Topic Review
Smart Cities and Financial Sustainability
Smart city initiatives have become recurrent strategies used by local governments to provide better services, improve their managerial effectiveness, and increase citizen participation in cities’ decision-making processes. Great potential exists to use data, information, and communication technologies (ICT) more extensively to improve city operations. However, depending on the size and financial situation of the cities, some smart city initiatives could be considered investments that are too expensive and not easy to maintain in the long term. If city governments want to achieve most of the benefits arising from the intense use of technology and data, building financially sustainable smart cities should be seen as a priority.
  • 941
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Social Network Emotional Marketing Influence Consumers’ Purchase Behavior
With the deepening application of Internet technology, social network emotional marketing has become a new way of sustainability marketing. The influencing factors of consumers’ purchase behavior are extracted from a massive social network emotional marketing data set, and the Delphi method is adopted to interview experts to revise and improve the influencing factors. The Delphi method is used to further confirm that trust and attachment influence consumers’ purchase intention in social network emotional marketing. 
  • 277
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Spillovers across the Asian OPEC+ Financial Market
The entry extends prior research by investigating the dynamics of the Asian OPEC+ oil stock market in light of recent exogenous events: natural calamities and geopolitical occurrences.
  • 293
  • 25 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Status Quo of 17 UN SDGs in Vietnam
The United Nations cautions that the Sustainable Development Goals may not be met by 2030, as COVID-19, the financial and energy crises continue to take a toll. Developing nations are grappling with many challenges, including sluggish economic growth, surging inflation, widespread supply chain disruptions, mounting debt, and declining job prospects. Governments, policymakers, and businesses need to develop specific strategies to address these issues.
  • 194
  • 28 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Stock Index Prediction
The stock index is an important indicator to measure stock market fluctuation, with a guiding role for investors’ decision-making, thus being the object of much research. However, the stock market is affected by uncertainty and volatility, making accurate prediction a challenging task. 
  • 731
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Stock Selection Criterion
Stock selection criteria or stock picking is a multi-method technique for investing when specifically dealing with stocks (equity markets). The stock investment or position can be "long" (bought) (to benefit from a stock price increase) or "short" (sold) (to benefit from a decrease in a stock's price), depending on the investor or financial professional's expectation of how the stock price is going to move. The stock selection criteria may include systematic stock picking methods that utilize computer software and/or data.
  • 511
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Supervision of Complex Banking Networks
The global financial crisis of 2008, triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, highlighted a banking system that was widely exposed to systemic risk. The minimization of the systemic risk via a close and detailed monitoring of the entire banking network became a priority.
  • 389
  • 14 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Supply Chain Firms in the Fertilizer Market
The improvement of supply chain firms in the fertilizer sector through the increase of their stock market price can be impacted by various factors in the global economic landscape. The potential utilization of big data extracted from the cryptocurrency market is focused, decentralized finance applications, and blockchain technology to model and predict the trajectory of the stock market price of supply chain firms in the fertilizer sector.
  • 374
  • 24 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Supply-Chain Optimization
Supply-chain optimization is the application of processes and tools to ensure the optimal operation of a manufacturing and distribution supply chain. This includes the optimal placement of inventory within the supply chain, minimizing operating costs (including manufacturing costs, transportation costs, and distribution costs). This often involves the application of mathematical modelling techniques using computer software.
  • 349
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Sustainability Performance & Sustainable Banking
In the light of Agenda 2030 awareness of sustainability is steadily growing all over the world. Devastating phenomena like pandemics (Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)), poverty (Sustainable Development Goal 1 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) as well as climate change (Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) threaten humanity, calling for more sustainable solutions. Although economic growth (Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) is one of the principal goals for a sustainable future, little research has been devoted to the interface of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability and their contribution to the financial sector, in view of sustainable banking. Even fewer are the studies concerning sustainable banking in Greece. This paper attempts a comparative overview of sustainability integration into businesses, focusing on the banking industry. The current theoretical analysis initially provides an extended review of the CSR and sustainability concepts, which is followed by a comprehensive analysis of non-financial disclosures (NFDs) and their business value, providing some evidence from Greece. 
  • 2.9K
  • 15 Jun 2021
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