from living organisms and significant advances have been made in understanding the effect of phosphates on prebiotic chemistry.
  • 1.8K
  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Phosphonium-Based Polyelectrolytes
Phosphorous is an essential element for the life of organisms, and phosphorus-based compounds have many uses in industry, such as flame retardancy reagents, ingredients in fertilizers, pyrotechnics, etc. Ionic liquids are salts with melting points lower than the boiling point of water. The term “polymerized ionic liquids” (PILs) refers to a class of polyelectrolytes that contain an ionic liquid (IL) species in each monomer repeating unit and are connected by a polymeric backbone to form macromolecular structures. PILs provide a new class of polymeric materials by combining some of the distinctive qualities of ILs in the polymer chain. Ionic liquids have been identified as attractive prospects for a variety of applications due to the high stability (thermal, chemical, and electrochemical) and high mobility of their ions, but their practical applicability is constrained because they lack the benefits of both liquids and solids, suffering from both leakage issues and excessive viscosity. PILs are garnering for developing non-volatile and non-flammable solid electrolytes.
  • 393
  • 12 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Phospholipids are unique and versatile molecules. They are of natural occurrence and the main components in cellular membranes. Arranged as a lipid bilayer, phospholipids play a significant role in the structure and functionality of biological membranes. They are amphiphilic and consist of a hydrophilic headgroup and a lipophilic/hydrophobic tail.
  • 2.4K
  • 04 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Phorbas Sponges
Porifera, commonly referred to as marine sponges, are acknowledged as major producers of marine natural products (MNPs). Sponges of the genus Phorbas have attracted much attention over the years. They are widespread in all continents, and several structurally unique bioactive compounds have been identified from this species. 
  • 828
  • 30 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Phlorotannins’ Constituents in Fucales
Fucales are an order within the Phaeophyceae that include most of the common littoral seaweeds in temperate and subtropical coastal regions. Many species of this order have long been a part of human culture with applications as food, feedand remedies in folk medicine. Apart from their high nutritional value, these seaweeds are also a well-known reservoir of multiple bioactive compounds with great industrial interest. Among them, phlorotannins, a unique and diverse class of brown algae-exclusive phenolics, have gathered much attention during the last few years due to their numerous potential health benefits. However, due to their complex structural features, combined with the scarcity of standards, it poses a great challenge to the identification and characterization of these compounds, at least with the technology currently available. Nevertheless, much effort has been taken towards the elucidation of the structural features of phlorotannins, which have resulted in relevant insights into the chemistry of these compounds.
  • 465
  • 05 Jan 2023
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