Topic Review
Development of Vibrio cholerae Candidate Vaccine Strain
Approximately 1/6 of humanity is at high risk of experiencing cholera epidemics. Therefore, сholera epidemics and outbreaks represent one of the global health threats. Vaccination is an effective global health measure to prevent cholera epidemics. There is a need for the development of more effective, stable, and safe vaccines against cholera. We describe a strategy to genetically engineer a nontoxigenic natural Vibrio cholerae strain to develop a genetically stable and relatively safe candidate vaccine strain. Our approach is applicable for developing vaccine strains against cholera and other important human pathogens.
  • 316
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Persons Experiencing Homelessness during COVID-19
Persons experiencing homelessness are at heightened risk for infection, morbidity, and mortality from COVID-19. However, health consequences of the pandemic extend far beyond those directly caused by the virus, including fear of infection, access to housing, hygiene, PPE, food, as well as mental health, substance use, other health-related outcomes and treatment services.
  • 361
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Electrocardiogram for Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a global public health problem. It is a disease of multifactorial origin, and with this characteristic, having an accurate diagnosis of its incidence is a problem that health personnel face every day. Time is an essential factor when identifying heart problems, specialists look for and develop options to improve this aspect, which requires a thorough analysis of the patient, electrocardiograms being the factor standard for diagnosis and monitoring of patients.
  • 1.0K
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Relationship between Subjective Cognitive Complaints and Executive Functions
Subjective cognitive complaints correspond to a heterogeneous construct that frequently occurs in the early stages of older adult life. Despite being a common source of worry for middle-aged people, it can be underestimated when clinical and neuropsychological assessments discard any underlying pathological processes. Negative age stereotyping but also self-stereotyping can contribute to doing so. Although its diagnosis is a challenge, its implication as a possible predictor of mild cognitive impairment or dementia increases the interest in its early diagnosis and intervention.
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  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Sprouts and Microgreens for Healthy Diets
Healthy diets prevent diet-related non-communicable diseases; they provide nutrients and health-promoting substances from nutritious foods in adequate amounts. With society's growing interest in healthy eating, the interest in fresh, ready-to-eat, functional food, such as microscale vegetables (sprouted seeds and microgreens), has been on the rise in recent years globally. This entry briefly describes the crops commonly used for microscale vegetable production, highlights Brassica vegetables because of their health-promoting secondary metabolites and looks at consumer acceptance of sprouts and microgreens. Landraces, wild food plants, and crops' wild relatives often have high phytonutrient density and exciting flavours and tastes, thus providing scope to widen the range of crops and species used for this purpose. Moreover, the nutritional value and content of phytochemicals often vary with plant growth and development stages of the same crop. Sprouted seeds and microgreens are often more nutrient-dense than ungerminated seeds or mature vegetables. This entry also describes the environmental and priming factors that may impact the nutritional value and content of phytochemicals of microscale vegetables. Due to their short growth cycle, nutrient-dense sprouts and microgreens can be produced with minimal input and without pesticides. They can even be home-grown and harvested as needed, hence having low environmental impacts and a broad acceptance among health-conscious consumers.
  • 1.2K
  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Bayesian Mindsponge Framework
Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF, also known as Bayesian Mindsponge analytical approach) is an analytical approach that employs the mindsponge information-processing mechanism and Bayesian analysis (e.g., bayesvl package) as each other’s complement to conduct cognitive and psychological research. 
  • 1.8K
  • 19 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Whole School Restorative Approaches for Positive Youth Development
Positive youth development highlights the promotion of skills through engaging and caring settings and building opportunities for bidirectional and constructive relationships. Whole School Restorative Approaches (WSRA) promote school community relationships and social and emotional skills which are core components for positive youth development. 
  • 527
  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Phytochemicals Constituent of Cimicifuga racemosa
Women’s health is an imminent concern worldwide, but it remains an ignored segment of research in most developing countries, and is yet to take the center stage in even developed nations. Some exclusive female health concerns revolve around both pathological and physiological aspects. These gender-specific maladies include breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers, and physiological concerns such as menopause and osteoporosis, which are often coexistent. Recently, women’s health issues, including postmenopausal syndrome, have attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners alike, opening newer pharmaceutical research and clinical avenues. Although not counted as a disease, postmenopausal syndrome (PMS) is a female health phenomenon underpinned by hormonal depletion. Enhanced life expectancy in women has added to their suffering, and pharmacological interventions are needed. Amongst the available treatment modalities, the use of numerous botanicals has emerged as an efficient health management tool for women. Cimicifuga racemosa (CR or Black Cohosh) is a plant/herb which has been traditionally exploited and extensively used by women.
  • 871
  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Glycolysis and ER Stress
Glycolysis and ER stress have been considered important drivers of pulmonary fibrosis. However, it is not clear whether glycolysis and ER stress are interconnected and if those interconnections regulate the development of pulmonary fibrosis.
  • 667
  • 17 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Deep Learning for Smart Healthcare
Advances in technology have been able to affect all aspects of human life. For example, the use of technology in medicine has made significant contributions to human society. Every year, many people die due to brain tumors; based on “braintumor” website estimation in the U.S., about 700,000 people have primary brain tumors, and about 85,000 people are added to this estimation every year. To solve this problem, artificial intelligence has come to the aid of medicine and humans. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most common method to diagnose brain tumors. Additionally, MRI is commonly used in medical imaging and image processing to diagnose dissimilarity in different parts of the body. 
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  • 16 Mar 2022
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