Topic Review
Entrepreneurship Leadership on Youth Entrepreneurial Intentions Post-COVID-19
Leadership is possibly an essential element in numerous success factors for start-ups and their continuous growth. Entrepreneurial leadership has been identified as the driver toward a more prosperous economic future. Entrepreneurial leadership can be defined as a leader who possesses entrepreneurship skills in addition to others. The analysis of the profile of the entrepreneur and the role in organisations as entrepreneurial leaders reveals that there is a close correlation between entrepreneurship and the exploration of opportunities, which the entrepreneurial leader bases on adaptability to change, innovation and risk-taking. Entrepreneurial learning has been affected by COVID-19 as it created a physical gap between the learner and the educator. 
  • 239
  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Information Technology Governance and Bank Performance in Jordan
Financial performance is identified by return on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE), and Tobin’s Q. Averages of these variables were calculated for five years from 2015 to 2019. In fact, there is evidence for the general argument that banks will improve their performance by implementing information technology governance (ITG).
  • 239
  • 24 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Inflation-Hedging Capabilities of Real Estate Investment Portfolios
Inflation is a term used to describe a purely monetary rate of upward movement in the prices of goods during a specific time frame. There has been a wide belief that real estate is a source of good investment portfolios because it has a hedge against inflation. 
  • 238
  • 18 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Political Connection and Environmental Protection Investment
In state-owned enterprises, the existence and the increasing proportion of politically connected directors on the board have increased corporate environmental protection investment. In non-state-owned enterprises, the existence and the increasing proportion of politically connected directors on the board lead to lower corporate environmental protection investment levels.
  • 237
  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Spillovers across the Asian OPEC+ Financial Market
The entry extends prior research by investigating the dynamics of the Asian OPEC+ oil stock market in light of recent exogenous events: natural calamities and geopolitical occurrences.
  • 236
  • 25 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Failure Definitions and Financial Distress Prediction Models
The concept of business failure has been under discussion in the academic and business world due to the economic and social relevance of the topic. The mere threat of a business going bankrupt affects the entire chain of business relationships. Therefore, predicting the bankruptcy of a business in advance is extremely important for investors, credit banks, suppliers, the state, employees, and other stakeholders of the organization. In this context, academics and professionals have sought to develop models for predicting business failure. The literature on this topic has evolved since the seminal works of Beaver (1967) and Altman, mainly based on the use of mathematics and statistics. However, with the emergence of artificial intelligence, the topic of predicting business failure has resurfaced with additional enthusiasm. This presentation addresses the evolution of business failure prediction models.
  • 236
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Social Network Emotional Marketing Influence Consumers’ Purchase Behavior
With the deepening application of Internet technology, social network emotional marketing has become a new way of sustainability marketing. The influencing factors of consumers’ purchase behavior are extracted from a massive social network emotional marketing data set, and the Delphi method is adopted to interview experts to revise and improve the influencing factors. The Delphi method is used to further confirm that trust and attachment influence consumers’ purchase intention in social network emotional marketing. 
  • 234
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Dependency and Elderly Care
The rapid ageing of populations around the world is creating complex challenges for national governments. The establishment of sustainable and equitable long-term care systems for old and dependent people is one of the main issues of social policy in developed countries. 
  • 233
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Predicting Risk of Corporate Bankruptcy
Predicting the risk of corporate bankruptcy is one of the most important challenges for researchers dealing with the issue of financial health evaluation. The risk of corporate bankruptcy is most often assessed with the use of early warning models. The results of these models are significantly influenced by the financial features entering them. 
  • 233
  • 01 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Bitcoin in Conventional Markets
Blockchain technology is being closely studied from a technical point of view and links to the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as its impact on financial investment. A secure blockchain is a distributed network in which information is stored as a chain-connected block. This innovative technology is based on cryptography and decentralization principles, ensuring high data security and integrity. Using cryptographic algorithms, the blockchain can help or face challenges in ensuring privacy and protection against fraud and manipulation. The combination of cryptographic algorithms and consensus mechanisms enables a variety of uses for blockchain technology, such as the development of applications with enhanced security, blockchain distribution networks, intelligent grids or digital financial systems. One of the most evocative immersions of blockchain technology into conventional markets is the innovative use of blockchain to create crypto-assets and the expansive attraction of investors to adopt blockchain currencies for investment portfolio diversification.
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  • 16 Nov 2023
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