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Navasingh, R.J.H. Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 30 June 2024).
Navasingh RJH. Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed June 30, 2024.
Navasingh, Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes. "Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh" Encyclopedia, (accessed June 30, 2024).
Navasingh, R.J.H. (2023, October 18). Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh. In Encyclopedia.
Navasingh, Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes. "Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh." Encyclopedia. Web. 18 October, 2023.
Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh
Welding MMC Casting Friction Drilling Friction welding Corrossion NDT

1. Introduction

Dr. N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli in 2000. He obtained his Masters in Production Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. In 2014, he was awarded Ph.D degree for his research thesis on Friction Welding of dissimilar materials by Anna University, Chennai.

Currently, he is with Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Opole University of Technology, Proszkowska 76, 45-758 Opole, Poland, as a visiting scientist. He is the recipient of NAWA – ULAM fellowship of Polish Government, during 2022. He is serving as Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, India.

Dr. N.Rajesh JesudossHynes has been listed in “Indian Researchers who were Top 2% in 2019”, published by Stanford University Study during November 2020. This list includes 2500+ researchers from all global premier institutions cutting across all domains of study.

He is an active researcher. He has undertaken several research projects from national funding agencies such as Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Defense Research Development Laboratory, Hyderabad Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Department, New Delhi, Institution of Engineers, Kolkotta, All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), Indian Institute of Technology - Madras and Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai.

To his credit, he has published 118 articles in international journals of repute (SCI/Scopus indexed), 72 articles in National & International Conferences, 16 Elsevier/Springer book chapters and edited 2 Books. Recently, 12 patents were granted for his inventions and 9 of his patents were published in Indian Patent Journal, Kolkata.

His areas of interest include Friction Welding, Joining of dissimilar materials, Friction Drilling, Friction Riveting, Transient Liquid Phase Bonding, Green Corrosion inhibition, Non-Destructive Testing, CNC Machines, Aluminum Matrix Composites and Surface grinding. 7 research scholars had completed their Ph.D under his guidance and currently, 7 research scholars are pursuing their Ph.D. under his guidance in different facets of manufacturing.

Dr. N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes is the recipient of Fast track Young Scientist Award, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi in 2013. In 2005, he was honoured as Best Faculty Advisor by Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi. He was awarded Outstanding Reviewer status by Elsevier, Netherlands for 3 consecutive years 2014, 2015 & 2016. He was recognized as Outstanding Scientist in the field of Welding, by Venus International Foundation in December 2015. He was awarded “Best Supervisor Award” for guiding quality innovative Engineering projects in Engineering Students Innovation Challenge, ESIC 2017, conducted by International Society for Scientific & Research Development, Bangalore.

2. Achievements

Dr. N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes has bagged several NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) awards.

  1. Domain Scholar in Materials Joining
  2. Domain Scholar in Patents & Intellectual Property Rights
  3. Domain Scholar in Advanced Faculty Domain
  4. NPTEL Motivated learner
  5. NPTEL Believer

Dr. N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes is the Member of the following Professional Societies

  1. Life member, MIE (ID:M-1558891) in Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkotta.
  2. Senior Member of International Society for Research and Development, London.
  3. Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi.
  4. Life member (ID: 145454) in International Association of Engineers, Hong-kong.
  5. International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan conferred honorary Life Membership. (ID: M172845)

Important Roles related Innovation, Incubation, Research & Entrepreneurship

  • Assessor in the Panel of Experts of Science, National Science Center, Poland for evaluation of international project proposals, since 2022.
  • Assessor in the Panel of Experts of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, New Delhi for evaluation of the Project Proposals submitted under Early Career Research Award scheme, since 2016.
  • Secretary, Mepco Incubation Centre, Sivakasi (registered as a Society) since 2019, taking care of all incubation related activities.
  • Nodal Officer, MSEC, Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA), an initiative of Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2018.
  • Coordinator, MSEC, National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP) initiative of Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell, since 2020. 
  • Faculty in-charge for Entrepreneurship Development Council, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, since 2015. 
  • Coordinator of Student Project Scheme since 2015, responsible for arranging seed money for innovative ideas and conducted periodic reviews in order to nurture and achieve the goals.
  • President, MSEC, Institution’s Innovation Council, Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2018. He works towards creating a vibrant local innovation ecosystem and Start-up supporting Mechanism inside the campus.
  • Academic Council Member of SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India, since 2021.
  • Member of Board of Studies of Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, India, since 2014.
  • Single point of contact (SpoC) of ACIC-Mepco Innovative Foundation (ACIC-MIF), a not-for-profit section 8 company, is functioning to provide an excellent framework for the Innovation Ecosystem to transform the community in and around the Institution, as a flagship initiative of Atal Innovation Mission.                                                                    
  • Co-founder and CEO of Aleph Innowonders, recognized as Startup by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) under the Startup India initiative
Further Reading
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Name: Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes Navasingh
Born: Jan 1978
Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Title: Professor
Affiliations: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Opole University of Technology, 76 Proszkowska St., 45-758 Opole, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi 626005, India
Honors: Indian Researchers who were Top 2% in 2019 Recipient of NAWA – ULAM fellowship of Polish Government Fast track Young Scientist Award, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi Best Supervisor Award from nternational Society for Scientific & Research Development, Bangalore. National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning Domain scholar awards in 3 domains Assessor in the Panel of Experts of Science, National Science Center, Poland Assessor in the Panel of Experts of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, New Delhi Single point of contact (SpoC) of ACIC-Mepco Innovative Foundation (ACIC-MIF), Sec 8 Company Co-founder and CEO of Aleph Innowonders, recognized as Startup by DPIIT, startup initiative
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Update Date: 18 Oct 2023
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