Topic Review
Mediterranean Diet and COVID-19
Mediterranean Diet represents the traditional eating habits of populations living around the Mediterranean Sea, and it is associated with a lower risk of overall mortality and cancer incidence and cardiovascular diseases. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is a new pandemic, and represents a significant and critical threat to global human health.
  • 400
  • 13 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is widely recognized as a potentially severe toxicity that often leads to dose reduction or discontinuation of cancer treatment. Symptoms may persist despite discontinuation of chemotherapy and quality of life can be severely compromised. The clinical symptoms of CIPN, and the cellular and molecular targets involved in CIPN, are just as diverse as the wide variety of anticancer agents that cause peripheral neurotoxicity.
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  • 13 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Dental Plaque in Systemic Diseases
Periodontal diseases are not just simple bacterial infections, but rather complex diseases of multifactorial complexity. The connection between the subgingival microbes, the host immune, and inflammatory responses seems to be very clear. The mechanisms explaining the association between chronic periodontal disease and systemic diseases include a direct and an indirect route. The direct route results in ulceration in the lining of periodontal pockets, which can become a passage for bacteria into the systemic circulation. It leads to bacteremia, which allows bacteria to settle in distant organs aggravating existing disease conditions. The indirect route is based on the fact that chronic periodontal disease, being a significant source of inflammation, may play a role in other disease conditions in which inflammation is a major component.
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  • 13 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Drone Applications Fighting COVID-19
The non-military use of drones is becoming more widespread, which the media is now increasingly reporting. Drone applications fighting Covid-19 can be divided into different types of groups: surveillance of an area with a visual camera, detection of fever-infected people with a thermal camera, communication with an on-board installed loudspeaker or QR code flag and three different logistic tasks such as transportation of essentials, health products and disinfectants.   
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  • 12 Jan 2022
Topic Review
High-Cost Oncological Drugs
In Italy, drug expenditure governance is achieved by setting caps based on the percentage increase in hospital spending compared to the previous year. This method is ineffective in identifying issues and opportunities as it does not consider an analysis of the number of treated cases and per capita consumption in local and regional settings. The IRCCS (Scientific hospitalization and treatment institute) Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori (IRST) “Dino Amadori” in Meldola, has developed and adopted an effective management model designed to oversee pharmaceutical expenditure, guarantee prescription appropriateness and quality of care to patients. The budget setting follows a structured process which evaluates determining factors of the expenditure such as expected patients calculated according to the epidemiology and to national and regional indications of appropriateness, mean cost per patient calculated on the average period of demonstrated efficacy of the drug and use of drugs with the best cost-effectiveness ratio. Strict monitoring and integrated purchasing processes allow for immediate corrective actions on expenditures, as well as a continuous dialogue with the region in order to guarantee consistent funding of IRST activities.
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  • 12 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Technology-Enabled Chronic Respiratory Disease Patient Education
Technology-enabled learning, using computers, smartphones, and tablets, to educate patients on their respiratory disease and management has grown over the last decade. Developing online relationships with healthcare providers, lower digital capabilities, and poor access to a computer/smartphone/tablet, appear to be barriers that need to be overcome for equity in access. Maintaining the principles of quality educational design, ensuring interactive experiences for patient involvement in the educational activities, patient co-design, healthcare professionals connecting with experts in the field of technology-enabled learning for development of education models, and ongoing research lead to the best patient outcomes in technology-enabled education for respiratory disease.
  • 388
  • 12 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Types of COVID-19 Vaccines
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a highly contagious virus that emerged at the end of 2019 and has caused an upper respiratory disease pandemic, currently known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Vaccine clinical studies are developing promptly with the aim of obtaining vaccines that are effective in suppressing the spread of the virus; however, the development of viral mutations raises concerns about the decreasing effectiveness of the resulting vaccine, which also results in the need for more in-depth studies. There have been 330 vaccines developed, including 136 clinical developments and 194 pre-clinical developments. 
  • 554
  • 12 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Antibiotics and Their Impact on Bacterial Cellular Perturbation
Antibiotics belong to different classes of chemicals—including those of biological, synthetic, or semi-synthetic origin—and have selective modes of action. Based on their mechanisms of action, antimicrobial compounds are classified into two groups: bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Resistance is a natural adaptive tool that offers selection pressure to bacteria, and hence cannot be stopped entirely but rather be slowed down. Antibiotic resistance mutations mostly diminish bacterial reproductive fitness in an environment without antibiotics; however, a fraction of resistant populations ‘accidentally’ emerge as the fittest and thrive in a specific environmental condition, thus favouring the origin of a successful resistant clone.
  • 628
  • 11 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Mupirocin in Bacterial Skin and Soft Tissue Infection
Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) have increased problematically in hospital and ambulatory settings due to the poor immunity of hosts and multidrug-resistant pathogens. Mupirocin (MUP), a global topical antibiotic, is used for the treatment of SSTIs caused by various pathogens due to its unique mechanism of action. However, the therapeutic efficiency of MUP is hampered due to the protein binding and drug resistance caused by frequent use. A combined report covering the various aspects of MUP, such as the synthesis of the novel formulation, loading of the drug, and application against various skin infections, is missing. 
  • 456
  • 11 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Time-Out with Young Children
Time-out is a component of many evidence-based parent training programmes for the treatment of childhood conduct problems. Existing comprehensive reviews suggest that time-out is both safe and effective when used predictably, infrequently, calmly and as one component of a collection of parenting strategies—i.e., when utilised in the manner advocated by most parent training programmes. However, this research evidence has been largely oriented towards the academic community and is often in conflict with the widespread misinformation about time-out within communities of parents, and within groups of treatment practitioners. This dissonance has the potential to undermine the dissemination and implementation of an effective suite of treatments for common and disabling childhood conditions. The parent-practitioner relationship is integral to the success of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), an evidence-based treatment which involves live coaching of parent(s) with their young child(ren). Yet this relationship, and practitioner perspectives, attitudes and values as they relate to time-out, are often overlooked. This practitioner review explores the dynamics of the parent-practitioner relationship as they apply to the teaching and coaching of time-out to parents. It also acknowledges factors within the clinical setting that impact on time-out’s use, such as the views of administrators and professional colleagues. The paper is oriented toward practitioners of PCIT but is of relevance to all providers of parent training interventions for young children.
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  • 11 Jan 2022
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