Topic Review
Multiphysics Data for Mineral Exploration
Different geophysical methods provide information about various physical properties of rock formations and mineralization. In many cases, this information is mutually complementary. At the same time, inversion of the data for a particular survey is subject to considerable uncertainty and ambiguity as to causative body geometry and intrinsic physical property contrast. One productive approach to reducing uncertainty is to jointly invert several types of data. Non-uniqueness can also be reduced by incorporating additional information derived from available geological and/or geophysical data in the survey area to reduce the searching space for the solution. This additional information can be incorporated in the form of a joint inversion of multiphysics data. 
  • 473
  • 13 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Bragg Grating Structures Based on a Semiconductor Platform
Optical waveguides (WGs), in the traditional sense, are translucent geometries with a refractive index difference that directs optical beams via total internal reflection. A Bragg grating (BG) structure is a regular WG with periodic refractive index (RI) variations running across it.
  • 473
  • 11 Jul 2022
Topic Review
In physics, an operator is a function over a space of physical states onto another space of physical states. The simplest example of the utility of operators is the study of symmetry (which makes the concept of a group useful in this context). Because of this, they are very useful tools in classical mechanics. Operators are even more important in quantum mechanics, where they form an intrinsic part of the formulation of the theory.
  • 473
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
GaN-Based Resonant-Cavity Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on Si
GaN-on-Si resonant-cavity light-emitting diodes (RCLEDs) have been successfully fabricated through wafer bonding and Si substrate removal. 
  • 472
  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Radiography of Cultural Objects
The radiography of cultural objects is the use of radiography to understand intrinsic details about objects. Most commonly this involves X-rays of paintings to reveal underdrawing, pentimenti alterations in the course of painting or by later restorers, and sometimes previous paintings on the support. Many pigments such as lead white show well in radiographs. X-ray spectromicroscopy has also been used to analyse the reactions of pigments in paintings. For example, in analysing colour degradation in the paintings of van Gogh. These processes can reveal various details about objects that are not visible to the naked eye. This information, which includes structural elements, aids conservators as they assess object condition and consider treatment plans. For three dimensional objects, the computed tomography (CT) has become a common tool, which when combined with analysis can, for example, "digitally unroll" or unfold and make possible the reading of fragile scrolls, books, or sealed correspondence.
  • 472
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Terahertz Spectroscopy and Technology
Terahertz spectroscopy detects and controls properties of matter with electromagnetic fields that are in the frequency range between a few hundred gigahertz and several terahertz (abbreviated as THz). In many-body systems, several of the relevant states have an energy difference that matches with the energy of a THz photon. Therefore, THz spectroscopy provides a particularly powerful method in resolving and controlling individual transitions between different many-body states. By doing this, one gains new insights about many-body quantum kinetics and how that can be utilized in developing new technologies that are optimized up to the elementary quantum level. Different electronic excitations within semiconductors are already widely used in lasers, electronic components and computers. At the same time, they constitute an interesting many-body system whose quantum properties can be modified, e.g., via a nanostructure design. Consequently, THz spectroscopy on semiconductors is relevant in revealing both new technological potentials of nanostructures as well as in exploring the fundamental properties of many-body systems in a controlled fashion.
  • 471
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Exchange Bias in Nanostructures
Exchange bias (EB) is a unidirectional anisotropy occurring in exchange-coupled ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic systems, such as thin films, core–shell particles, or nanostructures. In addition to a horizontal shift of the hysteresis loop, defining the exchange bias, asymmetric loops and even vertical shifts can often be found. 
  • 471
  • 30 Aug 2023
Topic Review
High-Throughput Screening Methods for Radiosensitivity and Resistance
The biological impact of ionizing radiation (IR) on humans depends not only on the physical properties and absorbed dose of radiation but also on the unique susceptibility of the exposed individual. A critical target of IR is DNA, and the DNA damage response is a safeguard mechanism for maintaining genomic integrity in response to the induced cellular stress. Unrepaired DNA lesions lead to various mutations, contributing to adverse health effects.
  • 471
  • 19 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Types of Compton Cameras
A Compton camera is a promising γ-ray detector that operates in the wide energy range of a few tens of keV to MeV. The γ-ray detection method of a Compton camera is based on Compton scattering kinematics, which is used to determine the direction and energy of the γ-rays without using a mechanical collimator. Although the Compton camera was originally designed for astrophysical applications, it was later applied in medical imaging as well. Moreover, its application in environmental radiation measurements is also under study.
  • 470
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Lieb-Robinson Bounds
The Lieb-Robinson bound is a theoretical upper limit on the speed at which information can propagate in non-relativistic quantum systems. It demonstrates that information cannot travel instantaneously in quantum theory, even when the relativity limits of the speed of light are ignored. The existence of such a finite speed was discovered mathematically by Elliott H. Lieb and Derek W. Robinson (de) in 1972. It turns the locality properties of physical systems into the existence of, and upper bound for this speed. The bound is now known as the Lieb-Robinson bound and the speed is known as the Lieb-Robinson velocity. This velocity is always finite but not universal, depending on the details of the system under consideration. For finite-range, e.g. nearest-neighbor, interactions, this velocity is a constant independent of the distance travelled. In long-range interacting systems, this velocity remains finite, but it can increase with the distance travelled. In the study of quantum systems such as quantum optics, quantum information theory, atomic physics, and condensed matter physics, it is important to know that there is a finite speed with which information can propagate. The theory of relativity shows that no information, or anything else for that matter, can travel faster than the speed of light. When non-relativistic mechanics is considered, however, (Newton's equations of motion or Schrödinger's equation of quantum mechanics) it had been thought that there is then no limitation to the speed of propagation of information. This is not so for certain kinds of quantum systems of atoms arranged in a lattice, often called quantum spin systems. This is important conceptually and practically, because it means that, for short periods of time, distant parts of a system act independently. One of the practical applications of Lieb-Robinson bounds is quantum computing. Current proposals to construct quantum computers built out of atomic-like units mostly rely on the existence of this finite speed of propagation to protect against too rapid dispersal of information. 
  • 470
  • 20 Oct 2022
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