Topic Review
The Macroeconomic Effects of a Pandemic in Pakistan
The eruption of COVID-19 has jolted the national and international economy. Pakistan is included, causing millions of people to stay at home, lose their jobs, and suspend or end business operations. Unemployment in Pakistan has reached nearly 25 million people, driving many towards conditions of hunger and poverty as the major economic damage in several sectors is anticipated at around PKR 1.3 trillion. The hardest-affected sectors comprise industries such as tourism and travel, financial markets, entertainment, manufacturing, etc., having a devastating effect on gross domestic product (GDP). It is mainly daily-wage earners and people running small businesses that have been seriously exploited and subjected to a curfew-like situation. 
  • 749
  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Stock Index Prediction
The stock index is an important indicator to measure stock market fluctuation, with a guiding role for investors’ decision-making, thus being the object of much research. However, the stock market is affected by uncertainty and volatility, making accurate prediction a challenging task. 
  • 731
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
The Structural Approach of Market Competition
Competition assessment in the economics is based on the theory of market struc-ture. There are two perceptions of industrial competition—dynamical and statical. A statical picture shows—a long-term balance of industrial competition which will exist if the industry would be described as a market entity in perfect competition, having the constant technology [9]. Distorted competition arises from the advantages of various processes, economies of capacity, lower prices, which support greater market power of one against its competitors. Robust approach states—that the market is often imperfect. Distorted competition arises from modern innovation, product derivations, technological advances in production processes. In addi-tion, monopoly situation is volatile because of creative destruction. Whereas factors connected with technological progress and firm innovation are difficult to detect from a dynamic point of view.
  • 730
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Neural Network
Artificial neural networks (ANN) are known to be able to provide an abnormal return by using technical indicators as predictors in stock markets. The ANN, as a deep learning (DL)  technique is used to recognize patterns or images by imitating the visual processing of living organisms.
  • 725
  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Unabsorbed Slack Resources and Enterprise Innovation
In 1963, Cyert & March defined slack resources as “the difference between total resources needed by the enterprise organization to maintain the status quo and the resources actually possessed by the organization”. There exist different forms of slack resources, such as idle machinery and equipment, surplus cash, extra employees, and semi-finished products in processing.  Technological innovation plays an important role in the success of enterprises and it is a critical factor for them to gain strong short-term market performance and long-term competitive advantage. Due to long cycles, large investments, and high adjustment costs, adequate resource support is essential to ensure the sustainability of innovation activities.
  • 722
  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Fixed Book Price Agreement
A fixed book price agreement (FBPA) is a form of resale price maintenance applied to books. It commonly takes the form of an agreement between publishers and booksellers which set the prices at which books were to be sold to the public. An example of an FBPA was the former Net Book Agreement in the United Kingdom . The key idea of an FBPA is to promote non-price competition between booksellers in order to promote the sale of little-known, difficult or otherwise culturally interesting books rather than catering only to blockbuster readers. To do so, an FBPA is deemed to ensure that the booksellers that provide the corresponding presale services are able to recoup their higher costs with a guaranteed margin on blockbusters. A related case is the existence of a fixed book price law (FBPL), where the book prices are kept fixed by law. An example of an FBPL is the current Lang Law in France . An FBPA/FBPL, with various provisos, has existed in some developed countries since the beginning of the twentieth century. It remains in force in roughly half the countries of the European Union as well as in some other countries.
  • 720
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Chicago Stock Exchange
The Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) is a stock exchange in Chicago , Illinois, US. The exchange is a national securities exchange and self-regulatory organization, which operates under the oversight of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Chicago Stock Exchange is currently located at 440 South LaSalle Street (FOUR40). Founded on March 21, 1882, the Chicago Stock Exchange merged with the regional stock exchanges St. Louis Stock Exchange, Cleveland Stock Exchange and Minneapolis-St. Paul Stock Exchange to form the Midwest Stock Exchange in 1949. In 1959, the New Orleans Stock Exchange became part of the Midwest Stock Exchange, and in the early 1960s the Midwest Stock Exchange Service Corporation was established to provide centralized accounting for member firms. In 1993 it changed its name back to the Chicago Stock Exchange.
  • 714
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Financial Shocks and Financial Resilience of Australian Households
Based on a national survey conducted by Australian Bureau of Statistics in December 2020, during COVID-19, financial shocks continued to hit low-income households and one parent family with dependent children the hardest. The lowest income households had to forfeit a week’s worth of income on a less expensive shock but then three times of weekly income to absorb a more expensive shock. The overall households also had a low rate in seeking financial information, counselling or advice from a professional.
  • 700
  • 11 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Carbon Emissions and Firm Performance
: This paper examines the effects of carbon emissions on the accounting and market-based performance of financial and non-financial firms in emerging economies. Data for 104 financial and 328 non-financial firms constituting 2591 observations operating in 22 emerging economies were collected from the Datastream database for the period 2011–2020. We applied OLS and 2SLS regression techniques to analyze the data. The results show that financial firms emit less carbon than their non-financial counterparts. The results further show that carbon emissions reduce firms’ return on equity, Tobin’s Q, Z-score, and credit rating. Our findings remain robust in different estimation techniques and alternative proxies of performance. Our results have some important policy implications for emerging economies.
  • 696
  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
The Relationship between Capital Structure and Firm Performance
Capital structure is negatively related to firm performance. Agency cost also has a negative impact on corporate performance; however, in the case of return on assets (ROA) and earnings per share (EPS), the relationship is positive. Interestingly, the findings illustrate that increasing the level of debt can reduce agency costs and enhance firm performance. Moreover, robust correlations are revealing that agency cost significantly affects the relationship between capital structure and corporate performance. 
  • 692
  • 11 Aug 2023
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