Topic Review
Polymers in High-Efficiency Solar Cells
Third-generation solar cells, including dye-sensitized solar cells, bulk-heterojunction solar cells, and perovskite solar cells, are being intensively researched to obtain high efficiencies in converting solar energy into electricity. However, it is also important to note their stability over time and the devices’ thermal or operating temperature range. Today’s widely used polymeric materials are also used at various stages of the preparation of the complete device—it is worth mentioning that in dye-sensitized solar cells, suitable polymers can be used as flexible substrates counter-electrodes, gel electrolytes, and even dyes. In the case of bulk-heterojunction solar cells, they are used primarily as donor materials; however, there are reports in the literature of their use as acceptors. In perovskite devices, they are used as additives to improve the morphology of the perovskite, mainly as hole transport materials and also as additives to electron transport layers. Polymers, thanks to their numerous advantages, such as the possibility of practically any modification of their chemical structure and thus their physical and chemical properties, are increasingly used in devices that convert solar radiation into electrical energy.
  • 978
  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
Chronic Wounds
The chronicity of wounds is affected by several contributory factors, including hormonal imbalances, cytokines, invasive microbial infections, and growth factors. More importantly, bacterial infections have been implicated as the predominant feature in most chronic wound microenvironments, including Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria exist in polymicrobial forms forming biofilms that afford them protection against the host’s immunity and conventional antibiotics. S. aureus biofilms are sometimes present close to the surface of chronic wounds, while P. aeruginosa biofilms appear deep within wound tissue. The recalcitrant disposition of these microbes has been implicated as one of the causalities of antimicrobial resistance.
  • 1.2K
  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
Tragia L. Genus
Tragia L. is a genus of plants belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family with worldwide intertropical distribution, composed of more than 150 species.
  • 1.2K
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Textile-Integrated Thermocouples
The integration of conductive materials in textiles is key for detecting temperature in the wearer´s environment. When integrating sensors into textiles, properties such as their flexibility, handle, and stretch must stay unaffected by the functionalization. Conductive materials are difficult to integrate into textiles, since wires are stiff, and coatings show low adhesion. This work shows that various substrates such as cotton, cellulose, polymeric, carbon, and optical fiber-based textiles are used as support materials for temperature sensors. Suitable measurement principles for use in textiles are based on resistance changes, optical interferences (fiber Bragg grating), or thermoelectric effects. 
  • 884
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Targeted Delivery of Exosomes to the Brain
Delivering therapeutics to the central nervous system (CNS) is difficult because of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Therapeutic delivery across the tight junctions of the BBB can be achieved through various endogenous transportation mechanisms. Receptor-mediated transcytosis (RMT) is one of the most widely investigated and used methods. Drugs can hijack RMT by expressing specific ligands that bind to receptors mediating transcytosis, such as the transferrin receptor (TfR), low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), and insulin receptor (INSR). Cell-penetrating peptides and viral components originating from neurotropic viruses can also be utilized for the efficient BBB crossing of therapeutics. Exosomes, or small extracellular vesicles, have gained attention as natural nanoparticles for treating CNS diseases, owing to their potential for natural BBB crossing and broad surface engineering capability. RMT-mediated transport of exosomes expressing ligands such as LDLR-targeting apolipoprotein B has shown promising results.
  • 864
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Cellulose-Based Hydrogel Photocatalysts and Their Applications
Cellulose hydrogels are cited for use in both the water treatmentand antimicrobial fields, emphasizing their adsorption properties as well as their photocatalytic properties. This paper mainly summarizes the properties, preparation methods, and classification of cellulose-based hydrogel materials and their different applications in the direction of photocatalysis over the past 15 years, providing a good basis for future development.
  • 389
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Biodiesel as Renewable Biofuel in Current Diesel Engines
Many countries are immersed in several strategies to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of internal combustion engines. One option is the substitution of these engines by electric and/or hydrogen engines. However, apart from the strategic and logistical difficulties associated with this change, the application of electric or hydrogen engines in heavy transport, e.g., trucks, shipping, and aircrafts, also presents technological difficulties in the short-medium term. In addition, the replacement of the current car fleet will take decades. This is why the use of biofuels is presented as the only viable alternative to diminishing CO2 emissions in the very near future. Nowadays, it is assumed that vegetable oils will be the main raw material for replacing fossil fuels in diesel engines.
  • 834
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Mycomerge: Mycelium-Based NFRC on A Rattan Framework
Counteracting the usual fabrication techniques, the proposed design method aims to guide mycelium’s growth on a natural rattan framework that serves as a supportive structure for the mycelium substrate and its fiber reinforcement. The rattan skeleton is integrated into the finished composite product, forming a fully biodegradable unit, which can support a load beyond 20 times its own weight. 
  • 627
  • 12 May 2022
Topic Review
Titanium and Its Alloys
Metallic materials are widely used in the medical field, in this context, this entry focuses on the relevance of titanium and its alloys for the development of dental implants.
  • 523
  • 12 May 2022
Topic Review
pH Responsive Polyurethane for Biomedical and Drug Delivery
pH-responsive polymers are polymers that respond to changes in environmental pH. They can be classified into: (A) polymers with ionizable moieties; and (B) polymers that contain acid-labile linkages. pH-responsive polyurethanes demonstrated good biological response and sustainability in biomedical applications and drug delivery. They have been used as controlled drug delivery systems for oral administration, intravaginal administration, and targeted drug delivery systems for chemotherapy treatment. 
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  • 12 May 2022
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