Topic Review
Vitamin D on Skin Aging
The normal vitamin D3 status is important for a general prevention of premature aging maintaining a healthful skin aging. Vitamin D3metabolites including its classical (1,25(OH)2D3) and novel (CYP11A1-intitated) D3hydroxyderivatives exert many beneficial protective effects on the skin, which could influence the process of premature aging via many different mechanisms, leading to a delay or attenuation of both chronological skin aging and photoaging. Skin-resident cells (keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and sebocytes) are capable of locally activating vitamin D3and exhibiting a diverse biological effect such as photoprotection and immunosuppression, similar to the UVR-induced one.
  • 697
  • 29 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Vitamin D on Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction with COPD
Skeletal muscle dysfunction is frequently associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is characterized by a permanent airflow limitation, with a worsening respiratory disorder during disease evolution. COPD is a progressive lung disease, characterized by an irreversible airflow limitation. In COPD, the pathophysiological changes related to the chronic inflammatory state affect oxidant–antioxidant balance, which is one of the main mechanisms accompanying extra-pulmonary comorbidity such as muscle wasting. Muscle impairment is characterized by alterations on muscle fiber architecture, contractile protein integrity, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Vitamin D deficiency affects oxidative stress and mitochondrial function influencing disease course through an effect on muscle function in COPD patients.
  • 492
  • 27 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Vitamin D Deficiency Status in Malaysia
Vitamin D is essential for maintaining serum calcium levels, ensuring sufficient bone mineralization, immunomodulatory properties, and a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, renal disease, cancer, as well as in pregnancy. Vitamin D deficiency can be managed with pharmacological or non-pharmacological approaches, depending on the severity. The objective is to raise serum vitamin D to a normal level, hence, relieving the symptoms and reducing the adverse health outcomes. Despite no clear guidelines in treating vitamin D deficiency in Malaysia, this condition can be prevented with taking adequate vitamin D in food resources, sun exposure, or supplementation. Special attention should be given to high-risk groups including infants, obese patients, and the elderly.
  • 624
  • 11 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Vitamin D and Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia (PE) is a set of clinical symptoms that appears after the 20th week of pregnancy. It is a multi-organ disease characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, and in the absence of proteinuria—an impairment of the functions of the internal organs. With regard to the multiple mechanisms of action of Vit D, its deficiency seems to be one of the possible factors conducive to PE development. It has been suggested that the consequence of low Vit D levels may be the appearance of an early, severe form of PE, and its supplementation may be a protective factor against its recurrence in subsequent pregnancies [232]. The relationship between Vit D and PE development may explain its impact on implantation, angiogenesis, and endothelial status, regulation of the immune response, effect on RAAS, and calcium metabolism. 
  • 571
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Vitamin D and Iron on Skeletal Muscle Health
Many nutrients are essential for skeletal muscle health including vitamin D and iron. These nutrients have been well-established to play a role in improving muscular strength, muscle mass, and muscle function in various populations such as youth, athletes, and older adults. Together, muscular strength, muscle mass, and muscle function are important components that make up “skeletal muscle health”. Beyond the role that these nutrients have on skeletal muscle health, emerging literature has reported a link between vitamin D action on pro-inflammatory cytokines and mechanisms behind iron regulation, which may physiologically play a role in skeletal muscle health.
  • 424
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Vitamin C and Kidney Injury
Vitamin C is an important micronutrient and antioxidant for the human body.  In animal experiments, it can protect the kidneys from injury caused by nephrotoxic drugs.  A major feature of COVID-19 and similar viral infection is the cytokine storm, which causes a rise of multiple cytokines in the blood. Those cytokines result in the oxidative stress in cells, which leads to damage to organs and tissues, including the kidneys.  Here, we reviewed the current literature on kidney damage in COVID-19 patients and analyzed the possible etiology and mechanisms.  In addition, we summarized the potential use of vitamin C in preventing kidney damage in experimental animal models and the underlying mechanisms.  Vitamin C appears to protect and facilitate recovery of kidneys from injuries derived from excessive of oxidative stress, a feature of cytokines storm in people with COVID-19.  Finally, we would like to argue that vitamin C may be protective of the renal functions in COVID-19 patients with pre-existing kidney diseases. 
  • 990
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Vitamin A and Pregnancy
Vitamin A is a crucial micronutrient for pregnant women and their fetuses. In addition to being essential for morphological and functional development and for ocular integrity, vitamin A exerts systemic effects on several fetal organs and on the fetal skeleton. 
  • 838
  • 09 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Visually Impaired Persons’ Assistance
The development of new solutions to assist blind people is a major research domain having great potential to enhance the daily lives of such people. These innovative solutions aim to augment the perception of the surrounding environment for the blind and severely visually impaired. 
  • 177
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
VISTA, PDL-L1, and BRAF—Markers in Prognosis of Melanoma
Melanoma is currently known as one of the most aggressive malignant tumors. T cell Activation (VISTA) is a novel target that is considered to be highly important in determining the invasive potential and treatment response of a melanoma. Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) is a marker with whose importance has been revealed in multiple types of malignancies.
  • 425
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Vision-Based Methods for Food and Fluid Intake Monitoring
Food and fluid intake monitoring are essential for reducing the risk of dehydration, malnutrition, and obesity. The existing research has been preponderantly focused on dietary monitoring, while fluid intake monitoring, on the other hand, is often neglected. Food and fluid intake monitoring can be based on wearable sensors, environmental sensors, smart containers, and the collaborative use of multiple sensors. Vision-based intake monitoring methods have been widely exploited with the development of visual devices and computer vision algorithms. Vision-based methods provide non-intrusive solutions for monitoring. They have shown promising performance in food/beverage recognition and segmentation, human intake action detection and classification, and food volume/fluid amount estimation. However, occlusion, privacy, computational efficiency, and practicality pose significant challenges.
  • 324
  • 18 Jul 2023
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