Topic Review
Syngas Fermentation
The fermentation of syngas is an attractive technology that can be integrated with gasification of lignocellulosic biomass. The coupling of these two technologies allows for treating a great variety of raw materials. Lignin usually hinders microbial fermentations; thus, the thermal decomposition of the whole material into small molecules allows for the production of fuels and other types of molecules using syngas as substrate, a process performed at mild conditions.
  • 471
  • 23 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Barriers and Enables in Demand Response Performance Chain
The role of demand response increases considerably with a higher share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix, characterized with more frequent energy market price fluctuations due to mismatch between uncontrollable weather-dependent production and currently relatively inflexible energy consumption. Reallocation of energy consumption from high-price hours to lower price hours helps to avoid extra costs to the entire economy and ensures the possibility to minimize fossil-based energy generation, therefore contributing to the achievement of zero-emission goals.
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh
Dr. N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli in 2000. He obtained his Masters in Production Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. In 2014, he was awarded Ph.D degree for his research thesis on Friction Welding of dissimilar materials by Anna University, Chennai. Currently, he is with Faculty of Mechanical E
  • 393
  • 18 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Core Directions in Miscanthus Research
Мискантус является ценным возобновляемым сырьем и обладает значительным потенциалом для производства разнообразных продуктов на основе таких макромолекул, как целлюлоза, гемицеллюлозы и лигнин. 
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  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Circular Economy and Product Durability
Due to the large and unsustainable use of valuable natural resources and electronic waste generation worldwide, which poses risks to human health and the environment, different organizations have initiated efforts to shift from a linear economy to a circular economy. A crucial aspect of promoting a circular economy is improving product durability, which can reduce resource extraction and waste because products remain in use for a longer period. Methods for measuring and indexing durability should encourage consumers to buy more durable products and incentivize manufacturers to compete in improving durability.
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  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Green Roofs in Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure (GI) has emerged as a potent strategy to mitigate climate change’s impacts. GI constitutes a network of green spaces encompassing public and private areas, managed as an integrated system to deliver multifarious benefits. This hybrid infrastructure amalgamates green spaces and conventional systems, including forests, wetlands, parks, green roofs, and walls, to bolster ecosystem resilience and furnish ecosystem services, benefiting both the environment and humans.
  • 232
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion
The increasing global population and urbanization have led to a pressing need for effective solutions to manage the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). High-solids anaerobic digestion (HS-AD) has garnered attention as a sustainable technology that offers reduced water demand and energy consumption, and an increased biogas production rate. 
  • 138
  • 28 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Aspects of Rail Transport
The development of railways stands as a pivotal milestone in the history of transportation, transforming the world and revolutionising the movement of people and goods. From their humble beginnings as rudimentary track systems to the sophisticated and interconnected networks we witness today, railways have played a crucial role in fostering economic growth, promoting globalisation, and shaping modern societies. Railways have long been recognised as one of the most environmentally friendly means of mass transit, offering lower carbon emissions, energy efficiency, and reduced congestion compared to other transportation modes. However, there are still many challenges to overcome to provide continuous sustainability in the context of environmental impacts, especially related to wildlife and habitat protection. 
  • 1.1K
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Internet of Things Technologies in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Incorporating smart tools and technologies into Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) has been identified as a natural next step for stormwater management. A plethora of smart stormwater management systems have been proposed, mostly by integrating sensing, control, communication, and computing capabilities. These advancements can augment the operation, performance, and capacity of existing or new infrastructure through enhanced data capture, analysis, and control of infrastructure systems. These methods have been tested in the realm of water management for monitoring, controlling, and managing water volume and quality, and for supporting decision-making practices in water distribution networks.
  • 325
  • 15 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chip Topology
Optical networks-on-chip (NoCs) have emerged as a next-generation solution to overcome the limitations of electrical NoCs. In particular, wavelength-routed optical networks-on-chip (WRONoCs) are well known for their high bandwidth and ultra-low signal delay. Despite these advantages, WRONoCs are challenged by reliability concerns, because the main components in WRONoCs, i.e., microring resonators (MRRs), are susceptible to fabrication inaccuracies. When an MRR along a signal path is defective, the signal transmitted on that path will fail to reach its designated destination, which leads to transmission errors and data loss. 
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  • 06 Sep 2023
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