Topic Review
Panama Papers (South America)
The Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. The documents, some dating back to the 1970s, were created by, and taken from, Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca, and were leaked in 2015 by an anonymous source. This page details related allegations, reactions, and investigations, in South America.
  • 279
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Participation in Political Crowdfunding during COVID-19 Pandemic
Participation in the political process is the fundamental right and responsibility of a citizen. Online political participation has gained popularity as it is convenient and effective. Political crowdfunding helps political candidates and parties pledge funds, usually small, from a large population and seek support through marketing campaigns during elections.
  • 398
  • 04 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Political Connection and Environmental Protection Investment
In state-owned enterprises, the existence and the increasing proportion of politically connected directors on the board have increased corporate environmental protection investment. In non-state-owned enterprises, the existence and the increasing proportion of politically connected directors on the board lead to lower corporate environmental protection investment levels.
  • 253
  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Political Uncertainty and Initial Public Offerings
Considering the importance of market timing in the firm’s decision to go public, it was seen that firms had shown an unwillingness to come up with an initial public offering (IPO) during periods of high political uncertainty. Political uncertainty has shown its influence in all the phases of the IPO process; however, political connections and donations mitigate this effect.
  • 432
  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Predicting Risk of Corporate Bankruptcy
Predicting the risk of corporate bankruptcy is one of the most important challenges for researchers dealing with the issue of financial health evaluation. The risk of corporate bankruptcy is most often assessed with the use of early warning models. The results of these models are significantly influenced by the financial features entering them. 
  • 287
  • 01 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Prediction of Customer Churn in Retail E-Commerce Business
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is defined as a process in which the business manages its interactions with customers using data integration from various sources and data analysis.
  • 1.9K
  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Prediction of Penalties or Compensation Payments in Companies
Corporate misconduct is a huge and widespread problem in the economy. Many companies make mistakes that result in them having to pay penalties or compensation to other businesses. Some of these cases are so serious that they take a toll on a company’s financial condition. Several algorithms were to create and evaluate which can predict whether a company will have to pay a penalty and to discover what financial indicators may signal it.
  • 793
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Price Stability Properties and Volatility of Precious Metals
It was recognized that stock markets can be impacted by shocks in financial market uncertainties, while precious metal markets are steadier secure resources that will not be highly impacted by outside shocks. Herein, the focus of the present research is on the price stability properties of precious metals during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, 2007–2008 Global Financial Crisis, and 2010 Eurozone Crisis. 
  • 769
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Prosumption as Basic Market Force in Modern Economy
The term “prosumption” is a portmanteau of production and consumption. It refers to a process where a consumer takes over some of the activities previously performed by a producer, usually by directly involving themselves in the design and production of various goods or services. Prosumption is the basic market force in the modern economy.
  • 3.8K
  • 07 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund (QIAIF)
Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund or QIAIF is a Central Bank of Ireland regulatory classification established in 2013 for Ireland's five tax-free legal structures for holding assets. The Irish Collective Asset-management Vehicle or ICAV is the most popular of the five Irish QIAIF structures, and was designed in 2014 to rival the Cayman Island SPC; it is the main tax-free structure for foreign investors holding Irish assets. In 2018, the Central Bank of Ireland expanded the Loan Originating QIAIF or L–QIAIF regime which enables the five tax-free structures to be used for closed-end debt instruments. The L–QIAIF is Ireland's main Debt–based BEPS tool as it overcomes the lack of confidentiality and tax secrecy of the Section 110 SPV. It is asserted that many assets in QIAIFs and LQIAIFs are Irish assets being shielded from Irish taxation. Irish QIAIFs and LQIAIFs can be integrated with Irish corporate base erosion and profit shifting ("BEPS") tax tools to create confidential routes out of the Irish tax system to Ireland's main Sink OFC, Luxembourg. In March 2019, the UN identified Ireland's "preferential tax regimes" for foreign funds on Irish assets as affecting the human rights of tenants in Ireland.
  • 676
  • 10 Nov 2022
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